Related: About this forumChild rape apologia. A brutal accusation to make.
I posted an article, and the following 3 edited accusations were made that the article is actually a form of child rape apologia.
7. Kinda fucked up to suggest religion has no role to play
Child rape apologia has no place here. Not anywhere else for that matter.
Thu Jan 17, 2019, 11:31 AM
Major Nikon (30,905 posts)
120. Another article from the exact same RCC sponsored child rape apologist
So it looks like you are at least 2 for 2 in cheering on child rape apologists, Gil. Good job.
Thu Jan 17, 2019, 12:19 PM
Major Nikon (30,905 posts)
124. Yeah, my tactic is to call out child rape apologia when I see it
While yours is to regurgitate and defend it.
And yes, Gil. We do need more at least so long as the child rape apologists continue to rush to the defense of child rapists and their enablers. Very telling you'd think otherwise.
All of the above accusations from this post:
Now, from the actual article:
Most bishops do not oppose making Catholic clergymen mandatory reporters except when it comes to what a priest hears in the sacrament of confession.
This confidentiality of confession was respected by Western nations for centuries, considering it on a par with client-attorney confidentiality. Note that no state is proposing that lawyers be mandatory reporters of what they learn about sexual abuse from their clients.
Because laws vary from state to state, we need to have a national conversation over disclosure laws with input from victims, legal scholars and those covered.
And while everyone would agree that the abuse of a child should be reported, what if the information comes from an adult survivor who does not want the crime reported?
Priests, like psychologists and psychiatrists, should be covered by mandatory reporting rules with an exemption for confession, but there needs to be a serious discussion of exactly what should be covered. In these discussions the victims should have a prominent role.
So we have, in order:
most Bishops support mandatory reporting, with a proviso, and
the abuse of a child should be reported, and
Priests should be covered, again with a proviso for confession.
How anyone can reasonably infer that the author is a rape apologist is beyond me. This is an open acknowlegdement of the problem and a call for changes in the law to address the problem.
And in my view, such accusations of rape apology reflect an interest in shutting down dialogue, not encouraging it.

(9,116 posts)2) Get flamed.
3) Cry about it.
4) Profit?
(42,649 posts)And this is called dialogue?
I asked numerous times for proof, and asked 2 posters for proof. So far, no proof.
But if you wish, feel free to point out the proof of the accusation of apologia,
(49,533 posts)You get what you give, gil.
Apparently the rules you think others must follow, you don't think apply to you.
(42,649 posts)Understood.
Meanwhile, these clips, and the article, stand as a convincing refutation of the accusations.
(49,533 posts)I suspected as much.
I'd be ashamed of your opinion too.
(9,116 posts)1) Post flamebait - evidenced by the flamebait you posted.
2) Get flamed -
3) Cry about it - evidenced by this thread.
4) Profit? - Evidenced by the complete lack of anything you will gain from this.
(42,649 posts)If you have read the post, you saw the 3 accusations.
And the clips that refute the accusations.
And this is what some few, some very few, consider to be dialogue and debate.
(9,116 posts)Don't patronize me.
(42,649 posts)So there is that.
(9,116 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Accusing everyone who disagrees with you as being members of a choir who are directed by someone else?
Claiming that everyone who disagrees with you is mindlessly following a fictional "11th commandment" that requires them to speak negatively about religion?
Are those examples of the kind of dialog and debate you want, gil?
Oh wait, I forgot. You don't think you should have to follow the rules you demand others do.
(122,596 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)A lot of DUers are disappointed by that. A lot of us think that protecting children is more important than protecting religious dogma.
(42,649 posts)Truly laughable.
(49,533 posts)I'm glad you recognize that.
(42,649 posts)Ad if you have, what is your response?
(49,533 posts)Keep humiliating yourself. I have truly enjoyed seeing you implode today.
(42,649 posts)Wed Jan 16, 2019, 07:38 PM
guillaumeb (30,112 posts)
53. No, there should be no exemption for clergy. eom
Je crois, donc je suis.
So again, what was your assertion on my position?
