I am going to serve everyone I can today till 5pm Eastern. FOR FREE
Say for example, you are a Cancer and you don't know how to look deeper into your chart - I will look at your chart ( I have most of you on file) and tell you, for example: you have lots of Scorpio and Aries in your chart too. Then, you can take it from there.
In order to serve more of you, I cannot spend a lot of time on each chart.
If I do not have your chart, send the following to me (or PM it) birth day mm yy, time, am/pm, city
Remember, I am not going to read your whole chart but I will WEIGHT it for you. In other words, I will tell you, "No wonder you don't feel like a Virgo, you have so many planets in Libra and then Aquarius." etc. This will give you an EDUCATED evaluation of yourself. Most astrologers are weak at this and underplay it; computers just can't do it.
I'm starting now, dont' be shy.
p.s. If your situation is dire, in my opinion, I may suggest to you in a PM that you get a private consultation, but only if I think you really need it.

(2,151 posts)Thanks Rick.
I'm a Leo but I'm very interested in how my chart is weighted. You should have it on file.
(3,794 posts)Capricorn, Leo, Sag, Pisces. Mainly CANCER
(2,649 posts)What kind of fun-n-games do I have out there?
Thanks for offering this, Rick. It's very kind of you.
Very strong CAPRICORN, Pisces, Leo, Gemini
in that order
(2,649 posts)Good Lord! No wonder I'm a mess.
(3,794 posts)that really limit you. I REALLY suggest you read the book in detail, especially about Gemini.
(2,649 posts)Apparently not a very good joke, but a joke nonetheless.
I do have your book, and have read it through once, but I'll read and study more closely.
(4,225 posts)I swear we are so luckey to have youre healing self here on ASAH!!!!!!
I quit smoking (AGAIN) wensday and its worse then its EVER been! I'm excerciseing but then I lose ALL my momentum and start EATING everthing that isnt tied down or bites back!!!! LOL! I'm also sinking into a mild depression feeling uncomfortable in my skin ALL the time. I'm even having troubles sleeping
Will this hell pass???? I feel like such a "Needful thing" and a deep bottomless pit.
(3,794 posts)Your chart is VERY SATURNIAN Or Capricorn. Your Saturn is being bombarded to change.
Stop depending on things that you have always kidded yourself; that they would always be there; bc now, they're dissipating.
A PERFECT time to let go of addictions: Neptune
I know how hard it is: I smoked for 25, quit for 11, I did it by taking Welbutrin, saved my life
Good luck Howlerian
(4,225 posts)Just wanted to know what the astrological influences were around this thing right now!!!
(15,758 posts)I wandered into DU just to waste a little time (ahem) and found this! I'm in, Rick! Whacha got?
(3,794 posts)Capricorn, Cancer, Pisces, Leo
go forth and multiply
or divide
(15,758 posts)
(15,812 posts)Yeah, that does sound a bit dangerous..................
I'm missing a big Capricorn influence though.
(15,758 posts)('Tain't true, though ) But now I've gotta go look up all those other influences! Zoinks!
(15,812 posts)Then let me know
(15,758 posts)Yes ma'am!
(15,812 posts)so I will be reading about us soon!
(3,794 posts)Not me and you and IHAD, etc bc of our Aquarius
Cappies are caught in the big cappy lie, resist change and you'll be ok... and dead.
(15,758 posts)
That's why I wrote the book!
(15,812 posts)I just PM'ed you my info. Not sure if you had it.
Owning My Scorpio!
(3,794 posts)Celebration
(15,812 posts)1. Pisces
Cancer, Leo, Aquarius all strong.
And to think I was trying to relate to my sun sign.
So I looked up Pisces and the physical detriment is feet!! Well, huh, I broke my ankle this year, and have had several bad sprains before that.
Not to mention that I have always had sort of flat feet.
(3,794 posts)is not from Neptune/Pisces. It is DEFINITELY from a Uranus transit.
(14,721 posts)
I'd 'like' to ask what is flaring up these days, what planets or signs are popping... (I know what I am feeling, just need to know which vibration is best to work with)
On another hand, I have an interesting one for you that may be fun My Youngest, devin 5/17/03 (3:30pm lake tahoe, ca) had a dream a few months ago and I even posted it here to ask what creatures he was seeing... this morning one of our peeps shared a cool archaeological thing from peru, and the sound of chnch shells in the temple made him remember the dream/vision, when we looked up the site, we found the artwork matched his dream! So i guess the question is, is he an old soul, even if he is a Taurus? or is he 'really' a taurus al all? (seriously, i think one minute that he has never incarnated here because he seems to be so 'alien' to it...but at other times, i think he must have been an old shaman because he seems so freaking wise)
anyway, i know you are doing SHORT answers, so any thing you 'see' is welcome
thanks rick, always grateful for you being part of asah

(3,794 posts)Capricorn, AQUARIAN, CANCER, Cancer, cancer cancer
Your son, CAPRICORN, SAG, SCORPIO, gemini
(14,721 posts)thanks rick!
