Let's collect and report our Neptune/Chiron/Pisces experiences this week here
Especially shifts in Spiritual attitudes and incoming grace and growth in intuition:

Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)Since Neptune is coming to Pisces, where is it coming FROM? Would that be Aries? Just curiosity.
(3,794 posts)after having spent 15 years in Aquarius
(8,423 posts)We're here!
We've arrived!
Wow! you really know when to deliver a book in a timely manner!!
Touche' Ricochet!
(3,794 posts)the book IS Chiron and Neptune IN AQUARIUS
Then, when they both advanced into Pisces, it got distributed.
It is an AQUARIAN book.
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)was my other guess. thank you
(3,794 posts)each day it will tell you exactly where the planets are
(4,225 posts)9 or ten years ago.
In my dream she is still very fragile and her feelings were rather hurt and raw.
I don't dream of my Mom often. I had issues always having to deal with her Schizophrenia episodes.Which were brought on by her chooseing not to take her meds and self medicating with street drugs. SOOOOOO dreaming of her is a rare occurance.

(4,225 posts)Back attcha!
(17,454 posts)as well as to you Dear. Perhaps you could continue to hold her in a blanket of White Light as comfort, she is still struggling to heal herself. I think your dream is an indication that she still needs your love and she is having a hard time forgiving herself. Let her know she doesn't need your forgiveness, only her own.
Maybe by sending her the Healing Light she will visit you more often, as she might feel embarrassed that she abandoned you so to speak
(4,225 posts)That really good advice I intend on acting on.
I havent begun to fill all those crystal healing grids I bought last August yet. But I'm going to start tuesday.
Thank you!

(4,225 posts)Back attcha too!
(8,423 posts)dreamy, positive thoughts, instead of the usual creep-ins,...then was "graceful" later by not confronting a family member about something I usually would've. Yesterday, I felt a softness settling in...
But I know this is just a nibbling.
And Rick, your excitement on this shift tomorrow is very infectious! Because you've always been spot on!
(3,794 posts)It's NOT tomorrow. It's a huge long term era beggining now. Tomorrow is technically right; Uranus is the only planet that HITS when it is exact mathematically. Neptune is certainly much more fuzzy. BROADEN YOUR FOCUS REAL REAL WIDE and look at the world.
I feel great influence of Neptune, knowingness, etc.
(8,423 posts)FirstLight
(14,721 posts)Owning my four jobs that feed my soul, and getting in tune with following what's the next thing to do...rather than making a list and getting overwhelmed or fighting the old paradigm...
also, addiction issues waning, sleep patterns becoming more balanced - getting up at 7:30 as opposed to 9 or 10. (recognizing that my head feels better today, not hungover or coughing up a lung) looking forward to making the NEW pattern(though it is VERY new, only a couple days) but still... not so invested in watching movies for the umpteenth time just to 'zone out' ...enjoying being PRESENT...maybe that's the way to feeling God IN me...
grace, still working on that my temper is still there just below the surface... just like my dad
(17,454 posts)It continues to increase everyday. Of course I am building this connection with my higher self, and it continues to fortify my awareness.
Hopefully I will feel even more attuned with the Cosmic Vibrations in the ensuing months and years. I suppose I need to work on the incoming influences with "grace" part of it.
This little ego of mine doesn't need to shine at least not to some people who seem to have a problem with me.
I'm looking forward to everyone's responses to your thread.
(15,888 posts)This has been a very busy week for me. Those that I have become close with are now leaving to work somewhere else. I went into a grocery store day before yesterday and found that people were yelling to call 911. Upon my asking, I found that some man had collasped in the back and then ran to him, only to give CPR for almost eight minutes. (he made it BTW, well I don't know how fully; eight minutes without proper oxygen can cause brain damage) In spite of all this, I keep wondering about myself; if I'm spiritual enough. Sure, I can close my eyes and transport (mind) somewhere and I have intuition. I can even touch objects and get propelled several years past. But in the new world to come; is that enough? Hinting in 4 or 5d may not cut it there.
(4,225 posts)I salute and Celebrate YOU!!!!! I'm so glad you were in the right place at the right time to save that man's life!!!!
