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This message was self-deleted by its author (bobnicewander) on Mon Oct 5, 2020, 02:52 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(25,972 posts)👍🏻
Thank you.
How do you post without having to put in a re[ly title every time?
I don't think a reply title is required... if you put only a line in the title and no thread its in the body of the post also...
no title? not sure...
(2,212 posts)I'd never stop smiling.
(95,927 posts)Response to bobnicewander (Original post)
mahatmakanejeeves This message was self-deleted by its author.
(979 posts)My edits are mostly spelling or removal of unnecessary parenthesis and sometimes rearrangement or change of phrasing. For years I read but did not post. Am not familiar with even the most basic ways of the site.
(54,519 posts)it all comes to pass.
(5,034 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)I've read other astrologers, especially Vedic G. Singh, say the turning point would be the 15th, so essentially the same thing as being posted.
(979 posts)Last edited Sun Jan 13, 2019, 01:16 PM - Edit history (1)
I began posting about the January 2020 dates at least as early as February 2017.
Actually there is a series of dates in January of 2020 that show the black days for tRump and others, notably Mike Pence, tRump Jr and others. I simply chose the 13th as that is the day transit Sun conjoins transit Saturn and Pluto. The worst day in my progressed anlunar return chart (progressing the lunar returns my technique) for tRump is January 16th about 3:10 pm, EST. Later dates still in January and beyond for Jr. and others but there is a chance for Pence to possibly be removed days before tRump. That would mean Nancy Pelosi, or whoever is the Speaker of the House, becomes President.
For Pence: With the possibility that Trump could be impeached or like Nixon resign before that happens. Looking at Nov 3, 2020 it does not appear that Pence will even be running (thinking there would be more than 1 possible aspect to either his natal or progressed chart. Nothing close except for transit Neptune at 18°20' Pisces square natal Sun (noon chart) 16°09' Gemini. Could he have been driven from office before then or beaten in the primary races?
(35,454 posts)Even Marjorie Orr, who tends on the conservative side sees trouble ahead starting later this month. I've wondered about Nancy for about a year now but is such a big leap I don't focus on it.
I do note you say 2020, do you mean that or this year.
Great to have real astrology being discussed here again. There used to be such when Nancy Waterman posted here but huge Bernie Bro types of naysayers went after her with a vengeance and drove her off.
Last edited Tue Jan 15, 2019, 12:52 PM - Edit history (3)
I mean 2020.
I do not, nor did not, try to line up with somebody else's work.
I use a technique that is not used by anyone else. I discovered it more than 40 years ago and developed it to where it is today. The final date and time is generated by progressing the nearest lunar or demi-lunar return from the nearest solar or demi-solar return for an individual preceding an aspect or event connected to their natal or secondary progressed chart. Charts must be located to location known or believed to be where the person or event will be and all charts must be precession corrected (shown in the Tropical zodiac for convenience of likely viewers instead of using Fagan-Bradley Western Sidereal zodiac). To avoid a zodiac quarrel I display the right ascension, (true body location in space) of points expressed in degrees and minutes. Chart images will display positions in longitude because that is the way they are programmed (look at the images in this thread for tRump's upcoming New Moon).
The lunar return's MC is progressed by the arc in right ascension traveled by the Moon between the return inception and the target event.
I post on Nancy's site. I was a Bernie supporter and signed here in 2005 but never posted until now the best I can remember. I was not a steady reader here until 2016 and did not know about the friction Nancy endured but I think perhaps someone in her family seeing my sign up date here thought I was in on that as I got several shots from David on her site.
Before the atmosphere went cold for me over there I read for Nancy's mother for her. I still have the emails. All of the other posters over there are friendly to me.
(35,454 posts)I would not put you in that group. I know exactly who those people were/are though many are gone now, over to Jackpine Fools which makes complete sense. I don't post over there as I think I don't fit in. After DU, Nancy used to post on Sally McDonald's site until she got her own site. She's a wonderful writer and I like reading her columns.
