Be the Center of your OWN Medicine Wheel
I know, i haven;t been posting here as much, but I really felt called to share this today. I started a 'circle' recently and have been working on bringing in people who want to learn tribal/ancient ways of BE-ing in harmony with Gaia and Self.. really more of a group therapy thing, but they don't know it yet! lol
Anyway, I have been doing a LOT of work on Medicine Wheel dynamics, it is actually the whole basis for my New Moon book and ceremony of Self thru the year. I have been focusing on how the experience of the medicine wheel and the circle/cycles of time are all so deeply ingrained in us and that we naturally know that time is not linear, but circular...
So here comes this interesting meditation that 'came thru' during group last week. I totally had it GIVEN to me as I was in circle and guyiding the I wanted to share...
First, let's review... if you look at the Year wheel and the medicine wheel, it is a macrocosm and microcosm all at once. Our experiences and expression can always be directed THROUGH any given direction and it's essence and feeling, the lesson of the East is the Big picture/dawn/spring/planting - the lesson of the South is self care/noon/summer/expression - the lesson of the West is challenge vs opportunity/sunset/fall/gratitude - and the lesson of the North is owning wisdom/midnight/winter/and dreaming
that's the meditation:
you begin by grounding to the center of the earth and opening the crown to heaven, feeling the thread of heaven and earth running directly down your spine and holding you in Center. You turn to the EAST...the dawn is coming, you can just barely make out the shapes, the gray of the sky begins to show color, begins to blaze with light and suddenly - the sun rises and you feel it bathe your face in LIGHT. the promise of the day is before you, the opening of all possibility. the light is so bright only because you have been standing in the pre-dawn, and you are feeling the light trigger all your cells to wake up and BEGIN...
then, you turn to the right (in your vision), now facing south. As ypu do so, you see the sun rising above, you ARE the sundial. the sun is high over the top of your head and you can feel the heat and strength of it beating down on you, warming you through & through, making you feel whole and nurtured. you notice the lushness of the leaves and feel the vibration of energizing energy pulsing through everything, from the grass and the warm earth to the brightness of the blue sky...all possibilities are available to you here, all needs are met and you can bask in the hightide of the day.
as you turn again toward the west, you feel the sun heading towards the horizon once more, the shadows become long and things begin to settle into their homes for the duration. you watch as the sun begins to slide towards the edge of the earth, seemingly in slow motion, and it sits on the horizon for a moment before vanishing, and you send with it your gratitude for the blessings of the day, knowing that they are ALL opportunities, no matter what they look like. you feel the warmth begin to dissapate and the colors of the blazing sunset fade into gray. this is time for families to gather and break bread, another gratitude ritual. and then we prepare for bed, as the night consumes the light
we turn once more and find ourselves facing North, it is midnight and the stars are are only light now. In the dim, we can still see, in fact we see things that we would not in full daylight, shapes shift and color is a different spectrum. we walk through the dreamtime and re-integrate all our lessons from the rest of the wheel...finally owning our wisdom of experience and recognizing the vision we are given at this time are the proto-seeds of the day to come,
...and we rest in our knowing that great spirit is ever present, be it through sunlight, starlight or moonlight, we are alwasy being shined upon, and we are always at CENTER

Remember Me
(1,532 posts)Thanks so much for sharing it.
I especially love the very last line. It reminds me of another of my favorite lines: "You have never left the heart of God."
(14,721 posts)It was really interesting to feel/see it in meditation as it was happening, the actual feeling of the sun and sky rotating overhead was awesome!
I think this can be used in a multitude of ways, bringing in the essences of animals, crystals, colors, sounds, etc... it's definitely one that i intend to use over & over and see how it shifts
I like the empowerment of being in your own center as well...because so many of us want to ask elsewhere in these changing times, this may be a good visualization/exercise for coming back to SELF and seeing what Your connection to Spirit has to tell you.
pretty cool stuff, fo shoo!
(22,298 posts)I could feel it just reading your post!
(14,721 posts)ya, i was really impressed with that feeling as well, it was certainly a 'gift from the guides'
(18,186 posts)Wonderful that you are busy doing what you love.
Thanks for the medicine circle work thread and good luck with your book.
