Survival football elimination game- sign up and play.
Group ID#: 1257
Group Password Theunderground
Start Week 1
Deadline Sunday at 1:00 pm EST
Number of Strikes 3 Strikes and you're eliminated
Playoffs Yes
How to play:
Each week, you must select one team that you suspect will be a winner in its game that weekend. If that professional team wins, you remain Active and live to pick again the following week. If the professional football team you selected loses (or the game ends in a tie), you incur a Strike (i.e., a miss) and could be Eliminated from the competition and may no longer make future picks, depending on your group's settings.
To make this simple sounding game more of a challenge, you can only select each professional football team once during the regular season while an Active member of an individual group. Team restrictions will be reset at the beginning the playoffs (in groups that pick through the playoffs), and you will again be able to pick each team once.