Related: About this forumWatching the NFL today I see a commercial for Yellowstone bourbon. It might be good stuff but I had to
laugh. Not the best product to promote though. Then I just saw a gambling commercial. That pisses me off. They shouldn't be pushing FanDuel.
Sports these days. Then we have kids sitting out bowl games because of their draft prospects. I only played high school ball, but that crap is nothing about what we thought being part of a football team was back in the day.

OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)All of them. Fantasy leagues are quite popular. My son makes/loses small money from his selections. I think that keeps a lot of the fan base today interested. This and the fact that the stars you love end up leaving to make more lucrative contracts, kills your team's unique identity.
(15,359 posts)average, but I've seen it that quick.
OAITW r.2.0
(29,540 posts)Back in 2017, the Red Sox had their Killer B's....Benintendi, Betts and Bradley. Their best OF since Rice, Lynn, and Evans. That lasted 2 years and then that group got dismantled.
(19,439 posts)are ubiquitous on any televised sporting event now. (cornhole, anyone?) That's something the government should never have allowed, just like cigarettes.
Gambling is a disease, and many people don't have the strength to stop themselves once they get started. Making it so easy to gamble, right from your phone or computer, is a guaranteed road to money problems, bankruptcy, or worse, for many individuals.
Of course the government wanted the revenue available from legalized gambling, and once the government gets a taste of a "sin tax" in their mouth, they can never let go of it. It's here to stay, unfortunately.
Just my opinion, of course, but I'm totally against having legalized gambling commercials rammed down our throats during televised sporting events.
(5,199 posts)I went to a Dolphins-Ravens game last year at M&T Stadium in Baltimore and was at first shocked to see a casino just a couple of blocks outside the stadium (I actually parked in the casino's garage).
But was was more shocking to me is what I saw when I got inside the stadium. On the second deck of the stadium, Caesar's had a sportsbook suite. Yes DUers, you read that correctly, a full-up sportsbook AT. THE. STADIUM!