(49,533 posts)You support clergy being subjected to mandatory reporting laws, but you specifically want to exclude them from having to report information they receive in confessional.
Am I wrong?
(42,649 posts)But the author also says that there must be change.
And, most importantly, your accusation about me, and your constant questions, had been answered yesterday by me.
Now, as to the exception for the Confessional, I am unsure. Both positions have support.
Faced with the choice of having one more possible way to get child predators off the street and prevent further victims, you're NOT FUCKING SURE if that's worth holding a cleric to the same standards as any other mandated reporter.
Thank you, at long last, for answering the question and exposing your position for all to see.
(42,649 posts)Perhaps you missed that part.
And, most abuse happens in the home, so to be consistent, everyone should be a mandated reporter.
(49,533 posts)Attorney-client privilege is a wholly separate issue AND there ARE items for which it does not apply.
If a client told their attorney that they were sexually tempted by a child, and they were thinking about acting on that, a lawyer would HAVE TO report it.
If it's someone in the confession booth who says the SAME EXACT thing, the priest does NOT have to report it.
(42,649 posts)Everyone should be a mandated reporter,
unless you support a familial exception?
Do you?
(49,533 posts)And you're again trying to use whataboutism to avoid the subject.
As I've told you literally dozens of times, this is the RELIGION forum. RELIGIOUS topics are to be discussed. You want to talk about why family members are exempt from reporting laws? Start a thread in GD or elsewhere.
For the record, many countries DO include family members as mandated reporters.
And I *will* answer your question - but will not answer any follow ups, because they are NOT on-topic for this forum: I do NOT support a familial exception. If ANYONE hears about the potential abuse of a child, they should report it, like they should report ANY serious crime.
(42,649 posts)And no one can address the 3 accusations.
(49,533 posts)You don't want to talk about the topic OF YOUR OWN THREAD, and so you launched a new thread specifically whining about how someone else responded to you.
P.S. That's against this group's rules, BTW. Not that playing by rules ever mattered to you.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)If one simply ignores your trademarked Whataboutism® you are still left with an utterly ridiculous notion that the RCC is no different from a household and family.
Had you bothered to read the opinions of virtually any child welfare organization instead of consulting a paid RCC child rape apologist on the subject you might know these things.
(42,649 posts)But you have that right.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Good thing theres no child rape apologia going on in here. That would be bad.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Had Gil bothered to check the source of the article, he might have realized this was coming from a RCC priest that has a vested interest in not holding the RCC responsible for child rape. So right away a red flag should have gone up. Then you realize the argument is that the venerated rituals of the RCC should be able to trump the interests of children in not being raped. In other words, child rape apologia. A bit of further investigation on Gil's source reveals another article he regurgitated where the same priest claims the RCC is really doing a great job in addressing its child rape problem, but their real problem is they just haven't gotten that information to the public. So yeah, as you would expect from seeking the opinion from the RCC about how they are doing with their child molestation problem, the answer is we are doing fine, just leave us alone.
Once Gil was told what the actual apologia was and he was pressed multiple times on whether or not he agreed with an opinion that he obviously felt strongly enough about to regurgitate. His answer is he just doesn't know, which allows him to ride the fence between agreeing with an obvious child rape apologist and agreeing with the Pennsylvania grand jury, child welfare experts, numerous state legislatures, and a pissed off public opinion all of which are convinced that the RCC has utterly failed its responsibility to protect children from being molested and it's well past the time to take action.
So perhaps like pope Frank, Gil is evolving on this issue. Given another decade or so he'll probably be on-board with the idea that the RCC should be legally required to tell someone when they know about a child being raped. I won't hold my breath on that.
(49,533 posts)Gil gave the headline a cursory read, and he agreed with it, and so he posted it without reading and understanding the whole thing.
You know, like he's done before.
And before that.
And before that.
And before that.
Since he can't just admit error to the horrible evil atheists who ask questions (gasp!), he keeps doubling down, and we get to post trainwreck gifs. He's really the gift that keeps on giving.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)So while intellectual laziness is the usual excuse, in this case you don't even have that.
