Increased Health Spell
Increased Health Spell
The following is a spell to welcome and increase health in your life. As with all spells the most important aspect is setting a specific intention. The second most important aspect is allowing space within your intention and practice for the Universe to express its own creativity. Attempting to control the way our intention is accomplished places a limit on natural flow and can often prove to be counter-productive.
The tools and rituals we, as practitioners, may chose act only as a support for us to hold focus on our goal. In the following spell, you will find my preferred form of accomplishing setting, maintaining, and releasing intentions. If a variation feels more natural to you, trust yourself and use it.
Tools required -
3 - 5 white candles
1 white sage smudge (an incense stick is fine)
1 cedar smudge (an incense stick is fine)
1 comfortable sitting space located in the center of the circle
1 lighter