illness as a metaphor...
I don't wish anybody ill, but I find this interesting because I've seen it happen in so many different ways.
I learned yesterday that the woman who seriously badmouthed me with gossip and rumors to management this past summer, and helped cost me my job, is now seriously ill.
Interestingly, her symptoms appeared right after she trashed me at my now former job. Her first symptom? Paralyzed vocal cords.
Not the first time in my life that I've seen this "phenomenon."
(24,887 posts)But the flip side is that people judge you for being ill. That's not fair.
(137,795 posts)You just rang a HUGE bell, thyme! My husband, separated and now deceased, a real 'talker,' not chat but known for holding and sharing strong views (also repug, but finally smart enough that couldn't vote for shrub,) developed a cancer on/near his throat, treatment for which finally caused his death. He was frustrated for years because the surgery caused him to NOT be able to be understood by most. (I, however, could usually understand him.) He abused me emotionally for years, later hit me, then I left him (and our home.)
'Thanks,' and GOOD LUCK!
(16,104 posts)What you put out in the world comes right back at you?
Not a particular religious persuasion, but a general acknowledgement of our physical manifestation in reality through our thoughts and intentions.
Kind of like 'cause and effect,' 'every action has an equal opposite reaction,' etc.
(31,619 posts)but had some people here tell me that karma is not that simple. Sometimes, it takes a long time to work, and is not that direct.
I look forward to what others here have to say about karma.
(5,562 posts)from complications after a long decline due to dementia. His dad and some other family members also died with the disease. Long before Dad got sick he became terrified of "winding up like his Dad". I've thought about this often over the years. He never did anything in this life to deserve how he had to live the last 15 years of his. Is is possible to scare oneself into a disease? Or maybe did he know at some level that he bravely chose to do this as his soul contract even though he dreaded it; and which was with all of us who also lived through it with him, especially my stepmother. She has grown the most through the ordeal and our relationship has changed from someone who I tolerated for Dad's sake to someone I love deeply.
I think if it was some kind of karma or his soul contract that it came out right and at least he won't have to repeat it.
(5,510 posts)Mysterious ways & such.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)Her disease is actually in the tissue surrounding her heart and lungs. It's just the first clinical symptom that involved her vocal cords, appearing right after she used them to abuse me.
(6,096 posts)fortunate to see this happen to a person that accused me of sleeping with her husband. It backfired on her so bad....she lost
her husband, her house, her daughter was in prison for 3 years for 1 bad check that she would not answer warrants, etc....
I have never felt sorry for this woman...she wanted something I had...
but he didn't want her....
I guess it's not right receive so many good feelings about this, but I can't help myself.
(365 posts)My experience has been that with all the "wrongs" that have been done to me, i haven't had to lift a finger or send a vengeful thought....
The Universe has a way of handling everything...i have worked hard to wish everyone well, wrap them in the Blue Light and see them happy...and everything that has not worked out for them is a result of something in their karma and i don't want to add to it...
They say that you cannot have that which you are unwilling to let someone else if you want a good relationship, visualize the person you had a bad relationship with having a great new relationship with someone new and being happy etc...
And they say now in the "end times" that karma has a way of coming back faster and faster, almost instantly...i know that it is true for me...and the good karma comes back even faster it seems...and you never know where it might come from...but you often can see it!
(2 posts)I found an interesting quote from a high level Qi Gong Master (Mr Li Hongzhi ) that talks about the manifestation of illness:
Ive told you that, regardless of whether its Jesus, St. Mary, Yahweh (whose ability exceeds that of even the previous two), or the Buddhas in Eastern religions, with a wave of the hand there wouldnt be one single sick person on this tiny Earth. Why arent they being compassionate and doing that for people? Because people themselves are doing bad things. Of course, this isnt to punish peopleits the principle of the universe evaluating all beings. Since humans have done bad things, they have to pay for them themselves. Suppose you killed someone, and a Buddha eliminated the karma for you.
Then, would it mean that youre allowed to kill people as you please? How could it be acceptable for a Buddha to eliminate your diseases as soon as you had killed people and generated karma? When people do bad things they have to pay for it and bear the responsibility. But when people have done bad things, the most obvious manifestation of it in the human body is sickness, which is used to punish people. Im not the only one saying thisJesus also said that people have sins. Why do people have sins? Its exactly because people have karma in their bodies. Western culture doesnt have the word karmatheres no such word in Western culture. So Jesus used the word sin to illustrate the general point. In fact, isnt having karma the same as having sins? Without sins, how could there be karma? Its the same idea.