You most definitly are spiritual enough,intuitive enough, GOOD ENOUGH!!!!!!! My gawd! just how do you think you positioned yourself to be there at the right time and place to save that man's life???? YOU ARE DOING IT!!!! LOL! Its thinking about it that messin with your mind!!!!
(15,888 posts)What I did the other night, it's my job. It's what I do. This is only the second time I needed to do all out CPR in the past (almost) 21 years of nursing. Needless to say that my adrenilan had me up longer that I needed to be that day. Today, I'm just questioning everything. Why me? Is this guy going to make it without brain damage? (I just know that he has broken ribs after seeing how the paramedics handled this) then going home to my roommates, one, an unemployed man since Sept of last year who just lays around in his underwear most of the day (in his bed) and his wife who allows this. I don't know. I just may not understand life and have to move somewhere else. (I got close to this last September only to have an event put ME in the hosiptal. I had what I thought was a stroke, but it turned out to something called a complex migirane. I call it my three thousand dollar headache!) Anyway, I have recovered most of that (near four thousand) and vow that when I hit five thousand, I'm moving! Oh, that might have been too much too soon. What am I thinking? There is no real need to applude me for doing my job. What can I say? It's what I do.
Please quit selling yourself short!!!! Sigh! This is the second time in a weeks time I've been compelled to say what I'm about to say!
KNOW YOU"RE WORTH!!!!! It very important! right now! right here! for EVERY Healer and Light worker to KNOW THEIR WORTH!!!!
You could have chosen any other field.... You didn't. You Chose to be a HEALER! You couldve chose another store to pick up you're groceries. You didnt you chose THAT store. You couldve picked another time to shop. You Didnt. you chose that time! You chose to be open and in the flow that put you in that store at that time to save that man's life!!!! What exactly needs to be refined about that??????
Now its time to disconnect from that man. Let it go! You did what you were supposed to do.PERIOD! (((HUG)))
You already know its time to move out of you're current living situation. Great! Trust your own internal timing (It certainly worked for that man in the store!)
The experience of living is what "Refines" Being in the flow "Refines" And Knowing your own worth is Refined!
(15,888 posts)I need to put that incident behind me and move on. That adrelin rush is a bit much though... I haven't had good sleep for two days now! I have to work tonight and then I get two nights off... planning on taking a sleeping pill when I get home tomorrow. ~sigh~ Got to push on through tonight first.
(4,225 posts)I hope you have the most rejuvenating deep sleep with the most beautiful dreams Icymist.
Happy sleepy dreamy to you!
(15,888 posts)I must admit that I did not take the drug. Also, you're scaring me with your capitol letters 'SSSSLLLLEEEEEPPP!" I think I may have a nightmare instead. Not that a nightmare is unwanted; I've learened early on to stand up and face a nightmare. It usually turns the dream into something benelovent. Never mind all that I'm saying here. I am almost ready for bed. My nursing company has not called and I'm getting into comfy clothes. I gotta go and sleep now. Goodnight. (I'm only sorry that I stayed up longer than you wanted me too. I wish I could just drop everything and go to sleep, like when I was young) now there is a concept; youth. Oh what I thought I could do when I was young! I kind of wish I had that feeling again. I might just do something! Oh well, going to sleep now...
(6,507 posts)Howler- you are wonderful and I hope that you can appreciate what you do Icymist!
Love to all of you from the green wheat field out west.....
(4,225 posts)Hows the critters?
(6,507 posts)milk feeding a day and they are growing nicely now, I think that they could be stopped and just fed grain, but if I just fed the two smallest ones, I think it would break the bigger one's hearts. They still think that they are all little babies. They do follow me out to the pasture and try to graze....it is a parade- twelve of them! And being with the old great grandma sheep was a great idea as they are a bit better socialized because those old ewes taught them proper sheep manners -which as any mother knows- is serious work.
Thanks for asking Howler- have a wonderful day of new beginnings
Mr Howler says Its his experience that Sheep NEVER grow out of wanting a bottle!!!! In fact his would sneak up behind perfect strangers who had their hands behind their back and suck on their fingers as adults.
