Please send good JuJu for property sale!
I'm in the Redwoods of CA. My family bought 40ac when I was 7 and it was a sacred thing for me and my Dad. I spent so much time n those woods playing and being a little witch... my Dad was truly in his element when he was there, working with his hands, figuring things out.
And now I'v just inherited it. I'm 54 and it would be a lifetime of work to rebuild it and make it even close to livable. The house was burned in 2020 from wildfirws, and while much of the property is still untouched, the road and such need to be re-built.
So today, I am going to take a picnic and spend much of the day up there, meditating and blessing the place that has molded me in so many ways.
I'm going to ask for the correct person to come and be a steward of this place.
I'm going to ask for this to happen quickly and for the most prosperity for myself and my wife.

(21,277 posts)snowybirdie
(5,918 posts)We bury a statue of St. Joseph in the northwest corner of the property to have a quick sale. Good luck!
(16,412 posts)I am 75 on 7 acres of steep ridge in the Sierra Foothills. Tired of the endless chores. I totally sympathize!
I put a statue of Saint Joseph on the porch of the previous home I sold. Its on the mantel here. Ready for my next move, unsoiled.
And Im Buddhist.
I am sure that someone is ready for your lovely property, and will generously reward you for it. There are people at every stage in their journey, and each stage has different wants and needs.
Win-Win wins.
Hoping you will find a most suitable situation as a result.
(14,721 posts)I have had nothng but signs and amazing synchronicity so far just interacting around town...even met 'archangel Michael' and walked with him for a while
found a feather right at my feet
all kinda of magic afoot today!
(1,732 posts)They buy properties they want to protect from development.
(122,596 posts)badhair77
(4,786 posts)Hope it goes to someone who will appreciate and properly enhance the land.
(14,721 posts)All morning into the day was kismet, a feather at my feet when I go to the door of a shop, my favorite person hosting at the metaphysical store, gave me some blessed water for the land...
All sorts of awesomeness...
Then I drove up the old road, narrow and windy as ever...cried as I was driving remembering the familt times on this old crazy road and laughing at the memories too...
The gate to the road is private access. There's literally 20 or more locks strung together on this gate...
Someone cut out our lock. It's not there. I tried every key lock., and even the combo ones as our backup. Can'[t recoognize "ours" in that mess, but it ain't thyere if I tried them all.
so im back at my room. texted the realtor to see if she has any ideas. Cal Fire said thyyey could send a truck to look but if their lock isnt on it they can't help either.
Worse comes to worse I'll buy myself a new lock or three and some bolt cutters and get MY locks back on there! LOL Damn rednecks!
(24,166 posts)