I hope you stick around as it would be great to have actual discussions about mundane astrology and what's lining up.
I clicked to start an account yesterday (today?) and was messaged that I did not match an existing account. Had to get my name and temp password sent to me to straighten things out and start up.
I used to post a lot to Sally's site. Sent her a surprise donation in 2006. Still have our emails.
My being signed up here, being a Bernie supporter (but I voted for Hillary after he was out) and Nancy's troubles here may explain my slight friction with a poster on her site.
Emotional. Had to go look at Sally's email.
"Dear Bob, I just received a menu from Rockford, Illinois and inside was a check for ***.** That's the best menu I ever received. Thank you so much. I hold down three jobs to make ends meet and **** is a real gift to me. Thanks a million Bob and I am looking forward to understanding your system. I spent most of the half day off a week that I get with my son/daughter in law and most of all my new granddaughter so I didn't get the time to go over some of this, and try to work it out. I have a million questions to ask. Thanks again, you are a prince."
Just got me. Sally Cheyne McDonald was a fellow Kansian.
(35,454 posts)Sally became a very good friend and we stayed such up until the time she passed. She was a wonderful astrologer and I loved the way she wrote. How very kind of you....
(24,310 posts)This is an incredible amount of work. Thank you so much for posting and contributing.
(979 posts)Thanks for the welcomes. I am still getting used to how to do things here.
I originally signed up in 2005 but do not remember doing so as I don't recall being active until now. I must have gotten distracted and forgot I could post. Was not a steady reader until 2016
(979 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 14, 2019, 12:39 PM - Edit history (1)
Ivanka and January 13, 2020.
She will be part of the family affair.
Ivanka's natal Saturn and Pluto only moved a few minutes of arc on the day she was born, therefore her progressed midpoint for them is within a few minutes of arc in accuracy.
On January 13, 2020, at 10 am, EST, using a noon birth chart their progressed midpoint is at or near 204°42'. An exact square to it would be at 294°42' or within a few arcminutes of that.
Transiting Sun will be at 294°42'.
Transiting Saturn will be at 294°42'.
Transiting Pluto will be at 294°45'.
Maybe her hair will turn Gray.
The progressed Moon of the Constitution's ratification will be at 114°26'. It will square her progressed Saturn/Pluto midoint and be opposed by the transiting grim reaper which will square it.
Sat = Saturn, Sqr = square, Con = Conjunct, Mer = Mercury, Jup = Jupiter, Plu = Pluto, Ven = Venus, Tr = transit, - = to, Sp = secondary progressed, Na = natal
Sat Sqr Sat Tr-Na Feb 8 2019
Sat Sqr Mer Tr-Na Mar 20 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Tr-Sp Mar 29 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Tr-Sp May 31 2019
Sat Sqr Mer Tr-Na Jun 9 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Tr-Na Jul 29 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Tr-Na Nov 6 2019
Sat Sqr Mer Tr-Na Dec 12 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Tr-Sp Dec 17 2019
Sat Sqr Jup Tr-Na Jan 25 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na Jan 29 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Feb 10 2020
Plu Sqr Jup Tr-Na Mar 3 2020
Sat Cnj Ven Tr-Sp Mar 15 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Na Mar 27 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Na May 25 2020
Plu Sqr Jup Tr-Na Jun 20 2020
Sat Cnj Ven Tr-Sp Jul 6 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Aug 27 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Oct 30 2020
Sat Cnj Ven Tr-Sp Dec 16 2020
Plu Sqr Jup Tr-Na Jan 4 2021
Sat Sqr Jup Tr-Sp Jan 6 2021
(95,927 posts)Thank you for the technical information, it helps me even though half of it is a little over my head. I guess what I do is more of an intuitive interpretation, hard to explain because i don't know all the inner working of it, it just kind of "comes out" at significant moments.
So what is currently playing on my inner movie screen matches up with what you are saying. And this evening is key. By Tuesday, much will have come to pass. We may not even hear of a lor of it until the following week or month but I don't think so.