(3,794 posts)EXACTLY
Your Capricorn is so reasonable.
Your Cancer wants nothing to do with it.
that's your secret dear!
Yours is very simple altho it sounds so hard
with all that CANCER and Pluto being around, your success is ENTIRELY based on letting go
of past hurts from the family.
then you will FLY!
(14,721 posts)why the heck is that such the deal? ack!
I am seriously working on it...following my bliss instead of listening to the poison of my parents fear...
(3,794 posts)to see their "poison" as "caring"
forgive it
stop banking on it and trying to get mileage out of it
and let it go
You can do this bc you have such a strong Uranus
Your stuff at the nadir wants to hang on to it, it won't help you any.
PL is BETWEEN your Nadir and Sun. It is time now to do so.
Not time to TRY
This really is VERY SERIOUS. You have to let go.
then you will sail far.
(14,803 posts)that you think I should be supremely aware of, I'm game..
and bless you for doing this!
Hope the book sales are humming...
(3,794 posts)Lovely LD
Capricorn, CANCER, Leo, Gemini, Aries
(14,803 posts)will send intention that sales start to pick up!
Thank you, I forgot about the Capricorn. LOL. Am well aware of the Cancer..*crawls under a rock* ..just kidding.
Thanks again!
(3,794 posts)no kidding
(14,721 posts)I will put you & the book in circle this week as well...
and ya, i understand the rock thing too
(3,794 posts)I really believe the book is the NEW "Linda Goodman's Sun Signs"
It is needed now in this world. Yes, I'd like to make some money, sure, but the book is DRIVEN BY URANUS AND CHIRON in Aquarius.
I've even tried to avoid that energy, the book INSISTS on being Aquarian and Piscean.
It is time for this book, thank you for helping... all of you.
If any of you know contacts at radio stations, anywhere, I'd be glad to interview or do Skype
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)I don't think you've ever given me the snapshot. Thank you!
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)Did you already do me so I don't get to do this today?
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)haha! Thanks again. What a fun day for you and us!
(3,794 posts)but what a can of worms I've opened.
This should be RUDIMENTARY knowledge for everyone, but the 1-900 astrologers are so busy making/taking money from all the gullible people out there.
Real astrology exists! It does.
You are all a combination of about 5 various signs, almost all of you
people don't know that
if they did
they could sell "Cosmo bedside horny astrologer"
p.s. This is MY group here. I work nowhere else. I put tiny announcements on FB, but this is my family.
P.P.S. I will say hi and send my best to IHAD when I see her, I'm sure she misses you all
(2,211 posts)why I seem out of sorts lately and having trouble getting focused. I have many things I'd like to get done and I'm holding back for some reason.
(3,794 posts)I'm not reading charts today.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)2/24/48
1:30 a.m. (is that why I'm a bit of a nite owl),
Belleville, IL
I'll be entertaining Chrion and Neptune off and on over the next several years. Having had some nasty times with Chiron, I'm scared to death. LOL. And I hate when astrology does that to me. I KNOW that they planets are "all good" and bring lessons and you're better off (as a Soul) afterward, but damn! the getting there can be nearly unbearable. Also not overly enthused about Neptune -- had a few brushes with him that left me dazed and confused (isn't there a country song with those lyrics or title? If not, there oughtta be!).
Sooo, what could these transits mean?
With the current Chrion brush, I've had to take my dog to the vet, my brother (who lives with us) may be experiencing some serious health challenges, and I've gotten into a huge fight with some online folks.
Very generous of you, Rick.
(3,794 posts)NOthing to worry about: IN MY OPINION: CHIRON = THE PART OF YOU THAT IS PREDESTINED
It means stop fighting and GO with your destiny. Your quiet insides know what it is.
No, that's not why you're a night owl. The Tsquare to Chiron in Scorpio in the dark 12th house is why. The dark is a mystery to your scorpio side, that's why
Very LEO, Sag, Aquarian, Pisces
great chart
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)I'd say so: Very LEO, Sag, Aquarian, Pisces
So, no reassurances, eh? Well, thanks anyway. And no, despite my asking and asking, the quiet inside of me has remained mostly silent.
