Barr's Astrology INdicates One Long Banana Skin
Barrs astrology indicates that his near future, far from being a triumph, is one long banana skin. He has tr Neptune conjunct his Jupiter/Node midpoint exactly now which suggests false happiness and over-confidence which leads to disappointment and failure. That is echoed on his Swearing-In chart from February 14 2019 which has Jupiter at the same degree. Where his downhill slide picks up speed will be from late this August to late November; and even more so from early October to late January 2021 with tr Neptune opposition his Mars/Saturn midpoint, which will bring a long series of disasters and calamities. Late October to mid-November across the election he has tr Uranus square his Sun/Neptune described by Ebertin as sudden emotional crisis, mourning, weakness.
There are similar aspects in his relationship chart with Trump not happy campers together, for sure and worse into 2021. Both Barr and the Trump relationship chart are being triggered by the Sagittarius Lunar Eclipse now and Solar Eclipse late year.

(38,601 posts)But Ill take it
But the idea that there is a reckoning coming down the road helps.
(35,454 posts)
(64,195 posts)

(54,519 posts)elleng
(138,751 posts)doesn't suggest we have to wait for that satisfaction, right, just that he'll suffer after we've had a chance to investigate etc.
(35,454 posts)and the Menace doesn't have any better stars.
(24,310 posts)Let it be. 😊