Related: About this forumThe Religious Right Stealing Subjugating Strategies since at least 250 BC

The oldest playbook in the world!
All religions are examples of socially responsive creations, rather than a creator creating them. They reflect the makeup of any given society at any given time, they do things that society wants them to do...
Theocracies (and wannabee theocracies aka the religious right) are merely dictatorships with an invisible immortal ruler who cannot be removed and must be obeyed. And therein lies the problem, the God (s) created by man is the ideal tool for anyone wanting to exert political power within a social construct and they have been playing the same game for millennia!!!

Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)
Bernardo de La Paz
(53,052 posts)"What luck for rulers that men do not think." -- Adolph Hitler
(85,376 posts)They sure worked like hell to keep a woman out of the Oval Office.
(44,239 posts)
(8,200 posts)God is recreated on a daily basis to justify even atrocities as necessities. What proof, read the Old Testament and Koran.
(67,112 posts)olegramps
(8,200 posts)Chapter 31 Verses 1-2: The Lord said to Moses, 2. "Avenge the Israelites of the Madianites, and then you shall be taken to our people."
They were instructed to 17. Slay, therefore, every male child and every woman who has had intercourse with a man. 18. But you may spare and keep for yourselves all girls who had no intercourse with a man.
The claim that the Devine gave them the so-called Holy Land has just as much authenticity as the above. Pure unmitigated nonsense by demagogues as todays charlatans. It was given to them at point of a sword and slaughter.
(67,112 posts)RKP5637
(67,112 posts)and ignorant to fall for it all the way.
(4,289 posts)I know, I know, it's irrelevant and trivial. But I so wish people who made signs had more graphic design sensibilities. That typeface....
(148,664 posts)Igel
(36,616 posts)who, exactly, are they stealing *from*?
I also disagree that divinities are the ideal tool. There are others, and they all serve the same purpose equally well. Divinities are a bit easier, but it's hard to argue that as religion, the divider in US culture and morality, has decreased division and polarization necessarily decreased. It rather makes precisely the wrong predictions, for all the historically observable reasons.
One of the nice features of a divinity is that it's divisive and breeds self-righteousness, but people hardly need a god to be self-righteous. The Catholic Church at the height of its paranoia and division-seeking had absolutely nothing over on USSR and China, both secular. Many of the most secular students I know put the unwieldily pious "Xians" in my classes to shame in both self-righteousness, animosity to their Other, the need to mock others and to proselytize from a position of arrogance.
Meanwhile, I know absolute atheists and devout Xians and Muslims who, given just a few changes to their levels of self-righteousness and fear, get along really well with each other. Many of them are very political, but you don't know it until you actually ask--and you find that the kid whose friends with the guy who's looking forward to voting for the first time next year (and for Trump) is actually a supporter of international socialism and that Wobblies-motif hoodie he wears isn't just a historical design. (And he was really stunned when his science teacher saw the design and said, "You like the Wobblies?" First response, "How do you *know* that?!"
If you put a million actually good people in the middle of a laissez-faire economy or a profoundly authoritarian socialist economy, you'll get the same result, a secular society or a deeply religious society. The structure is one thing; what matters is what's in the structure. Put enough bad people in a laissez-faire society, you get "greed is good" (something that was decried as bad decades earlier) and heightened inequality and oppression ; put enough bad people in a top-down socialist society, and you get the inequality of re-education camps and equality-centered fine-tuned rules over every aspect of life, coupled with special privileges for the 'pure' and nitpicking attention paid to the impure, every bit as much in a highly religion-centered society.