I see posts from ppl that HATE 45
You can almost feel the hate thru the keyboard. I wish we could find a way to make them understand that they should pity him instead. Hate is a very powerful emotion. Those that hate him are giving away their energy to an energy vampire.
Pity is what I feel for him. I may detest his actions, but he is such a deeply damaged soul that I cannot help but pity him. Very few souls on this planet are as deeply damaged as his. I cannot walk in his footsteps - and would not want to if I could - but I guarantee his childhood was hellish. Then he was given $$$.
Perfect storm for a Dark Triad.
Hate is one of the strongest emotions we feel as humans - if it is directed to an individual that energy goes FROM you TO them. Energy vampires FEED on energy - positive is best, but negative is fine too.
Pity is what I feel. A small man, always knowing he is inferior (likely due to childhood hell). A pathetic man that has a NEED to TAKE from others because he is so empty inside.
45 reminds me of a racoon I saw on the road that had been hit by a car. It was still kinda moving, so I threw a coat over it and got it off the road. It was fighting to get out of the coat. Once a few yards from the road I lifted the jacket - it hissed at me. It looked OK except for a limping back paw.
As it walked/limped away it turned 3-5 times to hiss at me.
The racoon is not human, it could not understand that I was trying to help. That was likely Trumputins childhood in a nutshell. Enough parental damage creates a sociopath.
Pity TAKES energy from the energy vampire.
HATE fuels him.

(24,961 posts)He's lied and cheated his way through his term as president (30,000+ at least), moaned about not making any money while in office but in fact, made over $1.6 billion dollars according to some estimates. The biggest thing is directing his thugs to overthrow the US Govt and prevent them from certifying the results of the Nov. 2020 elections (in front of the WH, he directed them to Capital Hill
No rest, no peace, nothing for traitors of this great Country of ours.
P.S. I understand where you are coming from, but this thug deliberately in many ways stifled the rights of many Americans, shut down DACC throwing a whole bunch of kids in limbo land, discontinued government support of a lot of government services for the disadvantaged of our Country, mocked the disabled, questioned our vets as to why in the hell were they serving our Country, etc.
(18,963 posts)He is so damaged that he is barely recognizable as 'human'. My childhood kinda sucked, but nothing even close to as bad as his was.
He is as damaging a human being as has ever walked the earth, but he was CREATED to be this pestilence by BAD, Negative, Shaming parenting. We did not have a village in place to raise that child.
(24,961 posts)his bringing up by his parents. He didn't.
(18,963 posts)Ocelot II
(123,555 posts)I have been disgusted by Trump, but hate is exhausting and poisoning. I do pity him in a way, though, because his life must really suck despite all his wealth and influence.
This is a man who seems to have no joy in his life. His only pleasure, if you can even call it that, comes from putting down anyone who opposes him, which his father apparently taught him is winning - and losing is completely unthinkable. He doesn't seem to enjoy music or art; he doesn't go to plays or concerts; he doesn't appreciate nature; he doesn't even like pets; he doesn't read anything but news items about himself; he has no real friends, just toadies and hangers-on; his wife doesn't seem to especially like him and all of his wives have been nothing but arm-candy for him (and he cheated on all of them); his relationships with his oldest children are weird, to say the least, and he seems to have none at all with the youngest; he has no hobbies other than golf, at which he cheats because he always has to win; and he's so absurdly vain that he is said to need two hours to do his hair and makeup. Everything is superficial. He has to have the biggest, the best, the most expensive, the most ostentatious because he needs everyone to know that he's rich. His NYC apartment looks like Versailles redecorated by Saddam Hussein's pimp. He spends every waking hour fretting about the possibility that someone else might be richer, more powerful, more appreciated, more valued, and it drives him crazy.
I can't imagine a more miserable existence. He's a pathetic, wretched specimen, and so even though he has been an appallingly destructive force, I have to pity him at least a little, if only in the Buddhist sense of feeling compassion for all sentient beings. How sad it must be to live in a constant state of rage and envy. I wouldn't trade my life for his for anything.
(18,963 posts)He is constantly entrenched in ME ME ME ME and cannot see the world around him - like sooooo many others, but he is in a position to do REAL damage,
(29,941 posts)Im not poisoned. It takes less energy than a thought since its so visceral.
See him hate him.
Out of sight out of mind.
