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(1,000 posts)Do you have any info on the Democratic side, Speaker Pelosi and the freshmen?
(53,410 posts)Youre words are a balm to my heart. I hope hes hobbled long before that. Have you looked at Nancy Pelosis chart to see if she stops him in his MAGAtracks before he leaves?
he leaves before his term is up he will have been stopped.
(979 posts)Last edited Wed Jan 23, 2019, 09:29 AM - Edit history (5)
(or energy sometimes). I have to pick and choose which charts I will work on. I certainly do not intentionally intend to look at the charts of anyone who may run for the office of president until that field is whittled down in 2020.
For those who have little or no knowledge of astrology (and for many who do) - there is no way to know what any aspect may coordinate with. Think about the horoscopes of multiple birth siblings - twins, triplets, etc.. They have virtually the same charts (as we say in astrology) but not the same experiences at the same time - getting married, having babies, suffering major injuries or illnesses and on and on. The marriage of one is a happy experience shared by all in some manner but no astrologer, without inside information, could say which one it would be or even name the event looking at the charts perhaps 3 years before. All that could really be seen in them would likely be a positive or easy or happy time in them.
That is why there have been no astrologers, no matter how famous, that can be shown to have a string of exact predictions despite the great number of practitioners through thousands of years. If anybody thinks differently I have a chart covering 78 years (in 3 days) and would like them to prove their case by telling me what exactly occurred when and where I experienced even 1 aspect in my life.
I can determine when tRump may experience difficult times but as to what event it may coordinate with if any is known about (because we experience some things on a psychological level which we may not share with anyone and/or on a cellular level like when a tumor is growing that we ourselves do not know about) the best that might be done is to get in the ballpark or get lucky with our guess based on some knowledge [like the date and time of a court appearance] and get it right.
I chose the January 2020 time for tRump's leaving office because of the transits to his natal chart then coupled with his current and what I presume will be an ongoing situation.
(979 posts)Instant example of what I posted about timing connections in astrology last night. I had worked charts that show me a bad day for tRump on January 25th and I thought maybe he would give in on the shutdown then but now I think that day is backlash in response to his interference with Cohen's scheduled testimony. With him every day could reflect a problem in any number of areas. Which one to pick?
Cohen postpones congressional testimony
The 30th is another day that does not look good for the fool. He may be embarrassed with another win over him by Nancy Pelosi in regards to his SOTU speech then.
End of the shutdown may stll take until February 2nd or 3rd.
For the ratfink tRump:
(979 posts)Now are you going to believe your cryin' eyes or my song?