I can just picture the twelve babies following you around! LOL! "The pied Piper of sheep!!!!
(3,794 posts)this great need to get rid of my coarseness and develop my refinement
it's the START of dedication to spirit on a high level, that's how it feels to me
(15,888 posts)I do feel a need to expand my spiritual practice. Thank you for your insight Rick.
(8,423 posts)but I know what you mean...
It's hard to get past the cobwebs to devote just to spirit, but that's what we all need to do..
I see you at Pisces already.
(3,794 posts)weeeee, it's a hapnin!
(8,423 posts)Well, my experience has been: Monday I was of great spirit, Tues. till about five I was really there and then an unexpected slump. Today, I still felt "softer", but just really in a self-doubting mode,(with lots of "feelings" and now I'm roller-coasting back up again. I know you said it can sometimes be quite subtle. I'm thinking tomorrow will even out like many waves do. I think there were definite lessons in the self- doubt area.
(23,663 posts)You're simply amazing.
I applaud you also, your job or not!
(7,212 posts)made the decision to drink half my weight in water every day....have been doing that for past few days....does that fit with the astral changes you discuss?
Also....deep sobs come up and get released....then I am fine until the next wave.
Is that cleansing part of it all?
(3,794 posts)indeed
I like to read what you write!
. . . you probably know this, but don't drink too much water too fast -- it can be dangerous; see http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=strange-but-true-drinking-too-much-water-can-kill .
(273 posts)The issues that need to be dealt with are fairly clear. What's to be done about them isn't.
...for the most part. Finding a new job that doesn't have me driving 140 miles each day will help a lot.
(23,663 posts)I hope the answer manifests gracefully and easily, and joyfully!
Response to Ricochet21 (Original post)
Melissa G This message was self-deleted by its author.
(23,663 posts)Mine (at least as of this morning) is in the form of being ready to open up a can of whoop-ass!!!
Feeling an incredible urge to break free of all shackles and tell anyone standing in my way to either join me or get the f*ck out of the way!
I've been on a hamster wheel for years and years, and now want to smash that hamster cage with a mega-size sledgehammer.
With love, of course.
(4,225 posts)I want pictures of OneGrassRoot on the spiritual warpath!!!!! What a truely beautiful storm to watch wash over EVERYTHING !!!!
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Well said.
For me, it's balanced with an impending feeling of traveling more and more in grace. I was feeling that all day yesterday. Even through the aforementioned wreck which felt very Uranus like.
(17,045 posts)Rock the F%@$ on!
With love, of course.
Good for you and me too.
(15,812 posts)that a conscious act of kindness on my part in junior high resulted in the other person remembering me for decades. That was a real kick in the butt for me. I realize that I generally don't act like that. Why not?
(23,663 posts)I know this is going to sound REALLY off the wall, but I just "saw" you sharing this story, including your questions and self-reflection.
This is a perfect personal Wishadoo blog.
Just sayin'.
It's amazing how simple acts affect others -- for good and not-so-good. Reconnecting with classmates, for many of us now decades later, is bringing so many of these things to light. I find social networking FASCINATING. It can really "do good," including in the realm of self-reflection and inner growth.
I know that's a weird reply...sorry in advance.
(15,812 posts)But I agree that this was a kind of a personal moment for me.
I don't really think people realize exactly how much everyone is connected to past experiences, but people in this group probably realize it a lot more than the general population.
You know, my husband uses the internet but way less than I do, and he uses it in more direct practical ways than I do. Sometimes he talks about how people waste their time on computers and so forth. I said, "Do you realize that the second most common way that people meet their spouses is on the internet? (the first is through friends)" I happen to love the internet (overall not REALLY sure about social media yet) just because I think it enables a lot of synchronicities......... He doesn't really *get* that concept.
It would be great if someone that knew something about astrology would blog a bit on Wishadoo.
(23,663 posts)probably 95% of the people I have met in the last decade, I initially met online.
Seriously. Including my SO.
I've ended up meeting MANY in person as well, but the initial contact was online.
I'm a huge fan of the Internet. Not sure how I existed without it all these years, especially being the frustrated librarian/research geek that I am.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I just stumbled across this ascension blogger in a very unexpected place.
