A little help please with some info.
I may have a problem and need info from those that are skilled and practiced in the old ways. I have a sister that is a practicing wiccan, she is not as skilled a one should be, but is wiccan none the less. She, I have no idea why, did a ceremony near a particular church and it has attracted some attention of something that is not amused. This happened a little over a month ago. My other sister has been looking into the problem since it has been causing things with her as well.
I just learned of this today. Putting some pieces together with some troubles I have had, including seeing some things in my apartment, I realized that all this started at the same time she did something to tick something off. The sister that is looking into what the other has done, believes that she ticked off a spirit of a devoted parishioner from some time back. That could be, but why am I getting echos here in Tucson? That happened in MO?
If this is some echo of what she ticked off, why pick on me too? I was not there! With my other sister being in the area, and some of what she practices, I could understand, but I had no clue this happened, I have 0 involvement.
Any ideas if it is just one of those things that I am having oppression problems at the same time or is this somehow her fault. And what can I do to ease the pressure?
I don't know what ritual she did or why. I am just hearing a little of the problems. It is the timing of my problems that is making me raise an eyebrow.
Note- tried sage, neighbors call the cops saying I was smoking pot.
(2,897 posts)Preferably someone with experience in contacting whatever/whomever it is, and finding out what it wants? Sometimes it only takes a simple action to satisfy a wandering spirit so they either don't bother you any more, or to move on to the spirit world, which is where spirits are supposed to go after physical incarnation is over.
Persons much more knowledgeable than me say that simply exorcising it could send it/them into a nearby building, where it could start bothering people who don't have any clue how to deal with it.
On another front, try to find out exactly where it entered your home or property. Supposedly spirits leave an energy trail when they enter a place. You could try dowsing to find where that was. The idea is to send the energy back out the way it came, and 'close the door', as it were. Salt is supposed to repel spirits of the dead. You can sprinkle it around the edges of your dwelling (inside and outside, if possible). At least salt does not smell like pot.
I have also read that filling your home with light and good vibes (play some music that you like, maybe), can help get rid of troublesome spirits/negative energy.
If nothing else, be very clear that your unwanted intruder is NOT welcome to stay. We do not have to put up with being bothered by spirits, anymore than we would be expected to open up our door and let whoever wants to come in and stay.
Good luck, and invoke help from whatever higher power you believe in to bring you peace and safety.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)I have been here long enough to get connections in that area. Back in SW MO I was, but here is a whole new ballgame.
Since it has not been causing any trouble that Dave sees/senses I have use the ignore technical in hopes what it may be gets board and leaves. I have been ghost hunting long enough that that can work in early parts of the problem. Dave being part Crow wanted to bless the place so that is why we did the sage in the first place.
My wiccan sister has said that she has done an apology ceremony and it seems to quiet down. She did it tonight. If mine quiets I may still want to kick her ass for doing it in the first place. We have been raise learning the old ways due to a long family history through my mother's side. She should know better than to do something that may upset the spirits like that! I don't know how many times our grandmother scowled her about showing respect for others beliefs, even if one has past, they are still touchy about their beliefs even then!
(2,897 posts)Wishing you bright blessings.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)and I've been a bit busy lately. Hmmm, it sure sounds as if you're in a pickle! I have a few question about your OP... how old is your sister? What skills are you talking about for practicing Wicca, a religion? If you mean for being a witch I will say that not all witches are Wiccan. There are forms of magic where you don't even have to practice a religion to make the magic work... Hoodoo comes to mind. Next question: Is your sister practicing by herself or with a group? How is she learning Wicca? I have a lot of concerns about her conducting a ritual at the location of another religion. So it seems that she has ticked off some spirit at that location. Somehow this spirit has followed her all the way to you. Now, don't take this wrong, but sit down and ask yourself what it is about you that this spirit is attracted to you. Be as honest as possible.
