Hey people, Time to post in this group if you all want to keep it.
Due to poor health and sudden joblessness, I had lost my donnor star for about a year. I could not post in this group without one. A generous person gave me a star a couple day ago during the fund raising drive, something of which I am very gratefull. Anyway, it's time to post here, a roll call if you will.Do you want to keep this group? Or do we want to merge this group with another? Thank you. icymist

(3,881 posts)
(15,888 posts)Spread word around, tell your friends that we want to keep this group!
(3,881 posts)
Tyrs WolfDaemon
(2,289 posts)Sorry to hear about your health, I know how that can effect things. I hope you are feeling better.
Look at it this way, after the Rapture on Saturday there will be more job openings for everyone and fewer fundies to annoy us.
(15,888 posts)My health is much better, I'm back at work, and I'll be working tonight when the rapture will begin on the other side of the world. Should be interesting.
(17,454 posts)So, yes I do want to keep this group going.
I hope you are feeling better. I had been wondering where you had gone to, since I hadn't seen any of your posts here in quite some time. Welcome back!
(15,888 posts)I had cyotica, a type of nerve pinching that pretty much made just walking very painful. I work as a nurse aide and, obiviously I couldn't do that. I wound up working fot the Census to make it through the summer. Eventually, the nerve damage healed and I started back to my regular work in November. I'm paying off a bunch of bills and getting back 'on my feet', (heh, heh) and just in time to get typing for this group. Yeah!
I haven't found the spell check over here. Please forgive any bad spelling.
(494 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)Tell your friends. We need a good pagan forum.
(31,046 posts)without having to remember to click into them.
(15,888 posts)I too am finding a lot I like about the DU3.
Very interested in keeping this group.... Sorry icymist... I'd always try to contribute to keep a star..
(15,888 posts)I'm starting to pull myself out of debt from all the health problems I faced last year. It was heart-breaking when I saw that I had lost my DU star. Things are looking better, though.
(35,737 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)nt
(9,323 posts)scarletwoman
(31,893 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)nt
(6,257 posts)It should make for more interesting and focused discussion.
(15,888 posts)I'll wait and see how discussion is divided up before commenting.
Still waiting for spell check.
I am the worlds worst speller at times.
I am excited at tthe new DU and it's treatment of us Pagans.
(17,454 posts)I'm hoping this group will get to stick around, as it is another avenue to discuss things about other people's experiences relating to an array of topics.
(15,888 posts)I'm sure hoping that this group sticks around, that's why I'm hosting for the moment.
Behind the Aegis
(55,172 posts)I was the one who came up with the original idea. It did well for awhile, then it seemed all interest dropped off. Of course, at DU2, one has to have a star to post, that won't be the same this go around. And icymist, bless you for your effort to keep this group alive!
Since so many are finding this group to be useful/interesting, I vote to keep it seperate.
(1,924 posts)Hi there!
I have participated, although not very much, in the Astrology etc. group.

(9,323 posts)I subscribed.