The topic at hand is more 'outgoing nongrace.' Of course, that needs to happen to make room for incoming grace. It seems that there is a surge underway in resignations by top bank officials, including from the vatican
"Well, I said I was done with this bank business, but this very, very long list showed up at RMN. And most of them are ones that were not listed here at this blog (see first post about this, second post about this)."
very long list at link.
(3,794 posts)on top of Neptune and Chiron
here we go!
(273 posts)n/t
(3,794 posts)This is the dawning of an era the earth never seen
WHich is what I actually did this am.
Had too! Strauss was playing!
(29,414 posts)I'd lost it at least a year and a half ago (file with new material overwritten by an older same-named file) and I finally got the inspiration to retell it. A little over 2900 words in less than two hours (1:50 am to 3:40 am) and with a new filename this time! This version seems to be better, too, though it's still in "Draft 0" at the moment. I haven't reread it or let someone else look at it for clarity.
I think I was partly inspired to write due to watching my DVR-copy of "The Razor's Edge"
Why Syzygy
(18,928 posts)when I watched the series "The Tudors" on Netflix, I had the most colorful interesting dreams! I'm going to try that again.
Not sure why your post reminded me of that. Inspiration by film?
(3,794 posts)Neptune IS film
illusion of movement, images
(29,414 posts)In my instance, it was more of the theme of the film inspiring me to do the work.
You could always experiment with different films to see what they do to your dreams. Koyaanisqasti might make for interesting results
Missy Vixen
(16,207 posts)Living in our house takes over half of DH's take-home pay every month. We're paying medical bills on top of it. We've now started the conversation about what it will take to move somewhere else. Of course, the question is where, and what we can afford.
I'm also still working on polishing three books to send off to the acquiring editor that asked for them.
I am hoping this is progress, and it will be positive.
(29,414 posts)I've enjoyed reading it for only about a year, but I'm now fully convinced that ebook publishing is the way to go, preferably by self-pubishing

There's at least one ASAH member here that's into ebook-publishing, so maybe she'll speak up and offer her experience with it.
(23,663 posts)He has a lot of good advice and is definitely a proponent of self-publishing (both digital and traditional) after having followed the traditional path for a long time.
I'm extending an invitation yet again for those interested in a cooperative/collaborative/collective approach to not only publishing books, but creative ventures of all sorts, to please contact me if you're interested.
I don't know if it's me, personally, or what, but getting people to simply explore the possibilities is like pulling teeth. Well, at least within ASAHers it is. I find this odd since this is a group which purports to embrace the new way of collaboration and cooperation.
Again, perhaps it's just a lack of confidence in me, personally, which is cool. Surely it's not a hesitation to put these principles into action...
(Yes, I'm being sarcastic and giving people a hard time. As I said upthread, I'm in a whoop-ass kinda mood.)
I'll extend the invitation beyond ASAH soon, when I can concentrate more fully on this particular project.
Everyone's challenge these days is marketing -- I don't care of it's Random House or your next-door neighbor. I believe this collaborative/collective approach and "doing good" is the new way, and addresses marketing dilemmas.
Just sayin'....
(29,414 posts)and will likely post some this evening
I think it was just that there were too many groups vying for my attention and I got overwhelmed. I still have ideas I'd like to bounce off of people (and have recently blogged about) so I'll see what's going on with your creative group. Maybe now is truly the right time to get things going again
(23,663 posts)There has been zero activity there...lol.
And, it's one of those proverbial Catch-22 situations in that, to have discussion and exploration about cooperatives and collaborative approaches, it requires cooperation and collaboration.
This is one thing I absolutely cannot do on my own. It requires others to at least be engaged enough to start envisioning how it could manifest. I've resigned myself to at least trying to set up some sort of presentation so people can "see" how it could work, as my theoretical ramblings meant to invite discussion simply aren't doing the trick.
I do have a lot of information gathered, including business plans that could help guide the official structure. And my connections with the National Cooperative Business Association will be tremendously helpful.
I have yet to find another setup similar to what have always envisioned, which is actually a combination of a member-owned and worker-owned collective, with the "workers" being authors, artists, musicians, graphic designers, editors, and other administrative persons. The members are the consumers who purchase the end product and are invested in promoting those products.