Check the setting with Uranus and Pluto for all of them, they are going down and something relative to this eclipse and those two outer planets...
Notice how some really deep, dark secrets surfaced right as the sun passed over Pluto last week? That was the opening salvo. The next 48 ours will be very interesting.
There's so much more but for now, this will be enough.
(979 posts)Last edited Mon Jan 14, 2019, 12:41 PM - Edit history (1)
The tRump crime family is being taken down.
The following pieces will only be in tropical longitude (I am tired) and only include hard aspects from transiting Saturn and Pluto through the next 2 years - past the 2020 elections. Remember the trigger planets (Saturn and Pluto) tend to move slowly and the dates listed are only the dates of exact maturation so their congruous period could be days, weeks, or even months ahead of and after those dates (allowing orbs of 3, 2 or 1 degrees).
I am only doing Jr., Eric, and Kushner to add to Ivanka. Guys, if you want Melania you will have to go get her yourselves.
(979 posts)Sat = Saturn, Sqr = square, Opp = opposition, Plu = Pluto, Mar = Mars, Tr = transit, - = to, Sp = secondary progressed, Na = natal
Trump JR - Natal Chart 12:00 pm, EST +5:00
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Feb 15 2019
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na Feb 16 2019
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na Jul 18 2019
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Jul 18 2019
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Nov 15 2019
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na Nov 15 2019
Sat Opp Mar Tr-Sp Jan 27 2020
Plu Opp Mar Tr-Sp Mar 10 2020
Plu Opp Mar Tr-Sp Jun 15 2020
Plu Opp Mar Tr-Sp Jan 3 2021
(979 posts)Sat = Saturn, Ven = Venus, Mar - Mars, Con = conjunct, Sqr = square, Plu = Pluto, Tr = transit, - = to, Sp = secondary progressed, Na = natal
Eric Trump - Natal Chart 12:00 pm, EST +5:00
Sat Cnj Sun Tr-Na Feb 6 2019
Sat Cnj Ven Tr-Sp Mar 31 2019
Sat Cnj Ven Tr-Sp May 25 2019
Sat Cnj Sun Tr-Na Aug 1 2019
Sat Cnj Sun Tr-Na Nov 2 2019
Sat Cnj Ven Tr-Sp Dec 26 2019
Sat Sqr Mar Tr-Na Feb 25 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na May 2 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na May 19 2020
Sat Sqr Mar Tr-Na Aug 2 2020
Sat Sqr Mar Tr-Na Nov 22 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na Jan 3 2021
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Jan 5 2021
(979 posts)Sat = Saturn, Con = conjunct, Sqr = square, Plu = Pluto, Mer =Mercury, Tr = transit, - = to, Na = natal, Sp = secondary progressed,
Jared Kushner - Natal Chart 12:00 pm, EST +5:00
Sat Cnj Sun Tr-Na Apr 17 2019
Sat Cnj Sun Tr-Na May 12 2019
Sat Cnj Sun Tr-Na Dec 23 2019
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Jan 24 2020
Sat Sqr Plu Tr-Na Jan 25 2020
Sat Cnj Mer Tr-Na Feb 15 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Feb 27 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Na Mar 1 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Na Jun 22 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Jun 26 2020
Sat Cnj Mer Tr-Na Aug 17 2020
Sat Cnj Mer Tr-Na Nov 9 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Sp Dec 31 2020
Plu Sqr Plu Tr-Na Jan 3 2021
(979 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 15, 2019, 12:00 PM - Edit history (1)
Just noticed that the tRump family members all get hard hits around January 3rd 2021. I wonder if that is because the new setup in Washington consists of a Democratic President and Democratic majoritys in both the House and Senate.
(95,927 posts)bobnicewander
(979 posts)My chart for Putin was made on April 23, 2014 (actually was first made in 2012), more than a year before tRump announced his candidacy and I found the January 13, 2020, conjunction of Sun, Saturn, and Pluto at 294°42' and 294°45.
