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This message was self-deleted by its author (bobnicewander) on Mon Oct 5, 2020, 02:40 AM. When the original post in a discussion thread is self-deleted, the entire discussion thread is automatically locked so new replies cannot be posted.

OAITW r.2.0
(29,567 posts)He's heading stage left and rapidly losing his grip on an Earth orbit.
(138,751 posts)
(1,606 posts)on the 10th. Really dark, it seems to me.
(979 posts)for the progressed chart for his inauguration. That is; his administration's birth chart progressed to the voting public's day of judgment of his leadership.
The same is true for the conjunction of transiting Saturn on that same day with the Midheaven of the natal chart for his administration.
(1,606 posts)on the Midheaven. Progressed chart shows crippling internal chaos with almost other worldly effects. Curious. Where is Mars in this progression? I don't have a current ephemeris.
(979 posts)Last edited Thu May 21, 2020, 09:01 AM - Edit history (3)
tRump WH - Sec.Prog. Q2 Mean QuotidianNov 3 2020, 10:00 pm, EST +5:00
White House
MC 24°Sg08'10''
Asc 19°Pi20'04''
Mon 18°Vi25'42''
Sun 04°Vi05'56''
Mer 18°Le04'55''
Ven 19°Li56'08''
Mar 11°Li44'10''
Jup 24°Li36'50''
Sat 03°Le08'30''
Ura 21°Ge23'23''
Nep 07°Li06'42''
Plu 12°Le05'45''
2017 Inaug WH - Sec.Prog. Q2 Mean Quotidian
Nov 3 2020, 10:00 pm, EST +5:00
White House
MC 17°Sc58'55''
Asc 25°Cp28'09''
Mon 24°Sg31'27''
Sun 04°Aq41'08''
Mer 11°Cp05'17''
Ven 21°Pi16'54''
Mar 27°Pi12'12''
Jup 22°Li52'59''
Sat 23°Sg53'21''
Ura 20°Ar51'03''
Nep 10°Pi23'17''
Plu 17°Cp44'34''
(1,606 posts)Tess49
(1,606 posts)bobnicewander
(979 posts)Thank you