If someone isn't smart enough to recognize it's not a good idea to regurgitate why the RCC thinks the RCC shouldn't have to comply with child rape prevention laws, then there's really no hope for them.
(49,533 posts)The reflex to defend that institution is very strong, even in some of those who have moved on in their beliefs. Recall that he also consistently responds to articles about abuse in the RCC with cries of there being abusers outside the church too. So I think he read the headline, thought it was a good thing defending a Catholic practice in the face of increasing pressure to fight abuse, and posted it.
But ultimately, yeah, when one thinks defending a religious teaching is more important than protecting children (or even can't decide), I gotta suspect their moral compass isn't functioning well.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Then they slip up and go one step too far and have to walk it back, but still continue to defend the indefensible.
It's not as if this is the first time someone has posted RCC child rape apologia in the religion group. As deplorable as that shit was 10 years ago it's an order of magnitude worse today. Nobody needs to hear the RCC's side of this. We already know they are going to continue to rape children and cover it up unless society puts a stop to it.
(12,344 posts)Ostensibly, it could be about mandatory reporting for clergy being insufficient and additional controls needed. Instead it's a defense of the sanctity of confession. Confession is not even mentioned in the title. So I could see Gil just reading the title and missing the main point.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)"Why making clergy mandatory reporters won't solve the Catholic abuse crisis".
Just a cursory reading tells you it's an attack on one legal strategy to reel in the RCC's child rape epidemic, which is exactly what it is from a RCC priest no less.
(12,344 posts)It's only one little piece at best. A more accurate title would have been, "Why the Sacrament of Confession Should be Exempt from Mandatory Reporting." But that would have given the whole game away up front.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)It's not as if this is a dog whistle. It's more like a bullhorn.
You are correct in that this is one little piece, but it's also part of a much bigger strategy of watering down any attempts at holding the RCC responsible for their criminality and preventing it from continuing.
The same author posted a piece claiming the RCC was doing a great job of addressing it's child rape problem and just needs to do a better one in the PR department. So it really shouldn't come as any surprise this same RCC priest is arguing against a law the RCC is already refusing to comply with to the detriment of children.
(12,344 posts)Without noting the author or the content. Some people have a habit of doing that.
But I agree that the author is just trying to protect the RCC from taking responsibility for its actions.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Nobody is saying only one thing is going to solve the RCC's epidemic of child rape. You don't have to read the article to know that much.
(12,344 posts)Perhaps you are too suspicious or I am too naive. In this case you were right.
(7,886 posts)Sometimes the articles completely undermine any point he was trying to make, but he just ignores that detail and continues on.
(49,533 posts)I only grabbed the first few I came across - there are so many, it's easy to find them.
(7,886 posts)I like highlighting that one because it comes the closest to an attempt to show his god might exist, and the "proof" he found absolutely shuts his argument down. And the comments that follow show his utter refusal to actually read words that are posted in front of him. He still goes back to parallel universes where proof might be found, ignoring the fact that his own article said, in no uncertain terms, that it couldn't happen.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)And you are parroting out their deplorable bullshit.
Good to know you are on the fence about whether or not its a good idea for those that know about child rape to tell the police.
(42,649 posts)As is your refusal to substantiate claims.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)Address and substantiate your own claims, or admit that you cannot.
I can guess which you will choose.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Act_of_Reparation
(9,116 posts)Is he having a bad day?
(122,596 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)when it comes to information they learn in confessional?
(42,649 posts)trotsky
(49,533 posts)Now you need to respond to me.
Let's have a dialog, gil.
Answer my question, at long fucking last.
(15,320 posts)MineralMan
(148,664 posts)And there's the crux of the matter. This writer is writing an apologia for the practice of not reporting child abuse that is revealed in the confessional. Your point is not made.
However, you have made it clear that you did not like some of other people's comments. We knew that already, Guy. You said so in other threads. However, starting a new thread is a common practice, which you have followed.
Still, the article you linked to does contain an apologia for covering up child sexual abuse when it is revealed in the confessional. Priests are not attorneys, or at least most of them are not. The thing is that some of us do not agree in the sanctity of the confessional in any way, when it comes to confessions of crimes that harm others. I have never agreed with that, and believe it should not exist.