Putin's Sun is conjunct the Sibly chart's Saturn and square it's Sun in longitude.
I put in for hard Saturn transits (Conjunction, Square, and Opposition) to my chart for Putin beginning now and going on for 4 years.
The results did not begin until January of 2019, ended January 31, 2020 for the following points, - his Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Sun and MC - except for a lone square to his natal Mercury on January 21, 2020. After January 31, 2020, there is a year long break until January of 2021. Most of the big hitters are in 2019 (13 in 2019, 3 in January 2020) - the same time as in tRump's inaugural chart.
On September 18, 2019, Saturn will station direct opposite the Sibly Sun, Nixon's resignation Sun, my GOP chart's Sun, and square Putin's natal Sun. Mars will be activating Sibly Mars and Neptune; Pluto will trine Sibly Neptune. Transit Saturn will also make those aspects on January 26, August 26, and October 10, 2019 but I think the stationary period will be most difficult. The dates will be different when measured in right ascension.
Saturn transits to Putin natal:
Sat Sqr Sun Jan 26 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Feb 26 2019
Sat Opp Ura Mar 9 2019
Sat Opp Ura Jun 23 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Jul 5 2019
Sat Sqr Sun Aug 26 2019
Sat Sqr Sun Oct 10 2019
Sat Sqr Sat Nov 26 2019
Sat Opp Ura Dec 5 2019
Sat Sqr Nep Dec 30 2019
Sat Cnj MC Jan 10 2020
Saturn transits to Putins progressed:
Sat Opp Ura Feb 26 2019
Sat Opp Ura Jul 5 2019
Sat Opp Ura Nov 26 2019
Sat Sqr Nep Jan 18 2020
Sat Sqr Sat Jan 31 2020
Natal and progressed points IN RIGHT ASCENSION to be aspected by transit Saturn.
Opp prog Ura 109°04′ Feb 28 2019
Opp prog Ura 110°00′ Mar 10 2019
Sqr Sun 193°11′ Jan 7 2019
Sqr Sat 197°00′ Feb 8 2019
Sqr Nep 200°11′ Mar 13 2019
Sqr prog Nep 202°14′ Mar 29 thru Jun 3 2019
Exact Dec 24 2019
Sqr prog Sat 203°53 Jan 7 2020
Cnj natal MC 294°19′ Jan 10 2020
(979 posts)This July 16, 2019, aspect may signal the formal beginning of tR's removal from office.
(979 posts)Last edited Tue Jan 15, 2019, 06:17 PM - Edit history (1)
Doing my charts for tRump for July I come up with opposite interpretations for the same moment in time.
All I can think of is that impeachment occurs or is begun. The terrible mundane chart showing that while his secondary progressed Venus and Jupiter straddle the charts Asc. The thinking being that if he is a Russian asset he may want to be removed from office so he would hope to be out from under Putin's thumb and could say "It is not my fault that I can't deliver what you want. They are removing me from office." That might explain why he will not give in on his current demands. He wants things to get so bad that the Congress will move to remove him from office. If that were to occur before next January that period of time might be showing a more deadly time for him. Just speculating.
His secondary progressed New Moon in July showing that things have reached a peak at this time in his life. A new phase will begin and with an eclipse on his Saturn perhaps not a good one.
(95,927 posts)Makes a lot of sense. I'm kind of sketchy on the progressed chart area so I appreciate your interpretation! I agree with you assessments yet I get a feeling something will create an accelerated series of events and the transitions happen sooner for some reason.
Time to go enjoy some moon time.
Generic Brad
(14,374 posts)I appreciate you not sugar coating how you interpret the stars.
(464 posts)"Saturn in Capricorn will oppose the US Sun January 17, 2019, in longitude and RA when the next Congress takes over, and will station in opposition in September 2019. An event that precipitates September 18th and 19th station occurs on about July 25th."
The "phone call".