(18,963 posts)and u will be astounded
(29,941 posts)You seem to think hate is hot.
Not necessarily; it can be stone cold.
I dont agree with you but Im expending too much energy.
Have your own good day.
(8,514 posts)I don't want to hate anyone, but there are a few people whom I really do intensely hate. I do wish I could find a way to get over that hate.
As for trump, I don't have such strong emotions about him now that he is no longer President. I agree that he's pathetic. I kinda just wish he'd drop dead so we could stop thinking about him. That might sound mean, but I'm just being honest.
(18,963 posts)There are a few ppl who have been so damaging to my life that I actively try to learn to forgive. I am not fully there yet, but each day seems to help.
Midnight Writer
(23,491 posts)I know lots of people with hellish childhoods who turned away from a negative path.
He had scads of opportunities. He could have grown into a better person. He chose not to.
He could have strived to be a good father and husband. He chose not to.
He could have decided to run an ethical business. He chose not to.
He could have used his power as President to make life better for hundreds of millions of people. He chose not to.
Instead, he lied, cheated, stole, assaulted women, alienated the friends of our country while bolstering our enemies, and his willful neglect cost hundreds of thousands of Americans their lives, more than any American war.
He was entrusted with a position of honor and power, and exploited it for selfish reasons. He broke his oath and betrayed our country.
He hates dogs.
I could go on and on, but you're right. Hate is negative, and I don't invite it into my life. But for a guy who is weakened by pity, he sure does beg for it. Incessantly. I would argue that pity does feed an energy vampire.
(18,963 posts)Look at him as the tiny mushroom penis pathetic creature that he is.
Yeah, daddy gave him LOTSA $$$$$$$$$. He lost it all cuz he's an IDIOT a true IDIOT.
Idiots can have good lives - just look to AL, LO, AK. You just can't ask them to 'THINK' and they'll b fine
(8,514 posts)Thanks to Stormy Daniels for that description.
I think that nobody really hates trump as much as he hates himself, deep down. I just can't imagine living a life where nothing is ever "enough". I feel that he's a person who can never be truly satisfied. That must feel so awful.
(18,963 posts)wish I did cuz they r healthy and all - but the texture..............
(8,514 posts)Cooked, not raw.
My son is just like you. He absolutely can't stand them in any form.
Honestly, though, when you think about how they grow and what they are, it's sort of odd that we consider them a food.
(18,963 posts)If u go to the farmers market r u gonna buy a basket of dogshit? What if they had flags on each basket of dogshit.
Realistically I would stop asking about baskets or the shit inside them and ask
(10,729 posts)I used to fear my father. Now I pity him and stay as far away as I can. People wonder why Im not closer to my father, but they dont know or care about all the abuse and about how much damage my siblings and I sustained.
I dont hate him. I feel sorry for him because he lives in a very dark and joyless world. So does Trump.
But I feel so much better not having Trump in my life anymore. Or the other person.
(18,963 posts)I feel sorry for her after what I have learned, but she still thinks 45 is the lamb of God and that vaccines are the work of the devil,
Oh, and the GOOD one - I am possessed by demons.
(29,941 posts)Kidding.
(10,729 posts)murielm99
(31,744 posts)My middle brother actually calls her "Trump."
All three of her children have been broken by her, to one degree or another.
I don't feel sorry for my mother. I avoid her.
(38,622 posts)Because then you destroy yourself. Richard Nixon in his farewell speech to his staff.
I always thought, well he ought to know
(18,963 posts)Nixon was deplorable, but at least he had a soul.
(38,622 posts)I_UndergroundPanther
(13,028 posts)Or nature would have deselected it .
Hate is a protective emotion .
It has a reason and function.
It has a social protective function. When that hate is aimed at a genuine threat to you or others social well being.
I hate without shame, I express hate in a sane way and hate until I don't need to hate anymore. It works it's way out of my system it cleanses me. When I am done hating I don't hate the person's who abused or injured me anymore. Because I was honest about how I felt about them with myself and didn't guilt myself tell myself I was evil for feeling it or pretend I didn't feel what I felt.
I don't believe in karma and I don't think the universe gives a shit what happens in the chaos that exists on this planet.
But evolution exists,apparently and if hate was as awful as you claim it would have been deselected if it interfered with our survival.