(9,116 posts)And there aren't many left who have the saintlike patience to listen to a Catholic priest make the case for the circumstances under which he should not be required to report child abuse.
(42,649 posts)If you did understand, your response simply would not have happened.
The phrase "apologia for child rape", and variants, appeared from responders here. And those unfounded accusations are addressed here.
So if you wish to write a piece attacking the author's motives, or what you feel they are, feel free.
(148,664 posts)Not in any way. My mind is quite clear about the meanings of words.
(42,649 posts)but that might be due to cognitive bias.
3 claims were made, and all 3 were refuted by ana ctual reading of the actual article.
(148,664 posts)You did not contradict what the author at the link said, and he clearly exempted information from the confessional. Let me ask you this question:
If someone told you in confidence that he had sexually molested a child, what would you do? It's a simple question, really. You are a human being. Priests are human beings. What would a sane, caring human being do in that circumstance?
Now, I don't expect you to answer in any sort of straightforward way, but here's your opportunity to clarify.
(42,649 posts)And you refuse to admit that.
(49,533 posts)The author was putting forth a defense of the religious doctrine of the confessional as it pertains to being excluded from the reporting of child rape.
Child rape apologia is certainly a fair way of putting that.
(42,649 posts)The author specifically and repeatedly stated that child abuse is an evil. So the claim that the article is "child rape apologetics" is completely untrue, and shows a misunderstanding of the term and the article.
(49,533 posts)You aren't the definer, though.
(42,649 posts)but as I already pointed out, what you claim to see is simply not found in the actual article.
And not one of the many claimants can point to one instance where the author excuses the problem. He simply points out that the solution may not be the solution.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)
(49,533 posts)That's your rule. I pointed out how, given the definition of apologia, the claim fits.
You don't like that, and I'm glad you don't, because it means that maybe, just maybe, there is a decent person inside you somewhere and you do recognize the horrid shit you believe and the terrible way you treat others.
(42,649 posts)But you cannot demand that such claims be taken as actual debate.
(49,533 posts)And you're failing, as usual.
(42,649 posts)Good luck in that battle with the actual meaning of words.
(49,533 posts)That's all you really need to do.
Have you decided yet if you're OK with priests protecting child rapists? Or are you still on the fence?
(42,649 posts)and admitting that you were incorrect.
Now, we have the instance where you cite something, and then insist that the "something" means something else.
(49,533 posts)You appear to be a little confused again.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)At any rate Gil simultaneously decided you are saying black is white and you agree with him, so if you can figure out how that works, let me know.
He also admitted the RCC is saying the solution may not be the solution.
Sometimes you just have to see how deep the rabbit hole goes.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)The bit of fun trotsky was having with you is that youre obviously confused about the significant literal difference between apologia and apologetics.
What makes it all the more hilarious is you are the one who told me to google the word and then you proceeded to fuck it up completely.
(49,533 posts)
(42,649 posts)You made 3 accusations. Now, you are trying to qualify the failed accusations.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)You can either correct your fuckup on your misquote or at least admit it or not, but please dont project your fuckups on me.
(42,649 posts)Now, you are reduced to fighting your own words.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I put quotes around it so it must be true, and if you claim you didnt say that you are reduced to fighting your own words.
(42,649 posts)Well done.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Are you now taking that back?
Why are you fighting your own words?
(42,649 posts)Award yourself a medal for something.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)I didnt even suggest you put your dick in a light socket.
(148,664 posts)There are so many, viz:
(15,320 posts)Although one could infer the socket from the bulb.
(148,664 posts)will be used. So, I showed the bulb bases to assist with the selection. After all, if you needed a replacement socket, you would take the bulb, if not a standard medium-base bulb, to the hardware store so you could make sure you got the right socket. If you have a dim or non-functioning bulb, too, you might take it in with you, as well, if the base were not a common one.
However, picking nits is a justifiable thing in this Group. There are many, many nits to be picked here, to be sure.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)MineralMan
(148,664 posts)Now, I would not put a dick in a light socket, but if one were considering doing that...
