Need some healing thoughts
Feel guilty asking, but I made a big mistake yesterday morning in taking my dog out without her halti. Hubby wasn't up when I got back from taking my son to the bus, but he let the dog out of the bedroom. I figured I'd take her out before I got out of my coat and settled down for breakfast. Just as I was taking a step off he porch, she heard another dog and went nuts. Her 80lbs had enough force to pull me off balance and I fell from about 2 ft, landing on concrete taking the brunt of my fall on my sternum.
After I could breathe again, I got into the house and hubby got up to take me to the ER. Nothing is broken, but I'm in a world of hurt every time I go to move with pain from my sternum in the front, left ribs, around to either side of my spine. Can't raise my left arm more than a couple of inches. The dr said I must have landed like Pete Rose sliding into base.
Amazingly, my head, neck, arms, knees, and hips checked out fine. I just can't get over how much pain the slightest move causes and I'm having a hard time even getting comfortable to rest. BTW, i never let go of the leash and the dog didn't pull away from me. She did come over and look at me like "What are you doing down there?"

(138,425 posts)And thanks to the dog for hanging around.
(6,504 posts)and am glad that you have loved ones to help you to the ER and back. I am glad for the many painkillers and hope that you can heal fast!
(19,288 posts)kentauros
(29,414 posts)I remember many years ago when my past-wife tripped on one of those concrete parking stops, and landed on her palms. However, it was a hard fall, like yours, and she was in pain for at least a week. I don't think we took her to a doctor, though she did determine that all the muscles across her chest had been strained. I would suspect something like that is going on as well, though I can't be sure.
Have you been able to soak in a bathtub with Epsom salts? I know that's more moving around and difficult when you can't move well.Maybe soak while using the pain killers so the soaking can do its work, too.
Glad your dog stayed with you. Good dog!
Still Blue in PDX
(1,999 posts)In my experience it was a cat that set my big girl off.
Sending reiki and all manner of healing thoughts your way.
(4,482 posts)Hope you feel better soon.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Bone bruises are as painful as fractures, and take as long to heal. They just don't show up on x-rays.
Sounds like you took quite a beating, landing face down on cement. Alternating heat and cold on the sore areas will help increase the circulation to remove debris from any bruising. Arnica helps bone bruises as well as fractures.
Gentle :hugs: and healing light headed your way...
(12,342 posts)I've been meditating most of the day, opening myself up to energy flow and willing
myself not to tense up, since that's when it hurts the most. It's been "move
slowly, relax. Move slowly, relax." I've found that's been working well
for me somewhat today. I've been able to reach for things (eyeglasses,
glass of water, etc) and use the keyboard with both hands.
My goal is to hopefully feel mobile enough that I can go into my desk job
on Monday. It really is 'sit and type', but I don't know how we'll
I'll be able to concentrate.
(10,446 posts)arnica gel, rub it all into to the painful areas, and get your husband to do the areas you can't reach. Did the ER doc tell you to alternate ice bags/heating pads? Also, plain old ordinary Tylenol works much better for me than all the nsaids or pain killers in the world. Sending healing, positive energies in your direction and hoping to hear that you're better soon.
(12,342 posts)Hubby has to take our son to violin lesson tomorrow morning. Maybe they can find some of the Arnica gel at our local natural foods co-op. I've never used it before. Is it ok to use over a large area, like left ribs and back? They have had me alternating extra-strength Tylenol with 600 mg Ibuprofin. That must be helping some because if I let too long go between a dose, I definitely notice it.
The doc also said that I must have landed very flat and the distribution of force was why I wasn't hurt anywhere else. Even as I was getting up and trying to catch my breath, I was counting my blessings. It could have been a lot worse.
(10,446 posts)heal faster, too.
(373 posts)Your angels must have been very busy cushioning your hurt just to read your description...sending healing light to you and hope you can find a semi comfortable position so you can sleep and heal...
If you can get Monday off with pay, it might be best to give your poor body a little extra rest, rather than trying to sit upright in all that pain...
Good luck and wellness to you!:loveya
(12,342 posts)The only physical evidence that something happened is the small scrape on the heel of my hand. That's why they gave me the tetanus shot. They weren't sure if I scraped it on the cement or the leash handle.
(2,151 posts)Better, I hope.
(12,342 posts)I had a bad night Friday night, was in pain, couldn't get comfortable. Had the same kind of night last night. Friday it was because I was playing a game with the kids and got to laughing kinda hard. Boy, did that hurt! Yesterday, I went to work for a half day, then went with our son to hear about the Cambridge program at the high school he'll attend next year. I thought, "no problem". It was in the library, no steps to navigate, all flat hallway. Guess it still was too much moving around. I was up and down all night last night trying to get into a position where it didn't feel like I was sleeping directly on railroad ballast. Ended up working a half day today, but came right home and have been taking it easy tonight.
Hoping tomorrow is better.
Today makes one year and a day since Sandy toppled a tree into 1/3rd of our house. Today we received the final electric inspection, final city inspection, and certificate of occupancy!