Full LEO Moon Sunday Feb 5...and it sounds delicious
https://foreverconscious.com/intuitive-astrology-leo-full-moon-february-2023Read the first few paragraphs and felt better...kept reading and felt charged up and excited, but relieved from so much of the "heavyness" the past year(s) have held. Looking forward to this New Cycle. Blessed Imbolc, Brigid's Day, Candlemas, etc!
Just got back to work in a child care and teaching position, after 5 years off with disability, car accident, and age, and mom passing. Its' been a weird transition for the past 2 years especially...
I had worked a couple part time gigs in between pandemic and stuff but education was always the best of my Heart's purpose. And here I am, the oldest in the place, and being able to be myself while still offering guidance, support, etc. to the teachers and kids and families. Some of the families were even part of my previous work in the elementary school, and my 3-4 graders are now in Middle and High School!
...and today me and the preschool teacher came up with and idea to decorate part of the room as a "seasons corner"...where we can teach the kids about the solar year

(138,539 posts)japple
(10,447 posts)"There is no shrinking back under this Full Moon. Step forward. Own your life. Own who you are. Be proud of where you stand. Feel yourself rise as you lift yourself higher."
(14,657 posts)stayed up till 4 am last night/this morning...
We had a break in the storm and the wind and moon on the snow was just glorious! I swear, sometimes ALL I can do is stand there and gape at her beauty
(35,454 posts)FirstLight
(14,657 posts)I guess I should poke around her website some more huh? lol
She has a lot to offer, I just wondered how she can do it for free...I worry a bit about things on the internet given for free especially when you have to give such personal data.
(14,657 posts)We've read different full/new moon articles and have found some very low energy, etc. This one is one of the most on point and positive even when we think the S88t is hitting the fan
Not overly flowery or disconnected, but really resonating with personal issues. (not much global/political stuff...unless it's a whopper)
so yeah, I think she walks in integrity. And will now look at the other offers!