I'll have some more on this for you after consulting my many books on the subject. Meanwhile, salt in the corners of rooms is a good idea. Remember that if you cannot burn sage, try making a mixture with sage oil and water in a spray bottle and spray that around the room. I have found that this works as well. Also, prepare a protection spell for the Solstice where you spray the sage completely around that building you live in on that date. This is a traditional spell that will work for the entire year as you will draw sympathetic magical vibes from the sun.
I got to run for now. More later. ~icy
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)She also got a hold of our great great aunts books. These books and writings have been passed down from the time the family was in Scotland, the highlands. The exact age I am not sure of. She came into possession of them when our grandmother died. Since she was the only one of the family that was truly practicing, it made since to the whole family.
I have never went that deep into it. My other sister researches but does not practice. Which saddened our grandmother some.
The group she was with had a name that sounded like The Green Circle. It is in the SW part on MO. So I really don't know what she did at/near the church.
I feel embarrass at not remembering the sage oil thing. If my mother was alive she would knock me in the head for not remembering that and the salt!
Behind the Aegis
(55,072 posts)A besom made from a willow tree and infused with cinnamon oil that is used to "sweep" the bad energy from the house. I always sweep toward the east, best I can. Sweep it out the front or back door of the house, preferably a door that isn't used very often. Don't forget to sweep the ceiling and corners too. Keep in mind, this is not real sweeping in that you are trying to gather dirt, you are making symbolic gestures to "sweep away the evil." Another way you can try, is to open every window covering in the house, shades, curtains, etc., to allow in the most sunlight you can to "burn away" the evil. To get into corners, use a blessed mirror, one that is only (or mainly) used for magick. You can say your protection spell or favorite psalm or what-have-you, as you let the light in and use the mirror. I also have used another way, but you will look even more kooky, and that is to open the window coverings on the night of the full moon and use the moonlight to clear away the darkness. Use a mirror (or candle) to illuminate areas unreached by direct light (corners, closets, interior rooms).
Hope that helps.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)My sister has said she did an apology ceremony. And it is quieting down for her. I hope I will see a difference soon. I wish I knew why if/when she screws up we all get a taste of it.
(2,897 posts)the veil between the world of the living and the world of the spirits is thinner. They are always close by, but it is easier for them to reach us during the dark half of the year. Traditionally, this is believed to be between Samhain (Halloween) and Beltane (May day).
I seem to sense their presence the strongest from about Fall Equinox through Winter Solstice. To me it feels that the contact becomes less strong from about Imbolc onward (Feb. 2nd or Ground Hog's day) as the growing amount of day light becomes more noticeable.
Any dates given for this in your family's tradition may vary. I think Scotland is farther north than the area of the U.S. that I live in. Latitude definitely affects the amount of day light at a particular location, and historically, pagan/witch belief systems would've evolved in relation to the seasons as experienced at a particular location (if that tradition focused on seasons - I am not sure all of them did).
It is funny, I almost suggested putting the sage oil into a mister bottle with some spring water, and spraying that around. I am glad to be on the same wavelength with that suggestion.
Also, consider that the spirit/entity may have had a reason for coming to you, even if it was your sister's ritual which stirred it up. A woman I used to work for was raised in a tradition which was a mix of voodoo and santeria. She said that when a spirit contacts us that there is nearly always a reason. In order to get the spirit/entity to move on, we need to try and find out what that reason is. Sometimes the spirit/entity has a message for us, or has a request that they need a living person to carry out. As long as the request is within our means, and won't hurt anyone, she said that taking care of the request, or accepting their message for us, is the best way to get them to move on.
Perhaps the message was simply for you to work more at learning or studying the practices or knowledge of your ancestors. I think the old ways want us to wake up and learn and practice them more. This might have been your wake-up call.
Whatever happens, I wish you Bright Blessings!
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)The one pattern that seems to reoccur is that my sister does something that causes some sort of upset, then I get to feel some of the fallout till she fixes it.
I am going through a lot right now, and then she add to it by doing stuff like this. And She still won't tell me why she did it in the first place.
I did look into some of the old ways. I do know their is a lot about and is written in Runes in the the writings that my sister has got. I was trying to learn about two years ago. My SO was getting pretty spooked by my studying. Then the Tornado hit and I lost all my books that I was studying. I also lost my Tarot deck. I have not even thought of any of it till this all started.
