Republicans have produced the 2 biggest financial crashes in America's history
If the polls stick we are on a fast track to wresting all power away from the Republican party for a period reminiscent of elections after the crash of 1929 from 1932 through 1994 when they had the majority in 2 Congress's out of 30 in the House and 5 out of 30 in the Senate. They were denied leadership for 58 out of 62 years during which time the country recovered from the financial disaster their leadership caused and built the greatest middle class in it's history. Make America great again was done by Democratic leadership then and again after the 2008 fiasco.
Unfortunately American voters were not as discerning following the 2008 debacle and here we are again under Republican leadership.
President Obama had to increase the deficit only because he had to bail out Wall Street after the worst financial crash in modern American history occurred in September of 2008 (George W. Bush's term) after 8 years of Rethuglican leadership in the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives.
The largest crash before that, the Great Depression, also followed more than 8 years of Rethug leadership in the Presidency and both houses of Congress.
Sherman A1
(38,958 posts)Not sure that it applies, but still interesting.
(929 posts)before both crashes are matters of facts. I think that leadership applies.
(60,530 posts)Ty, Bob!
I do not believe they understand the altruistic concept of public service.
It is all about what they can get out of the country.
(24,098 posts)under the guise of public service. This illustrates it perfectly.
(4,966 posts)could see through the myth that republicans are good for the economy. They are not. Republicans are good for the 1% but it's the 99% that drive the economy.
(2,875 posts)Back in the corporate orgy era of downsizing, during the 1980's, I got laid off from my job. I ended up campaigning for Green Peace. One afternoon, I talked to a nice gentleman who was a lifelong Democrat. He said he didn't understand why the voters never seemed to notice the repeating pattern. Republiturds run up the national debt through pork barrel military spending and corporate give aways. The public gets mad and throws the Republicans out. The Democrats have to clean up the mess, so they raise taxes to try and fix it. Meanwhile, the Republicans start screaming about how the Democrats are about tax and spend. I really hope that more people see who the real culprits are and throw them out for good.