And Here It Comes..."So maybe we will be welcoming a resurgence of the Age of Aquarius"
There was a really good astrologer online by name of Sally McDonald, who before she died of cancer, laid out, via astrology what the last 10 years would be like and boy was she right. But she also said it was a necassary beginning to a better world and come 24/25 we would be seeing and feeling real hope for our country. And today Marjorie Orr posted this.
An Astro-teaser to distract from the Pluto in Aquarius panics. By 2025 Pluto in Aquarius will trine Uranus in Gemini and sextile onto Saturn Neptune in Aries.
Its a wonderfully complex mix with the closest recent parallel being the early 1950s when Saturn Neptune in Libra was sextile Pluto and square Uranus. But it will have a more powerful impact since the outer planets this time round are all on the cusp of a new sign.
At best Saturn Neptune looks after the underdog and supports workers and womens rights; at worst it accompanies epidemics and engenders paranoia. Renowned astrologer Andre Barbault waxed lyrical about Saturn Neptune in 2025 envisaging a new world civilization taking off with a new age of humanity a significant rise in the standard of living of the underprivileged, of a victory over misery won in an unprecedented solidarity. Im not sure I share such an upbeat view but I do think by 2026 we will have weathered more than a few storms and (cross fingers) should be into calmer waters.
Uranus trine Pluto will favour the underdog as well with positive changes being forced on the elite through rumblings of discontent.
I always think of the early 1950s as having spawned the later hippy, counter-culture movement which rejected mainstream values. So maybe we will be welcoming a resurgence of the Age of Aquarius.

Ocelot II
(123,559 posts)Saw this on Broadway in 1969. Let's do it again.
that Saturn Neptune looks after the underdog and supports women's rights - may it come to pass.
(64,195 posts)

(308,432 posts)with these Astrological predictions that we Won't be getting a Fascist for potus in 2024.
Which is very Encouraging!