Matthew Perry....
Matthew Perry passed away yesterday, apparently within minutes of the lunar eclipse at 6 degrees of Taurus, opposing the Sun at 6 Scorpio.
Perry's horoscope has an opposition between the Moon at 7 Scorpio and Saturn at 8 Taurus. Both planets square his 10 Leo Ascendant. This pattern alerts us to potential melancholy, and the likelihood of a lack of nurturing in the early home. In fact, Perry's parents divorced before his first birthday. This potential at this very young age is clearly articulated in the horoscope.
Perry's 26 Leo Sun is square Neptune, suggesting sensitivity and potential bewilderment in matters of ego identity. In the language of astrology, Neptune dissolves whatever it touches, and refers to ideals, visions, drugs, and spirits of all kinds. Things may not be as they seem in horoscopes with strong Neptune patterns. Neptune is the only planet making a significant connection to Perry's Sun, suggesting a lack of internal support for his (Leo) regal identity.
Perry's 28 Libra Midheaven has been receiving a square from transiting Pluto in 2023. Translation: extreme pressure for transformation in matters of professional status/core personal foundation. This week, Perry's t-square among Moon-Saturn and 10 Leo Ascendant were hit by three planets: Mercury-Mars in Scorpio, opposing Jupiter in Taurus. This is an expansive rush of energy, to somehow be absorbed and processed...and minutes later, eclipsed.
Here is a link to Perry's horoscope. I haven't discovered a way to include images in DU forum posts.,_Matthew
It is notable that a 911 call was received at 4:07 PM in Los Angeles. Neptune was on the Ascendant at that moment in time and place. It is an apt placement for the apparent nature of Perry's passing -- he is believed to have drowned in a hot tub...but they are still investigating.

Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)I liked him. He was forthright in his struggles with addiction. Saw him on a talk show and he seemed genuine.
(95,927 posts)Is interesting. I know a little about that planet as it is conjunct the sun in my natal chart (and that's just the opener!), it's a different kind of challenge for certain.
(159,706 posts)japple
(10,453 posts)link from there. Some are free up to a point. If you're going to be posting a lot of images, you might need a subscription. I am currently using Imgur which is adequate for my needs, but slow as hell at times. Welcome aboard!!
(54 posts)We now have a conclusive cause of death. Remember that...
In the language of astrology, Neptune also refers to drugs...and even though there was no evidence of drug use initially, I was not surprised to see this headline:
"What is ketamine, the drug tied to Matthew Perry's death?"
(9,441 posts)Thank you so much for this information. My heart was absolutely broken when he passed away. For some reason I felt such a special connection with him.
I've been wondering if his chart would be indicative of his horrible issues with addiction.
I'm also a recovering alcoholic/addict. My moon's in Scorpio.