I have been seeing this time 11:11 for many months now. Does it mean anything? I look up, and the clock will say 11:11. It can be the clock in the living room, bedroom, kitchen or car.
I would appreciate any insight to this. I did look it up, but I really don't get it. Thanks

Response to Holly_Hobby (Original post)
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Response to Holly_Hobby (Original post)
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(39,210 posts)They talk about this on Coast to Coast frequently. The trouble is, I forgot most of what they said.
If I think on it a little, it might come back to me. I'll post back if it does.
I see it a lot, too. I interpret it, and any others like 2:22 or 3:33 as moments to check on what I'm doing. I think it's a symbol that whatever I'm doing, I'm on the life path I spec'd out before I came into physical form.
Sometimes it's just coincidence, but you can kind of tell when it's coincidence and when it's a touchstone.
(31,745 posts)if it is a touchstone?
(39,210 posts)to learn the lessons you need to learn and to give the world what you're supposed to give it.
The opposite of seeing 3:33 or 11:11 is obstacles. If you're going down a path that doesn't fulfill your life goal, all sorts of obstacles are thrown in your way. I am going through that now.
I've been presented with a steady income opportunity. I really should just walk away from this situation and do this thing I know I'm supposed to do, but there's financial security on one side and risk and no guarantees on the other. Not such an easy decision.
(3,033 posts)In 2005, I adopted a 6 mo. old collie puppy. I named him Rollie the Collie. I had just lost my 3 dogs 8 months apart and wasn't in a good place. 6 weeks later, I went and got his brother. I named him Corky.
Rollie and Corky pulled me out of the black hole of grief I was in.
In 2012, I put Rollie down because of bile duct disease. I'm still not over it. He saved me, but I couldn't save him. I suppose it's guilt?
I started getting the 11:11 last summer, when Corky got sick. The vet only treated the symptoms, so the underlying liver disease wasn't discovered until I demanded bloodwork. He's on milk thistle and SAMe, expected to make a full recovery.
I'm trying to make the connection of the 11:11 to Rollie warning me that Corky is sick. Or Rollie offering support to me because of the other nightmares going on in my life at the moment.
I guess I'll never know. Thanks for your response.
On edit, I forgot to say that Rollie died on 12.12.12. On 2nd edit, Rollie and Corky were born on 5.5.5.
(39,210 posts)I think this is a possibility (trying to reach you). The key to putting it together might be that info from C2C. I will do some research in the shows database to see if I can find the ones that talked about it.
(3,033 posts)I will never - ever - get over that dog. He saved my life. My husband said Rollie's work here was done, and that's why he left. But I can't help feel that I couldn't help him, and it's so hard to live with.
(39,210 posts)There's a lot. For starters, you might want to check out this book. Some people love it, some people are not so crazy about it:
Try your library--I understand quite a few libraries have it. The main criticism is that the first 40 pages are about 11:11, but the rest is mathematical theory and discussion.
I'll post more about what I found in the next few days--really tired tonight.
(3,033 posts)magical thyme
(14,881 posts)
So glad, too, that Corky is recovering.
I've been seeing 11:11 a lot lately too. I remember a few decades ago when on 11/11 a gate was expected to be opening.
I am in a transitional period myself, and am walking away from some financial security to focus on what matters.
(3,033 posts)MrMickeysMom
(20,453 posts)The first person I ever read or heard in regards to seeing 11:11 was that psychic Silvia Brown. My mother (who started reading astrology magazines and had an influence on her children's interest in it) and I discussed this a lot. It was a symbol at times for her connecting with her long deceased mother (my grandma, who was so close to my mom).
My mommy died May 21st, 2007 and since that time I see 11:11 at significant moments when I ponder questions, or when my husband and I have what I call "sweet thoughts".
Brown believed, and others have written the significants of numbers that a appear to us during our time on earth. They think that others come through in ways that can be seen every day, if we only tune in. One of the easiest ways to be in tune with guidance from the departed is to see this.
I don't know if you have significant thoughts when you see it, Holly, but I'd like to know if they are meaningful to you in a spiritual way. They are to me.
(3,033 posts)from my dearly departed dog Rollie, telling me he's ok. I can't help but feel that there's a message, although from whom or what remains a mystery. It continues to happen to me. For example, I recently made a purchase on Ebay and the return address was 1111 W. 59th St. Last night, I woke up to see the clock in the bedroom at 11:11 pm.
Response to Holly_Hobby (Reply #14)
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(10,453 posts)You have to sign up for the service, but it is free. When you keep seeing the same numbers over and over, angels are trying to get your attention, telling you to pay attention to your thoughts. Reading her book was very helpful to me.
(3,033 posts)Response to Holly_Hobby (Original post)
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Response to Holly_Hobby (Original post)
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(6,369 posts)It has been this way for the past decade.
(24,310 posts)until tonight...dinking around here on DU and trying to distract my nervous dog from the lame fireworks in the neighborhood. I realize this is an old conversation but I see these number patterns constantly....all day long and sometimes wake up out of a dead sleep to look at the clock and see 3:33 or 1:11 etc. I dont know what to make of it.
(12,189 posts)welcome! This group used to be very active - not so much anymore. Glad you found us - perhaps we'll have more interchanges in 2019.
(24,310 posts)I would love to see this group more active! Ill do some reading of older posts to get a feel for what you all enjoy talking about. Wouldnt it be lovely to have conversations about things other than the state of our union?