Related: About this forumIf you hate blood and gore, DO NOT buy any of the Dead Space games.
Holy holy holy what the fuck!

(776 posts)Flamethrower - check
Lots of small bug things heading towards me - check.
Approach small bug things. Click. Nothing. Click. Nothing.
Oh fuck! I'm in a vacuum. No oxygen = no fire. BLAARRGHGHGHGH. dead.
(20,599 posts)What a ride. Absolutely horrifying when played for the first time, very beautifully done, and a decent story to boot.
Favorite Dead Space moments:
In the hydroponics lab, there was a moment of silence after a fight. I knew, I just knew, that there was something else in the room with me, but I had run all around the place and couldn't find anything. As I'm looking off in one direction, from the other way I hear a fast "patpatpatpat" as of bare feet running on wet cement. Before I had time to classify what the creature making the sound was, Isaac had been cut in half. I still don't know what it was that killed me!
Two of my other favorite moments are the first time you get to see the giant tentacle thing whip around the corner- they put it in a great place, too, but I won't spoil it for new gamers by revealing when and when it occurs. Another one is the mid-game boss Leviathan, a great wall of red, tortured flesh with three whipping tentacles around a central mouth that shoots... stuff, I don't know what exactly- at you. All this occurs inside what looks for all the world like a giant tumble dryer. And yes, you run sideways along the tumbler as the room appears to rotate around you.
The malformed infants that shoot spikes at you with their severed, mutated umbilical cords were nice, too. Nothing but hate for those...
(22,762 posts)Because I start yelling.
(10,039 posts)It's one of those games I'll get back to after I desensitize myself more.