Related: About this forumAre those here with plans to travel to Europe in the next month or two..
a tad fearful, given the ISIS scare, especially considering reports
that approximately 500 European passport holders are coming "home"
to Europe from Syria"?
I have them for next month, and though I've never been a fearful
person, given the current situation, I have to admit to some

(146,218 posts)I wouldn't go to the middle east, but Europe is fine.
Are you afraid of EU citizens in Syria who are wanting to go home?
I am in Italy right now and will be here for another 1 ½ months or so. What are your travel plans?
(30,107 posts)Have you been keeping up with the recent news on ISIS?
I ask, because the reason I'm fearful is because reports from CNN and MSNBC have stated that about 500 EU citizens, mostly Muslims, recent converts or not, traveled to Syria to FIGHT with Isis and are now coming home to bring the terror to Europe and the West in general.
It's worth noting that the same security analysts said that about 100 American citizens did the same, but that's a whole lot less, and I tend
to feel a little more secure in my own country.
My plans are to travel to Croatia in about mid-Septembr,
(It's my maternal grandparents country of origin) and Mr. Whathell
and I have been there many times). We will be staying abou 10 days
and because there are no direct flights to Croatia, we must stop in
Frankfurt, going and coming.
How nice that you are in Italy -- for a couple of months, no less!...I've
been there only once, to the Venice area with the spouse on a business trip -- would love to go again, especially since there are ferries going
across the Adriatic to Croatia (I thought that might be safer) but there are
no non-stop flights from Chicago, and I figured it would be a logistical nightmare.
(146,218 posts)I'm just not sure what to believe.
I guess I would wonder this - if they have identified 500 EU citizens who they believe are returning to Europe to bring terror, why wouldn't they just stop them?
No one here seems to be concerned about this. Hell, I just spent the day with two people from Israel that are returning to Tel Aviv today. Now that would scare me. Coming to Europe would not.
Sounds like a wonderful, wonderful trip. I have never been to Croatia, but would love to go to that region. If you want my thoughts on this, I would say that you should come just as you have planned.
We are about an hour outside of Rome in an area not much traveled by tourists. It is heavenly. I had heard of those ferries from the coast, as I have met some people that have made the trip to Medjugore. I don't think they are luxurious by any means, but they get the job done!
(30,107 posts)the recent videotaped beheading of an American journalist...I'm sure you heard about that obscenity, right?
I understand your question regarding the 500 returning to Europe after
fighting with ISIS and yes, they probably WILL be detained and questioned...Hopefully they will lose their citizenship and "right" to return
if it's confirmed that they went on murder sprees with these monsters, but since I haven't actually HEARD it said or confirmed, I'm still kind of worried. The President, Chuck Hagel and others have described them as a VERY well-funded and sophisticated group. As you know, they are SO
brutal they were actually tossed out by Al Queda.
Thanks for your advice, I'll be thinking it over...and, oh, by the way,
why don't you take a ferry to the Dalmatian coast?...Lots of Italians
come there because it's beautiful and a lot less expensive than Italy!
(146,218 posts)though I have to admit that it makes me intensely uncomfortable to even read about it.
I would love to go to the dalmatian coast, but we have topped out our budget in renting a house and a car.
And that's fine with me. I like these immersion experiences. I feel like I am home!
Now off to make my first gnocchi. Wish me luck.
(30,107 posts)
(30,107 posts)As an alternative to my original plans, I've been looking at flying to Italy
and then taking one of those ferries to Croatia you mentioned.
My problem is, I can not find even ONE find one non-stop flight to Italy
not even from New York (I live in Chicago)..Do you know of
a non-stop to Italy?...I always try for non-stops because I have very bad
I can't walk a lot because of arthritic knees.
Thanks for any help you can give me.
(146,218 posts)and probably Milan as well.
Pretty much from every major US city, including Chicago.
It looks like these airlines all have them from Chicago to Rome:
US Airways
British Airways
Check their websites.
(30,107 posts)We checked United and even Air Italia, but no go, so I'll check these.
Lydia Leftcoast
(48,219 posts)than by a terrorist. Really.
Yes, people do get killed by terrorists, but not as often as the news media like to make it seem.
I flew from Portland to Los Angeles a couple of months after 9/11 and enjoyed half-full planes both ways. The only hassle was the then-new security rules.
I also traveled back from Japan during the Gulf War. Again, half-full planes and a whole row to stretch out and sleep in.