I do miss that deck though. It really talked to me. I know that sounds corny, but it was so easy to read. Many that asked me to read for them was surprised that I was able to hit the points of what they were wanting to ask and not even having to give me any info.
Wow! I have not though of these things for a good year and a half now.
(617 posts)Keep the curtains open and fill the dwelling with as much light as possible. Light, light, light.
I've got some goofy hypothesis about some of these critters that comes from experience here in my home. I'm an asatruar myself, and I hate talking about this sort of thing - but I've got a shadow-like problem here due to the unfortunate location of this home. It has to do with the Caddo native americans - its sounds kooky just talking about it. If you lived here, you'd feel it as soon as you even approached the property. The neighborhood for that matter.
I could be wrong, though. You might have to take a trip to MO.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)And it has went quiet not that my sister has done her apology ceremony.
The one question that still baffles me is "Why is it when she does something like this, we all get a taste"? Me my other sister, and my brother all get to feel it.
From what I remember what my grandmother and mother said is that if you do something wrong you get back 3 times worse. But they never said that your family would feel it to.
(617 posts)Something(s) likes it - feeds off of it, I suspect. Sounds like a bad horror movie.
Or they're just mean and bestial (in a bad way). One of the first mistakes I made was in thinking that they are human or use some form of human justice or retribution.
I actually don't think that's the case. I think they're not human, nor ever were human and certain things allow them into "our world" as it were.
Its all crazy, man. I never would have thought these things a few years ago, but when you see enough shadows out of the corner of your eye or just plain right in front of you, and you experience enough electrical problems and cold spots, you start getting a bit freaked out. Small shadows, too. Not human sized, but little things.
I'm a scientist, so I try to keep a rational mind about things I observe. I have no real explanation for any of this but I err on the side of caution more often than not. I'm glad your problem is solved, though.
(2,897 posts)If the magic is misdirected, it is possible that the kick-back can manifest in the lives of our family or close friends. I guess this might be so, because the reason that magic works is that we are all connected.
The cleansing/protection work that you are doing ( and letting light into your home is part of that) should help to prevent or at least reduce the occurrence of this kind of problem in the future.
You can share the helpful techniques that worked for you with your siblings.
Or, if they are not open to doing anything, than you can light white candles (tea candles will do) and picture/imagine white light surrounding your siblings, their families, and their homes/property/dwellings. If you can't afford candles, don't worry. Any prayers and/or visualizations for their protection WILL help and benefit them and YOU.
Your love and prayers/visualizations/good thoughts for others are NEVER wasted.
If you do come from a line of Fam trads (family tradition pagans/witches/magicians) that may be why the rest of you feel it when your sister does her workings. The family connections may be extra strong, for that reason.
Don't be afraid to call on your ancestors and the power and wisdom of your family lineage to help you protect both yourself, your immediate family, and your siblings if you are willing.
Wishing you joy, peace, happiness, and protection in this holiday season.
And, since we seem to be living in what the Chinese would refer to as Interesting Times, know that everyone's world is being rocked to its' foundation right now. Since we all are connected, it makes sense that we will feel the ground swells rolling a bit into our own lives. Feeling that energy is NOT a sign of failure of your efforts. (I have to remember this principal in my own life sigh. ).
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)What she did in the apology ceremony has quieted it down on her side and I have seen less here. And I have decided that with the area here in Tucson is charged, to keep up with the cleansing exercises. Better safe than sorry. I know I will always see those little "shadows" due to being able since I was so little, but Dave is not like I am. He is not use to that kind of a thing. I don't think he wants to start.
So, as I said earlier, Tucson is a charged area and I am a, according to my late grandmother, receptor, better safe than sorry. Mainly for Dave.
(2,897 posts)Peace and blessings.
Lady Freedom Returns
(14,180 posts)It has been a while since I had to do so much. Usually I just ignore and to went away. This time not so much. Thanks for refreshing my memory.