I'm finding that people in the States envision only organic food when they hear "co-op," so I'm also using the term "collective."
But that invites "communist" dissing.
C'est la vie!
(29,414 posts)but I do think "Borg"
How about "hive" instead?
I haven't done any more reading at the site due to having to help out a friend stranded elsewhere in the city. Now he's going right back there to work on his dead starter. He was supposed to do that work here at the apartments(with my borrowed tools), but I guess when he got it going again, he thought it was "fixed"...
(713 posts)completely STONED. And I have done nothing to warrant feeling that way, (I swear!!) What in the world??!? I just got home from taking my daughter to the dentist and the grocery store and I swear I didn't even feel right driving! Not to mention functioning in the grocery store which I don't do well on a "normal" day...lol.
(713 posts)and I mentioned how I was feeling and he said, "That's weird, I thought it was just me"..turns out he's been feeling this way off and on all day. The best way to explain it is that I feel a bit disoriented, a tad dizzy and a lot drugged! Oh, great, now I feel like I have the munchies too!
(23,663 posts)Thank you for my first laugh-out-loud moment today!
(2,649 posts)I've been feeling altered all day, and my friend Cindy called earlier saying she was feeling spaced out like she'd smoked something -- and neither of us had any Doritos (bummer). The energy out there is also suspiciously calm and serene right now.
Wonder if this is the calm before the storm or something.
(15,812 posts)My limbs feel more relaxed than usual. Not sure if I feel heavier or lighter...........both at the same time. Brain waves probably in low beta or high alpha rather than my usual high beta. I kinda like it so I bought a bottle of wine to drink with dinner.
But, I am driving--but not far, and not on the interstate.
(23,663 posts)This is my New Moon creation.
I say sneak peak because it isn't ready to launch yet, but I wanted to go ahead and share here as my contribution to the energies and feedback in this thread.
Our Collective Good
I'd love to offer original content that Wishadoo members generate as well as content culled from elsewhere online, but for now, culling it is.
Our Collective Good is the first of Wishadoo!s C3I Initiatives.
C3I stands for Compassion, Cooperation, Community & Integrity, the founding principles of Wishadoo!
Our Collective Good is where inspiring, enlightening, thought-provoking, informative, joyful content is shared, representing Humanitys Collective Good.
We may also share information which, on the surface, is most definitely not-so-good, perhaps even upsetting. Such content is offered for consideration, with the intention to then explore the topic further together and work toward positive action, turning things around to Be Good.
Our Collective Good is where we Manifest Wisdom.
Wishadoo! is where we put it into action.
(8,423 posts)I'm going to check it out!
(713 posts)FABULOUS OGR! Great job!!
(15,812 posts)kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)Last nite while I was making dinner, and a certain situation/plan went pinging thru my head, I very abruptly heard my inner voice, (or was it really mine??).. say, "Just how many hints do you need!"
Okay, another one that came up...
About a year or so ago, I had put out an invitation for something I thought was never acknowledged, now this afternoon, it was answered totally out of the blue!
It's not a big deal at all..although it seems to symbolize 2 things..the possible interest (maybe love), but that's really a long shot...but the other thing is..that I see this as a powerful illustration of how the messages of desire(not necessary relationships), the frequencies of our requests are very strong, and remarkably getting stronger. I see this as an illustration of our powerful vibrations when we ASK the universe.
I truly believe our manifestation abilities are getting stronger and stronger!
(15,758 posts)Signed the papers this afternoon (rescheduled from last week hmmmm--!) for a personal loan at our new credit union to pay off our (shamefully large) outstanding balance on a Bank of America MasterCard that we've carried for more than a decade, from when Mr. MG's hours were cut, I had to take a job with a 25% pay cut, and we had amazing emergency car repairs. I've been throwing an obscene amount of money at the balance each month (four times the minimum payment) and it never. ever. budges.
Now the monthly payment is going to be HALF of what I've been paying, so we get to pocket quite a bit each month. AND it'll be PAID OFF in TWO YEARS. Then we'll be so far in the black it'll be like I got that part-time job I was thinking about (without having to pay for after-school care for MG Jr.).