LOL -- but at least I now know why I'm a bit of a night owl -- Too cool.
I look forward to getting your book on Kindle. Will have to wait a few days, probably -- on account of that destiny thing not shaping up all that well.
Thanks, Rick. Blessings to you too.
(3,794 posts)Neptune is going over your Sun. There is nothing to say; certainly no such thing as "assurances". Pisces have the strongest positive trait of all the zodiac, and it's time you bring it out and bank on it totally.
It's called faith.
That's Neptune.
Time to LET GO OF EVERYTHING, Goddess will take care of everything for you.
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Good advice. Sorry to be such a sob sister.
(3,794 posts)it's normal.
I remember sweating and sweating and sweating as each planet approached
for years
it's just life
it's just God turning His hand this way and that, that's all
(17,454 posts)Do I have some goodies?
I sure could use some positive influences
Thanks for doing this, as I know how time consuming this can be.
(17,454 posts)I have been experiencing difficulties with particular personalities and it has caused me much distress. However, I have another group of friends who are helping me work through these issues.
It really has me stumped, but I am just trying to work on myself which I can do something about, I can't change anyone else (nor do I want to) or their perceptions of me (I guess) but it is weird non the less.
With ALL that Virgo surrounding me perhaps that is why I am struggling with this.
Thanks for the input
(3,794 posts)Most times it's because we see our reflection in others' actions. You'd have to tell me more. Perhaps PM
(23,663 posts)Where does Chiron fall in my chart, Dear Sir?
I'm also looking through trying to find the perfect quote about Pisces for the next e-card.
(3,794 posts)That's why you're obsessed with following your destiny!
along with a very powerful tsquare to the Moon in Sag.
Your Chiron is (I could use someone here to help me type with my MS fingers of 35 years, arg)
in the first house in Pisces. It is opposite Uranus/Pluto like all people born in the 60's.
It makes you want to "serve mankind". Not like in Twilight Zone either.
The opp. to the Virgo planets is what makes you obsessed with being productive and seeing REAL results. Hooray for you.
Capricorn, Virgo, Pisces, CANCER, CANCER, CANCER
Many many people here have LOTS of Cancer, that's why it's like a supportive family environ for lots of you.
Your Chiron is almost exactly opp. Pluto in Virgo, that's why it's so intense. I suggest you do lots of reading on Chiron.
(3,794 posts)Because Pisces wants to be nobody special, they are very special to everyone.
(15,812 posts)OGR, go with that...........
(3,794 posts)the original title was to be, "Pisces: The Ultimate Sign"... But spirit gave me the new title.
(3,621 posts)Calling it "Pisces : The Ultimate Sign" would have brought up the feeling in me that I associate with the Pisces quote you gave earlier. Nothing special here. Nothing to look at.
I know my gifts and what I have to offer, but each person (aspect of God) has wonderful gifts to offer the world.
(3,794 posts)that's why I'm not talking about a Pisces person, but the archetype of Pisces. Very few Pisces can handle the charge of Pisces, the demands. It's a Christ-like energy. that's what I mean and that's why I changed it.
We all have Pisces in us and Pisces has all signs within it.
(23,663 posts)THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!
Perfect indeed!!!
(3,794 posts)a satisfied Virgo
(23,663 posts)You had me at "served."
(8,028 posts)I'll happily take you up on your offer. If you have the time...
(23,663 posts)(I was just surfing, reading about Chiron in the 1st house, and stumbled upon this. Thought you guys would enjoy as you absorb Rick's wisdom).
How many members of your horoscope sign does it take to change a light bulb?
ARIES: Just one. You want to make something of it?
TAURUS: One, but just "try" to convince them that the burned-out bulb is useless and should be thrown away.
GEMINI: Two, but the job never gets done--they just keep arguing about who is supposed to do it and how it's supposed to be done.
CANCER: Just one. But it takes a therapist three years to help them through the grief process.
LEO: Leos don't change light bulbs, although sometimes their agent will get a Virgo to do the job for them while they're out.
VIRGO: Approximately 1.0000000 with an error of +/- 1 millionth.
LIBRA: Er, two. Or maybe one. No - on second thought, make that two. Is that okay with you?
SCORPIO: That information is strictly secret and shared only with the Enlightened Ones in the Star Chamber of the Ancient Hierarchical Order.
SAGITTARIUS: The sun is shining, the day is young and we've got our whole lives ahead of us, and you're inside worrying about a stupid light bulb?
CAPRICORN: I don't waste my time with these childish jokes.
AQUARIUS: Well, you have to remember that everything is energy, so...
PISCES: Light bulb? What light bulb?
