Mobile gamers, got ten minutes to help me out? - Update!
The cross-post:
As my disability jars me occasionally with threats of getting worse, I've been working on knocking some items off my bucket list. One of them has been to win all of the recruitment prizes for a game I play on my iPad, called Guardian Cross (gotta keep sane somehow). It's made by Square Enix, a highly reputable company, and comes with zero spam and zero charges. All you need is an iPad, iPhone, iPod Touch device and 10 minutes. I have heard conflicting reports on Android, but the official site lists it.
All I need is for people to sign up using my referral number (UA70790) on the same screen where they type their team name, and then play through the tutorial until they reach Sandlebar Castle Town. You should see an invitation code reward in your treasure box (upper right corner).
It takes maybe ten minutes. If you want, PM me and I'll happily guide you through it, but the game basically points at every button you need to push. It takes maybe ten minutes, and you'd make me a very happy fellow.
You also get an in-game prize for using the code if you decide you like Guardian Cross! It's a very nice card which helps out quite a bit in the beginning.
Help me finish this item on my bucket list, would you? (Said in Morgan Freeman voice)
Update: Since I first began this campaign, I've managed to get three people to help out. That means I need seven more to get every prize and knock this one off my bucket list. Help me out, guys! It's easy, fast, safe, and you don't even have to keep playing. Thanks.