Hate of a race or other abstract thing or whatever else impersonal that hasn't abused you caused you crisis or killed someone you love is toxic hate.
That kind of hate is irrational ,that kind hate can do harm if it's socially reinforced.
(18,963 posts)If u want to give your personal power to negative energy that is your choice,.
(52,672 posts)as long as I can remember. My neighbor is like you and can't "hate". I think that my hate is actually good for me mentally and emotionally. It allows me to vent my frustrations and direct them where appropriate, which I do. If I didn't "hate" outwardly as much as I freely do I would have all that anger bottled up inside and it would be negative to my body and mind. It is a release. I hate other drivers when they cut me off. I hate Fux Ruse for a zillion things. I swear at them and I do it when I am by myself so others don't even need to experience it. It is a release and good for me to let loose. I don't have a gun, I don't have Fakebook and Twitter. I have the privacy of my home and car where I say Fuck You to the people and things I hate and the fucking moron is on top of my list.
(18,963 posts)It became so all encompassing that it sucked my world into a hideous matrix.
Then I started to get better - not fully , but working on it.
Blue Owl
(55,558 posts)

(18,963 posts)Which, if existant, is going to be forced to PAY.
Not sure if I believe in anything - but 45's soul suffering is a given
(29,941 posts)Maybe he needs to earn some pity.
(18,963 posts)a powerful emotion that he feeds on
(29,941 posts)An exception to the rule.
Dump is totally unaware and uncaring of what any person like me cares about or thinks.
So Im on that we can agree, its a useless emotion.
However, Im no religious person. I think I get think what I want. Im not gonna curse him nor endanger him in anyway. But I can sure say I hate him and I dont think Karma can begrudge me that.
(18,963 posts)Ppl ignroing theREALITY
(29,941 posts)Why do you think your reality is anyone elses?
Reality is just your opinion. Trump hasnt won shit. If YOUR reality thinks so then I dont think your reality is worth a hill of beans.
Laura PourMeADrink
(42,770 posts)the reality of the depths of evil he was capable of doing. He literally admitted on tape to Woodward that he purposely did not warn the public about covid. Hundreds of thousands of human beings died early on because of his actions. Children are separated from their parents because of him.
Not sure how whether you pity or hate him or both has any affect on these truths? Nor how me personally hating him gives him any power. Maryanne's book that describes in detail the cold way he was raised led to absolutely zero change in his behavior.
Do you think maybe hatred toward someone you don't even know personally is different than toward someone you do? Hard to even imagine knowing anyone like him personally, huh.
(8,514 posts)I've actually been doing a lot better lately, and have stopped ruminating, but I want to get to a point where I really don't think at all about the objects of my disdain.
A couple of the tools that I've been using for the last couple of years to deal with the betrayal that triggered my hate are journaling and a zillion helpful videos on that one video site. This afternoon, since you first posted this, I checked out a couple of "how to stop hating someone" videos, and, as usual, they helped.
So thank you for giving me a little nudge with your post. I had sort of been taking a break from healing from my hate, and it's time to finish my recovery.
(18,963 posts)

(8,514 posts)I didn't even know what it was until a couple of years ago. The experts tell us regular people that we're not supposed to diagnose, but I don't think anyone can argue against the conclusion that trump is a narcissist. My ex-husband is also a textbook example. I'm just so relieved to have him out of my life.
I can't even imagine the difficulty of growing up with a narcissistic parent, but I have to say, you sound amazingly strong now. I think the best thing that any of us can do for ourselves is to decide that we're no longer going to be their victim.
(18,963 posts)It is a hard road to travel. Spend some time googling HSP's.
We likely will not see u much on DU for awhile. But it will be for the BEST.
Focus. Ignore the outside world. The pain is Reality.
(8,514 posts)I don't think I'm overly sensitive. I really don't get easily offended.
(18,963 posts)We a breath of NORMALCY for those that can relate.
(8,514 posts)
I guess we never really know.
(18,963 posts)but recognize and react accordingly.
(1,579 posts)alittlelark
(18,963 posts)cuz hate begets hate. I keep envisioning him as a psychotically mistreated child to evolve the hate I feel.
(12,240 posts)You get what you give.
(18,963 posts)And I GUARANTEE that he will sue 4 it.
Are u in the right place at the right time??
(18,963 posts)