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)For all I know he was talking about a prosthesis. I'll let him be the decider of that.
(148,664 posts)that comment. Still, electrical safety is always a concern of mine.
(12,344 posts)Wouldn't it make more sense to bring your dick to the hardware store rather than a bunch of bulbs?
First, your dick is already with you, second, it's easier to get a good fit by directly comparing your dick to the socket, and third the store workers are pretty handy so they may have experience in the procedure in case you need help.
(148,664 posts)A metaphor.
It's all a metaphor for something, I am told.
(12,344 posts)So are you now saying they never actually did it but were really looking for the spark that started the universe?
(148,664 posts)The resulting flash is still being seen today. Billy-Bob, on the other hand, was never seen again.
(15,320 posts)Feh. Im guessing your mother was a hamster and your father smells of elderberries. This has gone far enough. I will be starting an outrage op here to warn the world of your perfidy.
(148,664 posts)If one were to attempt for force a mogul screw-base bulb into a candelabra socket, damage could occur. By the same token, attempting to put a candelabra bulb in a medium-base socket would not result in any effective lighting.
It is very important to match the bulb to the correct socket to avoid danger or an improper fit. I am not an expert in "putting dicks in light sockets," of course, but the same principle would apply, I'd think.
I must complain in the strongest of terms about the casual nit-picking that often exists in this Group. I will be contacting the authorities if this practice continues, I assure you.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)You find many more tunnels than you ever imagined.
(148,664 posts)in such circumstances. Or a very good GPS system. Keep me covered! I'm going in!
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)And some people couldn't find their ass with a flashlight and a roadmap. Not naming names, but you know.
(49,533 posts)He's "unsure" whether he supports exempting the confessional from reporting laws.
(148,664 posts)One wonders who the other mind belongs to...
I remember another DUer who often defended the sanctity of the confessional, but since he cannot defend himself here, I will not call him out.
(42,649 posts)Devoted to dialogue.
(148,664 posts)You claim to be undecided about the sanctity of the confessional in such cases. I encourage you to think about it and come to some sort of conclusions. The priest in the article you quoted was quite clear in believing in that principle. What do you believe? It's a simple question. What would you do if someone revealed in a confidential way that he had sexually abused a child? Do tell.
(42,649 posts)The topic here, and it is in the actual headline, concerns 3 accusations made that the post referenced is a case of child rape apologia.
Now that, for those unfamiliar with the term, would mean that the referenced article attempted to defend the conduct of child rape.
Instead, the actual article talks of the difficulty of stopping child rape. And how one proposed solution might not, in fact, be a solution.
(148,664 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)Better would be to admit it.
Really, this excuse for dialogue, consisting of multiple unprovable accusations, would earn a student a failing grade.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)What grade did you earn with your name calling definer sillyshit?
What grade did you earn all those times you posted sillyshit canned responses instead of engaging in dialog by answering relevant questions about your own OPs?
What kind of grade do you think your broad brush dehumanizing choir bullshit earned you?
What grade do you think you deserve by playing the victim with your 11th Commandment® nonsense ad nauseum?
The class is over, Gil, and you failed all your tests.
(49,533 posts)So we know his actions have garnered a fan club of at least 2 people who think he is doing a great. They would give him an "A" grade, I assume.
Given the massive number of people who have been attacked and insulted by him, I'm going to guess his GPA goes down a bit if you average in some other scores.
But you have to remember - the rules he applies to others never apply to him. Or, he gets a special dispensation to break them because everyone else deserves it. And, as you said, he's the decider. Judge people, dispenses eye for an eye justice. Just like Jesus taught.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)
(42,649 posts)One for each of your unproven accusations.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Nothing else seems to be helping.
(42,649 posts)Remember, statistics come from reported abuse, so we don't have accurate, objective numbers. But based on the reports we have, it's believed that 1 in 3 or 4 girls is sexually abused, and the general consensus is that 1 in 5 to 1 in 7 boys is sexually abused.
We believe as many as 50 to 60 million American adults were sexually abused in their childhood.