(3,794 posts)and accurate!
I might change Virgo, how about:
Virgo: "Well, just one, I'LL BE GLAD TO DO IT, but while I'm at it, I think I'll clean the entire basement."
(23,663 posts)I'll be glad to do it, but the whole house needs rewired while I'm at it.
(23,156 posts)I can be picky, picky, picky about trivial facts, but totally lack the cleaning aspect.
(3,794 posts)they don't all clean house maniacally
(4,225 posts)Now thats Funny!!!!!!
(8,423 posts)Perfect! Thanks for posting this!
(15,812 posts)Light bulb? What light bulb? would have been my top answer. Funny!
(15,888 posts)I need to get by payday on tuesday and then order a Kindel. then your book is next. If I actually ever complete a book, would you buy mine? It's just a thought. Anyway, when I get the funds, I look forward to viewing your book.
(3,794 posts)What sign are you? Aries? Leo?
(15,888 posts)Any more I will have to find my chart. It's somewhere in my bookcase with the the other 1,000 books. Give me some time and I'll dig it out. Meanwhile, I think this new moon is a good one for spiritual cleansing. What do you think?
(3,794 posts)an absolute A-bomb of spiritual power
Never happened before
Sit back in awe energy
(15,888 posts)I guess I'll plan for a little bit(?) more in my new moon ritual.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)and you still have my Scorpio,Scorpio,Scorpio,Leo,Virgo chart....I'd love to have it "weighted" Rick!
(3,794 posts)unless you used to be someone else
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)IHAD generously and graciously sponsored a reading for me with you when I was flat broke and stuck...
(3,794 posts)MT
Capricorn Capricorn Scorpio Scorpio Aries Leo Capricorn Scorpio Sag Gemini
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I didn't think I had anything at all in Aries or Sag.
Chiron and north node in Cap. Mars and ascendant in Virgo.
(3,794 posts)For instance, if you have Mars near your ascendant or close to your midheaven, you'd pick up great Aries traits from that.
That's because Mars rules Aries, etc.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I get it. Damn...why'd I have to end up with so much Cappy?!? Nothing against Caps, but no wonder I'm always so serious, practical, debbie-downer....
(8,423 posts)If so, no prob. Rick, you rock!
(3,794 posts)I'm just joking
Of COURSE I'LL READ FOR my biggest "fan"!
Aquarius, Pisces, Leo leo leo, Pisces Pisces Pisces, Sag, Leo leo Leo
P.S. EVERYONE, I mean, what the hell would this place be without Kiimmers!
(8,423 posts)When you have time, I'll ask you what the series means . I learned from your book that Leo is my opp., so that I understand. Pisces is what I dream of being...and from your book, I learned that there is a part of me that favors Sag., but of course it's all so very much more complicated than that!
Dang! This is fun!
(3,794 posts)Media makes you think you are just your sun sign
you are much more
these are your other major influences in the order of what I think is strongest from left to right
(3,794 posts)This week's Neptune/Chiron New Moon is a MAJOR SPIRITUAL TURNING POINT for all of us and the collective.
Just watch the Republican Iceberg of resistance melt and there is NOTHING they can do about it except whine.
(2,649 posts)It's about all they have left. Now, lets just hope the people see them for the big whiny babies that they are.
(3,794 posts)They are Cancer Sun and Scorpio Moon
and that CAN BE a very deadly (if-I'm-going-down-your-going-down-first) mentality. Not always, but that's certainly
how they are manifesting and misusing their energy.
Neptune has them in its Her grasp. They're going down and seriously, there is nothing they can do about it.
except one thing, and that will never happen, i.e., go see the Wizard for a heart.
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)I know Cappy and Cancer is there.
Do you mind telling me about my daughter too?
11:34 pm
Houston TX
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)Hmmm...I did not know that. Guess I need to learn a little about Pisces.
(3,794 posts)the whole book builds and crescendos at the sign of Pisces
Sweet Freedom
(4,027 posts)and will probably get it then to read on the plane.
There's not a Nook version, correct? (You've probably answered that somewhere else, so I'm sorry if I'm making you repeat yourself.)
(3,794 posts)Saokymo
(273 posts)Thank you again for the message.
(3,621 posts)You have my information. I can look into it, in depth in your book.
Thank you so much, dear one.
(3,794 posts)If not, I'll wear out! lol
BB: wonderful wonderful Pisces Pisces pisces, Virgo very strong, Cancer/Sag/Aquarius philosophically, Capricorn, Scorpio
(3,621 posts)My gratitude is overflowing. Blowing kisses in your general direction.