I'd be more concerned about reports that another Icelandic volcano is about to blow, disrupting aviation.
I've heard that Croatia is beautiful. Go for it.
(30,107 posts)somehow, though, I'd rather die in a car accident than at the hands of
those monsters -- They don't just crucify and behead people, they
rape and torture them too.
I appreciate your courage, and I actually have traveled a lot myself,
though I confess to being a tad less fearless than you (I make a point, for instance, to never fly overseas on September 11 or on any American Holiday)
Croatia IS beautiful, Lydia --- I've not only been there several times,
but I have a couple of friends there. I'm actually less afraid of Croatia,
though it is very close to Muslim Bosnia, something that never bothered me until now, than I am of the giant hub of Frankfort airport.
I probably will wind up going -- Mr. WTH is less anxious than I, but regardless of what happens, I want to thank you for weighing in and
giving me the benefit your experience.
(65,820 posts)the last thing I would expect is a terrorist attack on Lyon or Avignon, where I'll be stopping...
(1,712 posts)from Arles to Lyon, which was fantastic. This was bookended by 5 days in Barcelona and 3 in Paris.
If you're not familiar with the Carrières des Lumières I highly recommend checking it out. Absolutely incredible. Located about 15-20 miles NE of Arles.
(65,820 posts)I have in mind a trip to Arles...was yours a commercial tour?
(1,712 posts)It was rather a fluke that we booked the tour. My wife rec'd an email from a Napa Valley winery promoting a wine tasting tour in the Provence region of France, which was seven days cruising the Rhone on a river boat. The selling point to us at the time was that someone in the wine industry, from the USA, was going to be on the trip - and in our casual reading of the literature we assumed they would be taking us to places and doing more than what was on the 'basic' tour. So we booked it. And of course, if you're spending the money to fly across the pond and you're already THERE, you might as well add a few days.
The boat holds around 150 passengers, and around half of us were part of the winery group, but the reality was that everyone on the boat had access to the same tours, except for a gourmet dinner with the winery owner in a special room and a few other minor attractions. The end result being that the tour would have been just as good had we booked it on our own but yes, it was a tour within a tour.
And the five days in Barcelona and three in Paris were with the same group as well, which actually proved to be a plus. We've been to Paris before on our own, but the tour took us a little out of our element and we ended up doing a few things we might not have done on our own.
I'm not quite sure if you have a trip already planned to the south of France which does NOT include Arles and you're thinking of including this in a future trip, or if this is all part of your planned trip. And if you've not been to Barcelona, let me know and I'll do my best to convince you that if you're this close it is a MUST see. One of the most incredible cities I've been to.
(65,820 posts)We've planned a trip to that city and to Valencia, so my granddaughter can experience the huge newish aquarium (largest in Europe), as she is a Marine Biology major in college. If you've never heard of the City of Arts and Sciences there, you should find out. Here is an article:
I've been to Barcelona once before and I want my grandr and dtr to see it. And it is incredible. Gaudi was some kind of genius. Nothing like Barcelona!
(1,712 posts)Thanks, I hadn't heard of that. Looks like a 'don't miss' experience.
Glad you agree with me about Barcelona, and most of what Gaudi accomplished is off the charts. Since you're probably familiar with all of the usual spots, I'll mention one you might not be aware of. The only part of the museum we had time for was the Roman Ruins, which we both found fascinating, plus there were only a few visitors there. Of course this 'old stuff' might not be your cup of tea, but they were quite advanced for that era. One can see how they made fish sauce, dyed fabrics, diverted water, made wine - you get a real sense of their everyday life.
I'll check back next year to see if you've posted on your trip. We're going to Italy at the same time, so we can compare notes.
City History Museum (Museu d'Historia de la Ciutat de Barcelona)
(65,820 posts)I'll add that to my list!
(146,218 posts)Le Domus Romane di Palazzo Valentini
(1,712 posts)I'll do some research on it. So many interesting things to see and do.
(146,218 posts)Let me know if you want any information or have any questions.
(1,712 posts)Still working on the itinerary, will take you up on your offer if I have any questions. Thanks so much.
(56,126 posts)to keep people afraid - be radical and travel without fear.
(30,107 posts)place as Bush and company.
I'm sorry, I have some issues with PBO, but I DO believe him when
he talks about national security...I don't see him as either a war-monger
or a neocon.