On top of that, the bank offered to replace the MasterCard (10.99% APR) with their own gold Visa (7.95%).
(8,423 posts)That's really good news.
Maybe the universe can deliver similar goods this way.
(21,088 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)it's not Neptune
(21,088 posts)just enough to be dangerous...
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)As a Pisces native: SO THAT EXPLAINS IT!!
Poverty, that is.
Okay, not true. I've been miraculously taken care by the Universe for years now, but it's just at barely above subsistence level for several years now and I really, really want more. But not seeming able to manifest it.
I'll write about what this New Moon has meant for me later. (Maybe.)
(21,088 posts)On Monday afternoon, Kathy tapped her Muses and healed my lifelong dysfunctional relationship with money in one minute flat. She had the intuition to hear what they told her to say, and I had the openness to hear her say it. It was all about energy exchanges, gift economies, and inviting others to participate in the sacred nature of the exchange of money for other stuff. For a guy who managed to go bankrupt and then later on squander a lot of the stuff, this was monumental. I'm still reeling.
Leading up to this turning point was a decision I made on Saturday to attend a conference in Berkeley at the end of March, called "The Economics of Happiness". A key presenter for me will be a thinker named Charles Eisenstein whose first book "The Ascent of Humanity" helped set me on the path to liberation four years ago. The book he's introducing at the conference is called "Sacred Economics" and it's all about gift economies. Then on Sunday, out of the blue, Kathy's mother offered to sponsor me to the tune of all my expenses. And on Monday the Muses chimed in to drive the point home.
WTF? Is this still the same universe?
(23,663 posts)Love that, GliderGuider!
Love Charles Eisenstein, love gift economies, love "Sacred Economics."
Wonderful -- enjoy!!!
(21,088 posts)
Let me describe something else that may be a bit more on point.
For the last two weeks I have been absolutely gripped by a 550-page book about the pre-Socratic philosophers Parmenides and Empedocles (srsly??), written by a mystical philologist named Peter Kingsley. The book is called "Reality", which turns out to be an appropriate title. I finished it today. Kingsley is a magician, sorcerer, alchemist, visionary and zen master of the first order. His interpretation of what these Greek ancients actually said (instead of what their enemies Plato and Aristotle said they said) has turned my world upside down, inside out and backwards.
I have been living inside a 550-page koan for two weeks, forced to draw the founding paradox of reality (Is/Is Not) into my soul and hold both sides equally until my understanding collapsed under its own weight. Now I feel like I'm floating over the Abyss, except the void is both me and the universe I have created - everything and nothing. And it has a flavour like the world's best ice cream - the taste of pure Being.
I think Neptune may be in there somewhere...
Both this experience and the money-related one I described before have to do with healing the psychic wounds that I acquired from running headlong into the brick walls of both external and internal reality. The externals were things like the looming collapse of civilization and the failure of material things to hold true value. The internals were my self-deception about my true nature (I am NOT my father after all), and my relationship to money as a symbol of personal value and universal creative energy.
Since I seem to be heading in the direction of becoming a healer, this "Physician, heal thy wounded self" phase is essential. That sounds a lot like Chiron in Pisces to me (from the bits I've read), especially since the latest phase started in earnest when I met my Twin Flame at the beginning of April 2010 - right about when Chiron entered Pisces.
(4,225 posts)is this book hard to read and understand????/ I'm asking because it sounds REALLY interesting.
Please let me know!
(21,088 posts)You don't need to be a university grad, for sure, though it helps to be able to concentrate. The biggest challenge is that the ideas are densely packed, and will be unfamiliar to people who haven't done any spiritual work yet. Anyone who has done any thinking about Zen, Taoism or any other non-dualist philosophy will do fine.
If you're unsure, start like I did with his latest book "A Story Waiting to Pierce You". It's about how Mongolian shamanism influenced the same ancient Greeks, and gave Western civilization an early non-dualist foundation. It's written in the same style as "Reality" but it's a lot shorter book (120 pages or so), so it's less of a commitment, and it will get you used to Kingsley's style. After reading it I couldn't wait to dig into "Reality".