Today has been interesting. "Accidently" meeting a very close friend of my sister, whom I had never met before. My sis has not spoken to me in about 16 years. Yes, she's melting. I can feel it. There's a big shift coming. Not saying it's going to be a bed of roses, but change is acomin'.
(3,794 posts)but there is only one of us
feel its truth
(13,039 posts)eom
(3,794 posts)cantbeserious
(13,039 posts)eom
(13,039 posts)OK - I need help.
How does one interpret these findings?
Seems I am all over the map.
(3,794 posts)everyone has about 5 "signs" in them strongly represented, everybody. Those are yours, in order of strength from L to R
(13,039 posts)eom
(17,101 posts)I'll echo your OP. I don't feel at all like a Virgo, nor would I ever be mistaken for one. In my youth, yes, but as I've aged I've gone in a completely different direction.
Are any of the outer planets strong in my chart?
All that Pisces next week is opposite my sun. Will be interesting to see how it manifests for me.
oops, sorry, I'm not used to being on a different time zone, I'm cutting in at the last minute. Made my big move last month.
(29,414 posts)Thank you for doing this. I've been thinking of contacting you for a reading anyway, so let's see where this goes now
Also, while I'm not so upset at being unemployed (I'm getting some needed things done with my time) I don't really like how I end up sleeping during most of the day, like today. I hope I'm not too late to the offer...
(3,551 posts)me: 6/29/48 1:20 am San Francisco, CA
1st son: (concerned about) 6/13/86 Seattle WA 910 pm
2nd son: 6/8/89 Seattle 11:00 pm
Thanks again.
(3,794 posts)Celebration
(15,812 posts)Like Icymist, I was waiting to get your book until I got a Kindle Fire. This inspired me to order it finally, and then I will be getting the Kindle version of your book. How can I resist when there is so much about Pisces?
(22,298 posts)ah well...off to order your book again. hopefully I'll get it this time.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)Maybe I'll get lucky and you'll offer this again.
In any event, thanks for your generous offer.
(21,046 posts)I was sleeping this afternoon. I had been cleaning house in expectation of some friends coming up from Houston. They didn't show, didn't call, didn't apologize, nothing.
I was pissed and crying.
I go nuts when I have no intelligent life to talk to other than hubby.
I refuse to hang out with the angry rednecks. One neighbor woman was in my house. I opened my piano, ripped through a bit of Chopin and she shrieked, "SHOWOFF!". She doesn't like intelligent, educated and skilled people. She also said "BUDDHISM IS VOODOO" and crossed her arms like she was making a cross to ward off vampires. She was not invited back after she insulted me like that. She is baffled that we put up a fence and did not invite her back. Lots of peple here have large crosses in their front yards to show their faith. She is one of those who does have a cross in her yard.
I just get depressed seeing them.
There are bright people here but I don't know how to find them. We have no interest in sports, country music (whiny and negative) or christianity (really negative) so we have no social outlets. There is a public library and I got in an argument with one of the librarians who was mad because they had a mexican food aisle at Walmart. How you grow up in Texas and never eat Tex Mex food, I don't know.One black lady stopped working there b/s she had so many arguments with the racist woman. And this is a librarian????
There is a book club in the county seat (town of 8,000 people). Once we went and they were talking about how superior christianity was. This had nothing to do with the book they were discussing. One woman told us how "God gets MAD when you text OMG to your friends". She was apparently very proud of telling her niece that. I was too polite to say, "Karon, how do you know that?"
Then a man from India told my husband that Islam was a good religion b/c you were supposed to be good to your slaves. We were not impressed. We both almost got our potluck dish and walked out. There is a place to talk about christianity. It's called "church". We didn't go back to the book club for a year after that. Also they fix food I cannot eat due to my allergies. I wonder about the point of a potluck supper if all I can eat is the dish I brought for myself. I might as well stay home if I am just eating my own cooking.
I have a beautiful old Gothic bungalow that has been in the family for four generations. I wish my friends would come see me and hang out on my two acres, but I can't seem to extract them.
Pics: http://lavidacountry.wordpress.com
Thanx for reading my rant, people.
the inner lite...
(10 posts)A day late and a dollar short!
(3,794 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)You know, on second thought, any time is a good time for a spiritual cleansing. Take a rest man, you need it!
(6,507 posts)because I have learned a lot reading all these questions and answers.
How very generous of you Rick
I am enjoying your book, but have only just begun it- so hopefully I can catch up and join the conversation soon.
Thanks again for the illumination you bring to us.
(2,939 posts)I just wanted to thank you again for your kindness to me in the past. You rock!