Related: About this forumWhy universities -- and the rest of us -- need religion studies
The real shock of UVMs announcement is its timing: devaluing of religion after an election cycle in which the presidents spiritual adviser called for African angels to intervene on election results, when our president-elect ran on restoring the soul of our nation, when the Supreme Court is busy reappraising the establishment clause and the outgoing secretary of state has sought to redefine religious freedom.
Even more troubling is that this is not an isolated incident; the University of Vermonts proposal comports with a larger pattern of cutting religion programs in academic institutions.
Teaching about religion is not just about understanding politics. Its also about creating cultural literacy, ensuring that our young people are familiar with the diverse people they meet on the street. University brass often refers to this kind of literacy as a civic good, but as a brown-skinned, turban-wearing, beard-loving man in Donald Trumps America, I submit that people knowing who I am and having an appreciation for my religious heritage can mean the difference between life and death.
Take from me, a practicing Sikh who has spent a majority of his academic career teaching Islamic studies and Buddhist history. I wish that I had a penny for every time someone asked me how I could teach a religion other than my own. They dont understand that Im not in it to seek conversions; Im in it to open hearts and minds and to help people grapple with the beautiful diversity of our world.
If we want our kids to grow up to appreciate people from all the various backgrounds they will encounter in their lives, we must first equip them with the appropriate knowledge. To not do so, to tell them that understanding faith is not important, is setting them up for failure.
I am an atheist/agnostic, and I completely agree with Simran Jeet Singh. My college experience included a comparative religion class... I found it fascinating.

(63,499 posts)many decades back. Having been raised a Catholic with 12 years of religion classes, I found the comparative to be fascinating. What I also found was that for the most part that despite the various claims underneath it all most religions had practices aimed mostly at keeping the faithful in line.
It wasn't much of a step from that to atheism.
Like you, I completely agree with the writer. Believe me if anything in this world should be studied in depth it is religion.
(14,118 posts)public library many years ago. Reading it boosted me up another step on my search for
(14,612 posts)That said, here is a list from Burlington Free Press of the Majors and the 3 yr average number of student for each major.
Classical Civilization - 19.7 students, 4 degrees
Geology (BA) - 7.7 students, 0.7 degrees
Geology (BS) - 19.7 students, 6.3 degrees
German - 13.3 students, 1.3 degrees
Greek - 7 students, 0.3 degrees
Asian Studies - 9.7 students, 2 degrees
European Studies - 3 students, 0.7 degrees
Latin American & Caribbean Studies - 2 students, 0.7 degrees
Russia/Eastern European Studies - 0.3 students, 0 degrees
Italian Studies - 5 students, 0.3 degrees
Latin - 9.7 students, 2 degrees
Religion - 25.3 students, 4.3 degrees
The number of students for each major does seem low and I'm not sure how universities finance these programs. I would hope that there could be some sort of regional consolidation so that the majors remain available within the region, but not necessarily available in each university in the region.
(35,571 posts)not an academic decision, but one based on students taking the classes.
(35,082 posts)Anthropology of Religion. Was the practice adaptive to its environment?
(13,431 posts)not only should we be teaching religion (as part of social sciences) -- but we should also be teaching cognitive science. Now, more than ever, people need tools to figure how and why we make the assessments and form the opinions that we do. In short -- we need a much greater (and more accurate) understanding -- of what makes us as human beings tick.
(and then, potentially, work together -- rather than killing each other.)