Woman From Another Universe Wakes Up Here
As Lerina García left her bed she noticed the sheets and bedclothes were strange. She didn't recognize them. Still shaking off the last vestiges of sleep, however, she simply shrugged away the eerie discovery and began her morning routine.
But García would soon learn that once she'd left that slightly alien bed she entered another reality. Her life, her pasteverything most precious to herwas gone.
Verrrry interesting.
(23,545 posts)That is so creepy and interesting at the same time.
While I won't even begin to try to wrap my brain around it, I'm definitely open to the whole parallel lives concept.
If this kind of thing is in the news more, people may start to use it as an excuse to escape their current lives, current spouses, jobs, etc....lolol
Jean V. Dubois
(101 posts)What's truly absurd is that some people appear to be giving her tale credibility.
(15,812 posts)Whenever I get a kind of spacey feeling (like when I am on an airplane) I think, "Will this be like a Twilight Zone episode where I get off the plane and I am somewhere I don't expect?
By the way, I like the graphic depiction of different dimensions at that site.
I have no idea as to the veracity of this story, or the cause. All I know is that weird unexplained things DO happen in this world.
(31,621 posts)It is about an astronaut who comes back to a parallel time, where everything is slightly skewed. He gets back to his own time, and hopes the same is true of his parallel counterpart. I rented some Twilight Zone episodes from Netflix, and have that one at home right now.
(15,812 posts)A lot of the Twilight Zone episodes were kind of silly, but the ones like this had a profound effect on me. Obviously if I think of coming down into an alternate reality every time I get on the plane, something in this episode clicked with me.
(4,225 posts)Reminds me of GliderGuider's post on jumping timelines.
I wonder if these puzzle pieces fit together?
(525 posts)Ursula K. LeGuin
(21,088 posts)What a great story.
just read a fierce Harper's essay by LeGuin on reading. See if I can find a link
(22,298 posts)a different dimension every day. Something always felt "off," but I never figured out what it was. All the major parts of my life were the same. All I had was a feeling something was out of place. Never figured out what it was, & the feeling eventually went away.
get the red out
(13,673 posts)I have had very small things change that I can't explain. Events I swear took place that no one else who was present recalls, one time my car key changed color (last summer), I vividly recall eating at a restaurant with my Grandmother as a kid that now seems to have never existed, my skinny cousin showing up overweight to my other cousin's wedding when I was in high school (no one in my family recalls that but me, even though at the time it was all my family could talk about). There have been very small, weird changes along the way in my life that I've never been able to explain, and they happen fairly regularly so they can't be explained by losing the 80's to basically one long drunk either. Just this Christmas I was making a scarf for a charity drive that I saw locally on FB, there was a particular knitting store that I am certain it said to drop your scarf off at, just before going to take my finished scarf to the store I checked again online and it was a totally different store! Honestly, I haven't used mind altering substances in almost 20 years and my memory isn't that bad.
But maybe I am just loony.
(29,414 posts)make me think of the things Dolores Cannon has recorded from her hypnosis subjects. I've only read parts of "The Convoluted Universe" and another one I can't remember at the moment, but I see this theme in them often. Here's a talk where she discusses us living in alternate realities:
(23,156 posts)materializing on me. About twenty years ago a green towel showed up in my dryer. I hadn't bought it, kids hadn't brought it home from the pool (although this was summer), no overnight guests that I required to supply their own towels. I kept it and only no longer have it because I left it behind in the divorce.
About four years ago a pair of men's slacks showed up in my dryer. I assumed they belonged to a male household member who said No, they weren't his. Checked with all other household members. Same denial. One of my sons decided they fit him and kept them.
I had a pair of earrings I'd only worn a couple of times, and then could only find one of them. I knew they were in my bedroom, where I'd taken them off, and I'm not a very neat housekeeper, so I didn't worry much about it. About six months later, I was walking down the stairs in my house when the missing earring materialized in mid-air, hit my knee, and landed a couple of steps in front of my.
I have a friend in the Pittsburgh area who has had shoes show up in his closet that fit him perfectly, as well as a sweater or two. And he tells me the sweaters are a little nicer than ones he normally buys.
(29,414 posts)reminds me of a couple of science-fiction shorts stories I read ages ago. In the first one, the main character wonders why he keeps getting mismatched socks in his dryer while sometimes losing one of his own at the same time. He happens to be a physicist (or some such scientist/engineer) and hooks all his lab equipment to his dryer for a series of tests. He ends up discovering the technology of teleportation in the end
The other story had to do with how quickly the Postal Service always managed to deliver the letters (and packages) of the main character that were further away than across the street. After a series of test-mailings to farther and farther places across the planet, he finally addressed a letter to the "Galactic Federation, Alpha Centauri" (or a similar outrageous address.) The first letter was returned as "No Such Address" so he sent a second one to the same address, just to be sure. He is then congratulated by the representatives from the Galactic Federation for discovering the secret of their postal delivery system, and Earth is accepted into their midst.
I can't remember who wrote either of these, just that both have to do with things "traveling" faster than we understand now, or going through dimensions to get somewhere else. I don't really have any real life examples of my own, as I'm not a good housekeeper either. If things go missing, it's likely because they're under a pile of to-be-shredded junkmail
(23,156 posts)Many people notice that socks seem to disappear, and they seem to disappear in dryers. Have you ever noticed that wire hangers seem to multiply in the closets? And you never catch them in the act of reproducing, nor do you ever find baby hangers. My physicist son once explained this to me. You see, socks are the larval form of hangers.
(29,414 posts)Because I tend to run out of the plastic hangers I use
(23,156 posts)Perhaps they really are sterile. But the wire ones usually do.
(29,414 posts)I got rid of all of my wire ones, mostly by donation, but also by cutting a few up and using them for things other than hanging clothing. Maybe they got the message that my home wasn't safe for them
Kind of Blue
(8,709 posts)Recently I had a dream of being me but about 20 years older. She was not in the past or the future but is living right now. It was so startling that it took several days to shake off the feeling that what happened in the dream did not happen to "me." The life that "she" lived was just too real and not one I don't think I've ever imagined. It seems though that we went to the same university, just years apart.