(2,374 posts)oh shit!
(138,752 posts)My techie friend just remedied the situation, thank goodness!!!
(39,210 posts)to help me clean up container garden pots and he arrived 25" late. Why? Because his cell phone lost service and he couldn't get GPS.
He couldn't get service the whole time he was here (four hours).
Saw this, yesterday:
Nasa images show amazing solar flare that caused radio interference on Earth.
Fiery flash on suns surface 93m miles away was an X-class flare of highest intensity, with potential to affect radio communications.
(39,210 posts)Midday to 2 p.m. is what the article says!
I will email him about this. I know he was upset because it cost him half an hour of work time.
Thanks for alerting me on this, elleng. 🙂
(7,515 posts)The Republicans are attempting to Impeach the President during a Mercury retrograde period, with it retrograde in the law and order sign of Capricorn. As a result, nothing they do now will work out the way they want.
As Mercury continues to moves back into Sagittarius, their BS plans will hit the fan, and get "burned up" (Sagittarius is a fire sign) as Mercury goes direct.
The truth of the situation will come forth, with a just resolution as Mercury direct once again enters Capricorn in early 2024.
Please note: This is my analysis of this Mercury retrograde period, and doesn't take into consideration what else is going on in the celestial sky. I haven't considered the whole picture; don't really have the time for it. It also doesn't consider the charts of the US, the Republican Party, President Biden, or any of the major players on the Republican side.
Bring popcorn and a large drink, have a seat and watch the show.
Neptune went stationary/direct a day or two before that. And new moon yesterday.
Fun, fun fun!
(12,360 posts)My sons laptop before Dec 13th. We did buy it about a week ago, but its not going to be here until the 28th.
I can vouch for the fact there have been a ton of miscommunications in regards to a course evaluations app Ive been supporting. Kids saying they couldnt get in to complete them and their instructors were counting them as extra credit. Profs saying they didnt realize the evaluation close date and could we open it up again.
(26,795 posts)Sure explains some of the conversations I've had lately.