Related: About this forumThe Catholic League Has a Batshit Response to South Park's Episode About Priest Abuse
In response, the Catholic Leaguea religious advocacy grouphas released a baffling statement about the episode, calling the South Park creators "cowards." As a statement from the organization's president Bill Donohue reads:
The October 3rd episode of South Park, titled A Boy and a Priest, portrayed molesting priests as pedophiles. This is factually inaccurate: almost all the molesters8 in 10have been homosexuals. Therefore, the cartoon-victim characters should have been depicted as adolescents, not kids. In Hollywood, the creators of South Park, Trey Parker and Matt Stone, are seen as courageous. They are really cowards. It takes courage to tell the truth.
I'm not saying reality has an anti-religion bias. But religion sure has an anti-reality bias.

(54,519 posts)guy, and yet publications and people quote that asshole as if he means something.
We never wise up.
(23,579 posts)it says something about the position of the catholic church
When Bill Donahue says something it is his opinion.
(54,519 posts)DBoon
(23,579 posts)and always make a point of contradicting Bill Donahue
(54,519 posts)I think this is a plan!!!
Pope George Ringo II
(1,896 posts)Although, they may be a little more than one guy in his basement, who doesn't appear to be driving off like-minded followers:
Association with the Catholic Church
The League is not part of the Archdiocese of New York, though it does rent an office on the same floor as the headquarters of the Archdiocese.[1] According to a New York Times interviewer, the organization "maintains close ties to the [archdiocesan] leadership. Several bishops make personal donations. Cardinal O'Connor spoke at the group's 25th anniversary reception in 1998 and vacated part of his suite for its expanding operations, said Joseph Zwilling, a spokesman for the Archdiocese of New York."[1] The League includes on its website endorsements from such prominent clerics as Cardinal Edward Egan (former Archbishop of New York), Cardinal Roger Mahony (former Archbishop of Los Angeles), Archbishop Charles Chaput of Philadelphia, and Archbishop Edwin O'Brien of Baltimore, as well as Father Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., all of whom have endorsed the League's activities and exhorted Catholics to become members.[3]
The New York Times reported that the Catholic League had 11,000 members when Donohue took over the group in 1993. By 1999, membership had grown to 350,000, two-thirds of whom were paying members.[1] This is the last estimate of overall membership that the League made. The League's 2003 statement claimed 15,000 members in Nassau and Suffolk counties of New York alone.[11] Annual donations entitle members to home delivery of the print version of Catalyst, the group's monthly journal, which is also available for free on the Catholic League's website.
(54,519 posts)Well, the League of Decency estimates that it has A MILLION members. And the League of Satan has EVEN MORE by its own estimation!!!
Yeah, Donohue might get endorsements from the pedo-pushers, but he's the Catholic League. He probably wrote that entry himself, and if you notice, all estimates of his membership come from Donohue and then are reported by publications and then those reported estimates are quoted as if they come from the publication. It's an old trick.
Pope George Ringo II
(1,896 posts)I'd hate to suggest that anybody in an organization with that name is entirely in touch with reality. But he does somehow manage to pay for that office, and that list of clergy isn't going to speak to one guy. There's something there.
(54,519 posts)TreasonousBastard
(43,049 posts)They never quote the Knights of Columbus.
(49,533 posts)They have the full support of many prominent church leaders:
Cardinal Timothy Dolan, Archbishop of New York
The Catholic League has the courage to speak up candidly and forcefully for the Church when circumstances call for fighting the good fight. The League should be on every Catholics short list of essential organizations to support.
Most Rev. Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Philadelphia
I am privileged to support the Catholic League. The work of the Catholic League is invaluable and its accomplishments over the years are unparalleled.
Cardinal Edwin OBrien
Pro-Grand Master of the Equestrian Order (Knights) of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem
The Catholic League has done much to ensure that the Churchs positions are presented clearly and fairly. Too often those who do not understand the Church or Her teachings are the interpreters of the doctrines and events in the life of the Church. The work of the League is important in the mission of the Church which must teach the hard truths of the Gospel in season and out of season.
Seán Cardinal OMalley, O.F.M. Cap.
Archbishop of Boston
It's hardly "one guy in his basement." The last official membership count was over 350,000.
(54,519 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)The individuals offering statements of support are high-ranking church officials. I realize you want to believe it's a fringe nut acting alone, but that's simply not true.
(54,519 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Fortunately the facts don't care about your beliefs.