(4,225 posts)I know you are a brainiac so you wouldnt have any troubles reading it. However mere mortals like myself ......... but that book really does sound interesting sooooooooo. I'm going over to Amazon and order both of them! You So Rock GliderGuider!!!!! Thank you!!!!
(21,088 posts)like everything else in life, intelligence is a double-edged sword. We admire and value it here in the west, but in order to have any chance of penetrating the mystery of the stillness we have to stop thinking so bloody much all the bloody time!
My biggest lesson in humility was learning that I couldn't think my way to enlightenment. I'm still trying to get my monkey-mind to accept that, which is why I still come across as such a pedantic fart so often.
Enjoy the books, Howler!
(3,794 posts)No, the old universe is gone.
(21,088 posts)I'm loving the ride.
(2,649 posts)Yesterday, I noticed the energy was very calm and serene -- all day long. After the swirly energy of the past few weeks, it was a welcome (if disconcerting) change. I decided to just absorb and be in the calm, and really soaked it up. It was like that all day, so I went outside every chance I could and absorbed as much of it as possible.
I had a meeting this morning, the outcome of which, I've really never seen before. Without getting into detail, at any other time, under the same circumstances, the situation would not have worked out in my favor, but I intended that the person reviewing my claim have a softened heart, and handed it over to the Universe to take care of. After making that intention, I was overcome with a peaceful feeling that everything would be okay and I would be protected. They called a couple of hours later with the good news.
Is this what we're talking about?
(8,423 posts)lifts my heart a notch! Glad things worked out..I'd say it was a good example, but I'm no expert.
(3,794 posts)and it will manifest in thousands of other ways
Neptune brings us a more refined life
Chiron, one that is about healing
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)"I intended that the person reviewing my claim have a softened heart, and handed it over to the Universe to take care of. After making that intention, I was overcome with a peaceful feeling that everything would be okay and I would be protected."
(29,135 posts)Which is significant because I had an absolutely chaotic holiday season. Mondo drama and then the realization that it's time to relocate (again.) But I still thought I had more ugly to weather and the last couple of weeks have been clear sailing.
(13,433 posts)It has been about affirming them and their relationship with me. I have not always been able to step back from the day to day stuff, and as a result I have not always done the best job of communicating just how much they all mean to me and how happy I am with my life and the people in it. The last few days have been about taking the time to actually tell everyone just how happy I am they are with me in this life and how much I appreciate them. Somehow the daily pressures just are not registering with the same level of burden (or even angst, I'd say) that they used to.
We are still scrambling to get everything done in the hours of each day, but at least I've been able to take time to reflect and comment on how much I'm enjoying it...
(8,423 posts)Without a lot of details, I really believe I'm about to actually get out of my own way.
Deep clicks.
(3,794 posts)that's INDIRECTLY what I meant about "don't think" as much
that's great!
(8,423 posts)developed today. There was a smoothness to my epiphany( well not really that), my re-navigation..I was trying to visualize something, and thought I was having trouble and would have to consult the source again, and it really seemed to me, that Spirit, just as you have stated, took over and produced the thing I was striving to see.When I was thinking about it before, it was so much more difficult... But heartfully focusing ..I was able to collect exactly what I needed. This is exciting in a number of ways. One being, doubts and expectations intermingled and self- corrected. The other way it is exciting, is if this big thing shifted today, what other big thing will shift tomorrow??!!!!!
(2,649 posts)This is so terrific!!!
(8,423 posts)Have I told you how much I love you lately?
(2,649 posts)

(8,423 posts)and they have reported that any conflicts they have had were very smooth, delivering spirited outcomes, such as political protests, melting the opposing stances.
Others just seem to feel a softness, like everything's really groovy.
In group meditation, I kept seeing the words love,love,love,love cross through my inner sanctum.
(3,794 posts)was striving to see"
exactly. The mind gets in the way by over-compartmentalizing it, IT RIPS THE LIFE out of the experience.
Since mind is the strength of Aquarius, it's only natural. Now, let it be, the mind can always come in later
to gently classify it - it won't let you go until it does.
