I haven't been here for a long while
But I really needed to tell this dream to people who might appreciate it:
Im standing in front of a giant screen. The images are blurry and spinning, like a huge slot machine only more vague.
The wheel stops and a figure walks towards me. I say oh no! I knew you in another life! You were an asshole then and youre going to be an asshole now. I dont know why I keep on having to put up with you! I turn and walk away.
Okay. Its a dream. It made me laugh, but I also wonder if I should be expecting someone. ?

(26,925 posts)😊

(23,947 posts)described as a movie. and certain important events of your personal karmic agenda can be highlighted. Do you know someone to whom you have a visceral aversion? Or perhaps that aversion, carried over from a previous life experience, is coming up and you're being alerted to handle it better than you did earlier. My opinion is based on Christian theology, if Christians but understood their writings.
I havent run into anyone like that for years. However, I am going through some serious health issues, and coming into contact with new people soon. So maybe that? Ill pay attention.
(65,595 posts)cate94
(2,940 posts)I was cancer free for 9 years. I had a mastectomy 11 days ago. I believe Ill be having chemo as soon as I am healed. The oncologist told me that if my tumor was 6 mm or larger, Id need chemo. I had 2 tumors, both larger than that.
So maybe Im calling my cancer an asshole? Seems appropriate.
(65,595 posts)From a psych standpoint it is what we like to see in a patient.
A willingness to fight, show some anger, and not feeling overwhelmed or helpless.
You seem both matter of fact, but angry which is a good combination from
a psychological standpoint fighting a cancer diagnosis.
(2,940 posts)I feel like no choice but to just keep going forward. Deal with and just keep walking.
(65,595 posts)It is a good dream.

(90 posts)I will have have good thoughts and wishes for you.
(2,940 posts)
(17,517 posts)cate94
(2,940 posts)Will do
(65,595 posts)1. The blurry figure is first seen in a giant screen, then walks out of the screen towards the dreamer.
A TV or movie view of someone in a dream indicates that the dreamer has removed herself from the content or people on screen. Backed it out of her life. Or moved on. Which is what she did with the first cancer episode. This is another good sign, that she had come to terms with it or blocked it from interfering with her life. It could also mean she wasn't ready to deal with the return of the cancer until now.
2. The lottery aspect, where the slot machine comes to a stop and Mr. Cancer walks towards her. I see this as the dreamer not talking her illness personally, it is not some higher power abandoning her or something like that. It is the luck of the draw. This is also good in that it gives the dreamer objectivity.
So the dream is showing us more good coping skills.
(2,940 posts)I also appreciate your interpretations. Its nice to hear that confidence in my coping skills. Tomorrow I will see my mastectomy and the following day I will find out about chemo. Well it is a crap shoot and Ill do what I have to do, but I wont pretend there is no anxiety.
(65,595 posts)Yes you are anxious, but you show good coping skills.
I love dream analysis and have good visualization skills.
So I always see the dream clearly in my mind's eye as someone describes it.
Let me know what you find out.
I am hoping you get good news.
Took out one of two drains. He is happy with the healing. The other drain comes out next week.
The oncologist said NO chemo!! YAY!!! Endocrine therapy for 5 years unless it disrupts my life. It did nine years ago, but Ill give it a fair shot.
(65,595 posts)Yes give the endocrine tx a shot and see how it goes.
You were right to call mr cancer an asshole.
You kicked his butt.
(2,940 posts)Cancer is an asshole. Im not appreciating the wound that asshole left on my chest, but that will get better. I won this battle, and I got free flowers! And lots of cards!
And we can plan some getaways that had been put on hold and go back to some sense of normalcy.
(65,595 posts)Yes go live and have some fun. You deserve it.
You have done so well.
I am so happy for you.
(2,940 posts)
That IS good news!!! (Ive had 2 rounds so I know.) More for you.
And cancer really is an asshole.
(2,940 posts)
(308,432 posts)Im glad you posted about your dream so kindred spirits could talk to you about it.
Best Healing Wishes to you and I love your attitude, too❤️🩹🕯️🕊💚🍀🌈

(31,745 posts)You will beat this.
(2,940 posts)
(378 posts)Congratulations!
(2,940 posts)