Happy Beltane!
As my friend Caroline Casey explains:
True Beltane (the Springtime Halloween, one of the Four Gates of Power) exact mid-season will be May 5th this year, Cinco de Mayo
This is the time when the Intelligence of fecund sensuality and Participatory Animism are especially magnetizing our playful collaborative Indigenuity
Beltane - restoration of intimacy with world
Venusian Participatory Animism Fest
Mid-Spring, one of the Four Gates of Power,
where the Intelligence of the Season
is especially eager to be invited to play,
cavort around the Maypole,
Lets Re-awaken Eros!
(which the Celts brought to Haiti,
where tis syncretized with the center pole
in the room of romping with the gods
Syncretism is a sacrament
Inner dedication, strengthens our signal -
so we are more likely to be danced into place
with our accomplices,
whereby to engage in
Liberating Cultural High Jinx!
in this season of serendipitous synchronicity
unfurling before us...
Venus is beginning to emerge as the evening star,
(Below the more faint Mercury at dusk
and we with her...
when we gather
with all the critters
remembering we be kin.
who brought what? To this necessary
humans humbly cooperating with
Natures Guiding experimental Genius...
Malarchy archy
(The only Trickster endorsed/encouraged/encouraging
And, if not
(Autonomy is a sacrament) -
also splendid!
and here be these offerings with which to cahoot,
As we are all in this Dream together..
I aspire to delineate the many
generous astro*mytho metaphors,
that Trickster be so generously proffering...
Especially, for us all,
the Jupiter-Uranus quintile
(72 degree angle, division of circle by 5,
humming now, exact on True Beltane)
of irresistible influence on behalf of what we love,
the capacity to open portals between worlds
So, for us all to entertain that possibility and
to contemplate what doors between worlds
each one of us would like to open
"This is our moment not to create something new, but to return to an ancient way of being, known to the Blackfoot and Indigenous communities around the world. Its a story that leaves no one without family, a story in which we begin by offering each other belonging, and end by teaching others how we lived: together."
Maslow Got It Wrong by Teju Ravilochan
Pragmatic Mysticism, Democratic Animism,
and Applied Divination
*If We provide the Metaphors,
Trickster will provide the Molecules
contemplate (v.)
1590s, "reflect upon, ponder, study, view mentally, meditate," from Latin contemplatus, past participle of contemplari "to gaze attentively, observe; consider, contemplate," originally "to mark out a space for observation" (as an augur does), from assimilated form of com-, here probably an intensive prefix (see com-), + templum "area for the taking of auguries" (see temple (n.1)).
Saturn Square Uranus guides:
Every Saturn - impedimental ack be incentive to invoke Uranus Trickster experimental Genius
whereby to create greater Beauty..
To love disharmony back into harmony -
creates a greater harmony than existed before."
"When nothing is certain then anything is possible
"Situation so dire, we cant afford the luxury of realism."
"When life gives us demons-make demonade!
Inviting Demons to the Dance
(There, lets put all that in our pipe and smoke it
Rituals of contemplative con-sidering
con means with and sider - stars)