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This message was self-deleted by its author (bobnicewander) on Mon Oct 5, 2020, 02:49 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

(85,376 posts)I still feel as though he might try to sneak away under the cover of darkness during the wee hours of some morning. Hes not the kind to stay and bravely take his lumps. Hes a freakin baloney-spewing coward! With a side of Liar and Traitor to go.
(28,713 posts)I recall a "Law and Order" when a deal was made with the Manhattan DA and at the earliest possible time the defendant was handed over to the Feds who the defendant hadn't made a deal with.
I can dream.
(138,751 posts)The Russkies, right?
'That's life in the Big City!!!'
(28,713 posts)It did involve the Russian mob. How appropriate. This reinforces my belief that Law & Order is the new I Ching. It has an answer for everything.
(138,751 posts)Someone's paying attention, ya think???
(35,363 posts)Me.
(35,454 posts)Really, given your expertise I think you should consider doing more predictive posts here on DU. It would be greatly appreciated and sorely missing.
(979 posts)and if I have something that I think is meaningful. My view about aspects - the nature of the planet making an aspect determines whether it is positive or negative in nature, not the aspect.
Not tRump or Pence in 2020. A post I made in February.
tRumps transits election night 2020. Transit Pluto opposite natal Saturn, transit Saturn opposite natal Venus.
Me election night. Transiting Jupiter and Pluto trine natal MC. Transiting Vemus square natal Moon, Transiting Moon square natal MC.
Pence ELECTION NIGHT 2020. With the possibility that Trump could be impeached or like Nixon resign before that happens looking at Nov 3, 2020 it does not appear that Pence will even be running (thinking there would be more than 1 possible aspect to either his natal or progressed chart. Nothing close except for transit Neptune at 18°20′ Pisces square natal Sun (noon chart) 16°09′ Gemini.
With some Jupiter protection I do not think tRump will quit until it passes.
Jupiter direct with tRump Sun and Moon natal and precessed.
May 11 2019 Jupiter Opposite Sun 22°Sg56′ Tr-Na
May 18 2019 Jupiter Conjunct Moon 21°Sg12′ pTr-Na
May 27 2019 Jupiter Conjunct Moon 21°Sg12′ Tr-Na
Aug 11 2019 Jupiter stations direct 14°Sg30′ Tr
Jupiter last pass over Sun and Moon natal and precessed.
Oct 20 2019 Jupiter Conjunct Moon 21°Sg12′ Tr-Na
Oct 25 2019 Jupiter Conjunct Moon 21°Sg12′ pTr-Na
Oct 29 2019 Jupiter Opposite Sun 22°Sg56′ Tr-Na
Nov 3 2019 Jupiter Opposite Sun 22°Sg56′ pTr-Na
(35,454 posts)Or would the Cons simply forfeit?
(15,543 posts)flotsam
(3,268 posts)and offer the fucker a blindfold...