Care to share?
A short time ago an article was posted on DU about a 68-pound, 13 year-old boy with diabetes who died because he was treated with alternative medicines rather than insulin. This story was responded to by the anti-alternative medicine crowd on DU crowing about this boys death being further proof that alternative medicines are snake oil and the reason why people shouldnt choose alternative therapies. The childs death while using alternative medicine played into their righteous conventional-medicine-only stance, yet the fact that this was a 13 year-old boy who only weighed 68 pounds was ignored. The boys death may have been compounded by a lack of insulin, but he died from long-term parental neglect/abuse. How many healthy 13 year-old boys weigh only 68 pounds?
The healing process in conventional medicine is to take a pill to heal. Whereas, the healing process in alternative medicine is to balance the imbalance. I believe there is a use for conventional medicine and a use for alternative medicine, and their uses should be inclusive, not exclusive. However, I am not interested in debating alternative medicine with the anti-alternative medicine crowd who are on this site or any other site. What I am interested in is beginning and sustaining a conversation of like-minded alternative medicine users sharing their knowledge to improve ones physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
To that end, how inclusive are alternative therapies in your life? Are alternative therapies your first choice of treatment? Do you incorporate energy work or other abilities into your protocols? What are your go-to remedies?
As for me, I was introduced to alternative medicine more than 15 years ago and it is my first, and usually the only therapy I use. Some of the dis-eases where I have successfully used only alternative therapies include treatment for sarcoid cancer (animals), Valley Fever (humans and animals), Hashimotos (humans), intestinal worms (animals), Head Shaking Syndrome (horses), laminitis and founder (horses), and broken bones (humans and animals). Over the years the energy work that I incorporate into my healing protocol has morphed into an empathic ability. My go-to alternative remedies are numerous and include liquid Maritime Pine Bark, Rescue Remedy, and colloidal silver at the top of my list.
My favorite thing about using alternative medicine is the ever-constant learning cycle. I hope that there are some on DU who will reply with their protocols so that we can all become better healers because IMHO the acceptance and use of alternative medicine is the connection that makes the respect for Mother Earth, alternative medicines, and spirituality inextricably bound.

(138,751 posts)(I'm not an 'enforcer,' just an observer.)
(3,574 posts)elleng
(138,751 posts)Welcome.
(1,000 posts)I use alternative medicines in addition to modern in many cases.
The largest use is to alleviate stress (modern med speak: Generalized stress disorder) . with Relaxation techniques, Guided meditation and self hypnosis. I was able to use about 20% of the prescribed dosages of Valium, Clonipin and Xanax over the years and avoid addiction problems by using Alternative medicines. I have not needed modern prescriptions in over 2 years.
(3,574 posts)Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Last edited Sun Mar 3, 2019, 04:23 PM - Edit history (1)
If the child had type 2 diabetes, then alternative meds should be explored to see if his insulin dosage could be decreased and possibly eliminated. But that would require monitoring over time, not simply stopping insulin. If that child had type 1 diabetes, then it was neglectful, insane to treat him with alternative meds only.
Two other things jump out for me. I understand people choosing alternative meds when the traditional medicine is very invasive, etc. I am thinking in particular of chemotherapy and rational people could choose alternative medicine than chemotherapy. Insulin is not invasive the way that chemotherapy is and I just don't understand why loving parents would make that choice for their child.
The second thing that jumps out is that this was a child and someone else was making decisions for him. How could they do that to the child? Why didn't someone get a guardian appointed for him so that he could get appropriate care?
(3,574 posts)condition. With the amount of plants that have gone extinct it could be that treatment for certain conditions are not possible because the plant is extinct. As the years go by it gets harder and harder to find an alt med practitioner with enough knowledge so that s/he does not also have to rely on conventional medicine.
As to your other comment, yes, where were the teachers, relatives, neighbors, and/or other medical professionals in this child's life for 13 years? I believe that if one of them had come forward the court would have ordered insulin.