Astropro Futures: August 2017 Forecast by Astrologer Richard Nolle
What does a Gemini-Sagittarius polarity from back in May and June have to do with the August 21 solar eclipse at 28°53 Leo? Youd know, had you been reading my forecasts for the last few months.
It all goes back to June 14, 1946 at 10:54 AM EDT, at the Jamaica Hospital in Queens, New York. Thats Donald J. Trumps official birth certificate (BC) data. There are a few other birth times in circulation, but theres only one officially documented time. I use it because its evidence. All the other options are speculative, mere opinions; which is to say, lacking evidentiary value. (Put lipstick on a pig by calling it a rectification if you like. Just remember: theres a reason its known as "wreck-tification".)
The Trump chart is dramatically highlighted by the August 21 eclipse, which falls on Mr. Trumps Mars at the ascendant; with Saturn simultaneously falling on his natal lunar eclipse which has been the focus of the May and June Saturn aspects mentioned above.
Theres an ominous and I use the term literally historical parallel here to Julius Caesar. Following a sacrificial omen by the Julliards at the festival of Lupercalia on February 15, 44 BCE, the soothsayer Spurinna warned Caesar that his life would be in danger for a period of 30 days ending on March 15, the infamous Ides of March.