Some say as many as ninety percent of sexual abuse victims never tell.
About 300,000 children and youth are estimated to be at risk of exploitation.
Over 60% are abused within their own family by mothers, fathers, uncles, siblings, etc.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)
(42,649 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)We agree on this.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Kinda looks immature and desperate, but here we are.
(148,664 posts)Where is there a religious connection in your linked article? Focus.
(42,649 posts)I thought that was quite obvious.
(148,664 posts)Religious issues. GD is the place for your lInk. It has nothing to do with this thread at all. Focus.
(42,649 posts)Understand the term.
Understanding leads to real insight.
(148,664 posts)Apologia is a religious term of art.
(42,649 posts)There were 3 accusations made. All unsupportable.
(148,664 posts)Your whataboutism is showing, and its hem is all frayed.
(42,649 posts)And has been.
(148,664 posts)If wishes were fishes...
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)And they present the argument against them from the very organization thats covering up the child raping.
Im sure glad thats not going on in here because that would be some rock hard child rape apologia right there.
(42,649 posts)I will bet on the continuation of the unproven claim. History supports that one.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)ON both counts.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)Your arguments are failing.
Stay with the gifs.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)So why not declare victory and move on, Gil?
You seem to have a bit of an issue letting this one go if youre so sure of yourself. Very telling that.
(49,533 posts)Voltaire2
(15,320 posts)to deny that you are a child rape apologist is interesting.
(42,649 posts)Feel free to defend them if you wish.
But on the actual topic, not one person has made any case that the accusations are correct. Are such accusations what passes for dialogue?
(15,320 posts)But its not really working out as intended, is it?
Next time you feel the need to start another outraged call out post I suggest you go offline for ten minutes and think about something else.
(42,649 posts)Better would be if the maker of the easily disproven claims had never made them.
But this is what passes for dialogue among some.
Or, are you arguing in favor of the claims? If so, I suggest reading the post and the article first.
(15,320 posts)Was that not clear?
The more you jump up and down and scream I am not a child abuse apologist the worse it looks for you.
Im suggesting you should stop doing that.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Soon he will self-declare himself winner of the argument. Hard to lose when he is not only the decider of your argument, but is the sole arbiter of who the winner is.
(148,664 posts)It's a real conundrum, it is...
(42,649 posts)Speaking of your reply.
And the more people misrepresent what others can easily read...
(15,320 posts)the more people will be reading your interesting op where you jump up and down and scream I am not a child rape apologist!
I suggest you stop doing that.
(148,664 posts)
(3,911 posts)Don't you think he should guill ?
Then all state governments could follow up with mandatory reporting laws on clergy
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)He also posted an article from an RCC priest that says it's a bad idea to legally require the RCC to report child rape to the cops.
I suppose if one were to guess the answer to your question is 'no', but if you are looking for a straight answer from the one you asked of it my advice is to not wait up.
(3,911 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)But, as the author of the referenced article points out, this would not deter predators from preying.
(3,911 posts)what the author believes is not necessarily true.
(42,649 posts)And even thought sexual predation is illegal, the law does not stop predators from acting. And there does not seem to be any way to screen for predatory tendencies.
(3,911 posts)Reporting acts as a screen for repeat offenders,right?
(42,649 posts)But the larger issue of what causes and triggers predation remains.
(15,320 posts)Seriously?
(42,649 posts)How would one prove it?
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Very telling how you are championing the RCC's side of this.
(42,649 posts)Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)And yet here you are again, parroting out the RCC's apologia and continuing to defend it even though you claim you are "unsure".

(42,649 posts)The lack of conclusive outcomes does not necessarily mean that such programs are ineffective. Rather, demonstrating effectiveness is a challenging task, mainly because of the methodological shortcomings of existing evaluations. Such limitations include the absence of comparison groups, lack of pre-testing on measures of knowledge and skills, inadequate follow-up periods, and small sample size.4Future evaluations of existing child abuse prevention programs must correct such methodological shortcomings. Moreover, child sexual abuse prevention programs must be strengthened so that program strategies are more explicitly directed toward the goal of preventing child sexual abuse.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Do you think you can just divert from the RCC's child rape apologia?
