interesting Anne Ortelee w/o 3/25 with a 2nd finger of god/goddess
Another week of major changes awaits us. We can expect oodles of shifts, ah-has and oh wows! In the week ahead. Fiery passions appear as Sun and Venus move in Aries to meet up with Uranus and Mars in Fire. Communication continues to improve as Mercury moves direct albeit a bit still a bit cloudy and cluttered. Mercury is still in Pisces but we know what we WANT.
We continue to have an explosion of fire over the NEXT week. Sun, Venus, Mars and Uranus are in the first decant of Aries. Fire and explosions continue all week. Be very careful and aware around fire energies. Expect passionate and action based changes in the Aries part of our charts. Watch volatile substances. Be careful with open flames.
We have a second Finger of God/Goddess forming and activating this week. It is a FAST moving and FIRE based Finger of God/Goddess. It interlocks with the other, slower moving Finger of God in that the Jupiter and Saturn planets are shared. Mars, Sun and Venus all set it off in Aries. Saturn is the Apex of the Fiery Finger, with Mars, Sun and Venus forming one leg while Jupiter in Gemini forms the other leg. The Red in the diagram is the FAST FIRE Finger. The Green in the diagram is the SLOW EVOLUTIONARY Finger weve been working with since December 4, 2012.
More at link, with interesting diagram...the 2 fingers are aligned and point in opposite directions.
This 2nd finger of god appears to be pointing right about where my Scorpio sun is. Saturn is at the point of the finger and I was born with Saturn right about at 0 degrees Scorpio. And it's pointing at my 2nd house. I can't help but wonder if it has increased significance, and what it's significance is.
I welcome any input or ideas...thanks!