Related: About this forumYou know what else is missing from the Olympics?
Besides fans in the stands, cupping of swimmers and overall interest?
Big Head Bob Costas!!!!!

El Supremo
(20,386 posts)a kennedy
(32,966 posts)SallyHemmings
(1,926 posts)
(3,813 posts)"What?" Kubek asked. "OK, Curly. He looked the best." As play on the field continued, Costas kept at it. "Mine is Shemp," Costas said. "Very underrated. Sort of a utility Stooge. He'd come off the bench to provide immediate idiot relief when some other Stooge went on the DL after being hit in the head by Moe with a pipe."
(32,109 posts)Shemp was not a "utility stooge" who came off the bench when another one got injured. Shemp was a full-time replacement following a massive stroke from which Jerome (Curly) never recovered.
Shemp (born Samuel Horwitz) was an original "stooge" (actually one of Ted Healy's Southern Gentlemen) who performed alongside brother Moses (Moe) in Vaudeville. He left the act to pursue a solo career in 1932, returning to The Three Stooges upon Curly's illness and long after they had left Healy.
(32,109 posts)"Costas is a self-appointed, egotistical, know-it-all, opportunistic, blowhard." -- El Supremo (LINK:
I can't think of a more tired act in all of of sports than Bob Costas. Retire already.
El Supremo
(20,386 posts)But I'm still right about Big Head Bob.
(32,109 posts)it took four-five years or so. That's not soon.
As for the rest of the country that was correct too. A large group of them will never understand. Including the Cleveland fans who want Chief Wahoo back.
Now, what do we do about Joe Buck ...?
El Supremo
(20,386 posts)2000! FOX has the rights through 2028!
Their entire production sucks I havent been watching the WS or postseason on Fox unless Cleveland or SF has been playing, and only then with the TV sound off and local radio on. Did this starting in 2010, 2012, 2014, and 2016.