(42,649 posts)And keep demonstrating your basic misunderstanding the term you used in the context of the actual article.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)If you want to continue talking about your diversion. Go right ahead. While you are out in la-la land thinking you found something that's even remotely relevant to what is being discussed I'll be ignoring your latest "delusion" as you say.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Child welfare experts, prosecutors, and victims all lobbied for mandatory reporting laws for priests to help prevent ongoing child rapes and cover ups by the RCC, but we must consider the RCC's side and prove they are wrong because of ... well reasons. Not too hard to figure out what those reasons are.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)
(42,649 posts)especially when actual evidence shows that they do not stop.
But some prefer their memes.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)You know, like you do.
Nobody is saying we can prevent all child rape, so great job on the obvious strawman bullshit.
(12,344 posts)So what it is your objection to mandatory reporting?
(42,649 posts)And I previously stated that.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)of the mandated reporting approach that made no exception for the Confessional seal.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Very telling how you conveniently keep leaving that part out.
(42,649 posts)And easily contradicted by the actual article.
So again, you can claim whatever you want, but this claim is easily refuted.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)You even admit he is lobbying to exempt the RCC from child rape reporting laws and you are "unsure" if this is a good idea or not.
I didn't misframe shit and you know it. It's ridiculously simple to prove otherwise. Your duplicity reeks of desperation.
(42,649 posts)Duplicity? I do not call you duplicitous. My view is that you misunderstand what the phrase means, and this misunderstanding explains why you persist.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Meanwhile I posted the links that proves your duplicity.
The author is a catholic priest which you can't even manage to admit, yet is easily provable from your own source. But I'm the one who just doesn't understand. Learn how to think, Gil.
(42,649 posts)Because of the failure of Catholic bishops in the past to report abusive priests to authorities, states are now also including Catholic clergy as mandatory reporters.
Most bishops do not oppose making Catholic clergymen mandatory reporters except when it comes to what a priest hears in the sacrament of confession. For centuries, church law has forbidden priests to break the seal of confession, to reveal what they hear in confession. Breaking the seal is considered a grave sin, which cannot be forgiven by an ordinary priest or bishop but is reserved to a Vatican tribunal known as the Apostolic Penitentiary.
This confidentiality of confession was respected by Western nations for centuries, considering it on a par with client-attorney confidentiality. Note that no state is proposing that lawyers be mandatory reporters of what they learn about sexual abuse from their clients.
(12,344 posts)The arguments he provides in support of his proposal are very weak, so I think he is wrong. What do you think? You said before you were unsure. But why?
(42,649 posts)175. The author is an RCC priest who is saying secular laws on child rape shouldn't apply to the RCC
Very telling how you conveniently keep leaving that part out.
A claim that my excerpt easily disproves, but the claim is repeated over and over. So why is an easily refuted claim repeated?
I said I was unsure, and I clarified by referring to the author's own points.
(12,344 posts)More specifically, he doesn't want secular law to apply to the sacrament of confession, which is the thing Major Nikon is referring to. What in the article makes it even a question for you? His reasoning doesn't seem very sound at all.
(42,649 posts)And that claim is false.
(12,344 posts)Why don't you focus on the substantive issue behind it, which is that the sacrament of confession should provide an exemption to mandatory reporting. A lot of people don't think there should be such an exemption, but you are unsure. What is there to be unsure about?
(42,649 posts)The question, as framed in the article, poses some thoughts by the author as to why the proposed solution might not be a solution.
If anything, it can be called an apologia against mandatory elimination of the seal of the Confessional.
(12,344 posts)and in the religion group, we seem to only argue about words, rarely substance.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)We get that, Gil. You keep posting it over and over as if the RCC's child rape apologia is going to get any better.
(42,649 posts)Unfortunately for you, the facts do not support your claim.
So as to your claim that. "we get that", no, you do not.
Major Nikon
(36,917 posts)Soon hip waders are going to be required equipment for those that haven't put you on ignore, Gil.
(3,433 posts)guillaumeb
(42,649 posts)And thus shall it be.