Related: About this forum#MeToo Founder Tarana Burke: 'Jesus Was The First Activist That I Knew'
From the article:
Faith has been a part of Ms. Burkes life since she was a child. Born in the Bronx, New York, in 1973, Ms. Burke was raised in an interfaith home. Her brother and stepfather were Muslim, and, after attending Catholic schools most of her childhood, she decided to become Catholic.....
Ms. Burke is still Christian though she no longer identifies as Catholic and faith is still a pivotal part of the work that she does. In 1997, Ms. Burke founded Just Be Inc, a nonprofit organization focused on helping young girls who have been victims of sexual harassment and assault. My professional life is motivated by my personal life. My personal life is grounded in my faith, she tells me. You cant do this kind of work without being grounded in a faith that showed possibilities. Christianity is, really, when you take away all the pomp and circumstance, its about hope and possibility.
To read more:

(42,649 posts)Bfd
(1,406 posts)From the article:
"Burke is the program director for Brooklyn-based Girls for Gender Equity. Its goal is to empower young women of color.
But the seeds for the movement were planted earlier than that -- in 1996, when Burke was a youth camp director.
After an all-girl bonding session, a young girl asked to speak to Burke privately.
This is how she describes the encounter on the Just Be site:
"For the next several minutes this child ... struggled to tell me about her 'stepdaddy' or rather her mother's boyfriend who was doing all sorts of monstrous things to her developing body. ... I was horrified by her words, the emotions welling inside of me ran the gamut, and I listened until I literally could not take it anymore ... which turned out to be less than five minutes.
Then, right in the middle of her sharing her pain with me, I cut her off and immediately directed her to another female counselor who could 'help her better.' "
Burke said she never forgot the look on the girl's face.
"The shock of being rejected, the pain of opening a wound only to have it abruptly forced closed again -- it was all on her face," she wrote.
"I couldn't help her release her shame, or impress upon her that nothing that happened to her was her fault.
I could not find the strength to say out loud the words that were ringing in my head over and over again as she tried to tell me what she had endured. ...
"I watched her walk away from me as she tried to recapture her secrets and tuck them back into their hiding place. I watched her put her mask back on and go back into the world like she was all alone and I couldn't even bring myself to whisper ... me too."
That was the genesis of the movement -- to help young women of color who had survived sexual abuse, assault and exploitation.
"On one side, it's a bold declarative statement that 'I'm not ashamed' and 'I'm not alone.' On the other side, it's a statement from survivor to survivor that says 'I see you, I hear you, I understand you and I'm here for you or I get it,'" she told CNN.
The movement has taken a life of its own, Burke said.
Continued ~
(42,649 posts)And the work she is doing is incredibly important.
(1,406 posts)this exceptional person.
And she's still standing here, moving mountains one at a time.
(49,533 posts)Neat how that works.
(42,649 posts)You ignored the actual topic to introduce another topic.
(49,533 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)I must admit to not being surprised that you did it here.
(49,533 posts)You stop using whataboutism, and then you can call for others to stop.
Until then, it's just hypocrisy.
(42,649 posts)you would understand why your claim against me is fallacious.
(49,533 posts)Keep digging.
(42,649 posts)Specifically, look at the tu quoque and whataboutism fallacies.
(49,533 posts)Keep digging.
(42,649 posts)but not in this case, or I would not have suggested the research.
(49,533 posts)indicates that it is not I who needs to conduct research.
(42,649 posts)indicates that you are determined to distract from the actual topic in favor of your preferred narrative.
(49,533 posts)It is nice you do all the work of discrediting yourself so I don't have to. No wonder no one takes you seriously.
(42,649 posts)Your preferred method of discussion?
Again, you will not comment on the actual article, possibly because it reflects positively on a theist. Further confirmation that the 11th Commandment is such an apt description of what passes for discussion here.
(49,533 posts)Thanks gil!
(12,344 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)marylandblue
(12,344 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)Mariana
(15,408 posts)Permanut
(6,877 posts)and Hitler, of course, claimed several times that he was doing God's work.
(9,116 posts)
I look forward to your next exciting, overt display of bigotry.
(42,649 posts)sprinkleeninow
(20,705 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)sprinkleeninow
(20,705 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)Simply realistic. It is obvious that for a few, there can be no dialogue about theism that is not dismissive and negative.
(20,705 posts)Some have no need for dialogue.
Resembling more like contention. 🤔
(9,116 posts)...maybe helping people in much more difficult situations takes more than faith.
(49,533 posts)guillaumeb is perhaps the best example of it I've ever seen.
(42,649 posts)I also remember a rather cartoonish post where the poster claimed to be outraged because an older lady handed the poster a leaflet.
(49,533 posts)Theistic fragility. By golly, I think I've hit a nerve.
(42,649 posts)I am not surprised. You did not remember other things either, until I posted links to them.
(49,533 posts)You claim I said something - you need to prove it. Go ahead and post the link.
(49,533 posts)We should be grateful to our theistic superiors doing all the work. /s
(9,116 posts)Without faith in the invisible sky wizard, we couldn't face a single moment's adversity without collapsing into jelly. Really, it is amazing I manage to get up in the morning.