You are getting a pure taste of Neptune AND Chiron
use real wide-angle lenses to even try to conceptualize it
it has NO boundaries, none
(8,423 posts)Vast in what ways...?
How else would you describe Neptune if you had the time?
I felt heavy, and weighted down these last few hours..
(3,794 posts)Neptune is INDEFINABLE because it is everything. All things, a sense of oneness with all things and bliss
nothing more can be said, it is NO thing.
How come other people aren't chipping in on you Exquisite Zodiac discussion besides you?
(8,423 posts)an actual mirror of God, or something like that, maybe?
Yes, I wondered about that. I stepped back to give others a chance. I didn't want to dominate. Maybe they are thinking this discussion takes a priority?
(3,794 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)replace that with how it felt?
You are definitely making the gradual transition from Aquarius towards Pisces
(8,423 posts)uh-oh, oops..
of that boundless transition gives me goose bumps!
(3,794 posts)thinking outside the box of the thought is a koan
that's how blissful God is
(15,758 posts)I was scheduled to have a guest blog post on a new blog for my writing genre at the beginning of February. For some reason it got delayed. But it went up this week! Here's hoping it'll maybe open doors to agents or publishers...? (Goddess knows I'm just spinning my wheels on my own at this point!)
(3,794 posts)as I said, it doesn't point to specific outer "events". More importantly is "Do you feel that you have been released/have released yourself into God's hands? Have you surrendered to your mission?
That's what Neptune/Chiron means, imho
either way, good for you!
Remember, Neptune could give two hoots about our "worldly" success.
(273 posts)Happened this afternoon. The machine still does most of what it's supposed to, but one small part has broken. Now instead of agitating the wash it just spins slowly. Thankfully it's an inexpensive part, so Mum is going to check with stores in town tomorrow and see if we can get it fixed over the weekend.
Maybe not the most spiritual of happenings, but it is dealing with water and cleansing!
(3,794 posts)I'm just not sure. Neptune water soap, yes. Machinery, no.
You do have a harsh Mars retrograde backing over your Midheaven that could "cause" it. I dunno.
Question yourself about the washer. "Are you cleaning what needs cleaned or putting it on a back burner?" This is not mild stuff, it would be something significant. Do you feel "dirty" when you around a certain person, but are putting up with them instead of
showing them the door? Ideas to ponder.
(273 posts)(I was being facetious about the washer, though -- mum got it fixed today with no troubles at all.)
Right now my intuitions tell me it's time to move on from current circumstances and start working towards what I actually want to do/where I want to be/whom I want to be with. It's quite a tall order.
(3,794 posts)FirstLight
(14,721 posts)yesterday AM, a close friend from my spiritual circle and intuition classes calls me and says "I was told to call you by my guides...you need a reading?"
ironically I had been saying just the night before i needed a reading from her - but could NOT recall the topic or how to phrase it
so she gave me the reading and conversation anyway, got a LOT of amazing useful info, regarding following my path & my bliss, staying in my joy, how to set my space and run my energy thru the day and work it, and upgrading my contracts/agreements with my MOM bigtime over the next week...
so yeah, good stuff...but the results...even more wow
that day, i followed the info the guides had given, like actually recharging my personal 'batteries' throughout the day, and asking for a time to know when to do it again, it totally worked! (also went to bed at a decent hour and slept great last night btw)
after the second meditation and charging of the day, where i had also worked on my contracts with my mom... she called and as we talked and she said something again about me getting a 'real job' I was able to easily say, "that's okay mom, what i'd really like for you to pray for or hold for me is that I am getting PAID by doing exactly what i enjoy and doing what I am good at...let's just say for you to envision me getting paid, it doesn't matter WHERE it comes from, just that it happens"
I almost feel over hearing myself say it so calmly and easily, and even if she didn;t get it all the way, i had PROOF right there that upgrading my agreement with her on a spiritual level WORKED!
top it off with a call and a long walk and hike with the guy i am digging on. the one who I have known for decades? (3/8/1963...oh great another pisces!)
so now as a little gift from the universe I may just get to play with someone I genuinely like and admire... cool!
oh, and water issues - my sink in my bathroom had the little stopper thing break, at least it still drains though
(3,794 posts)along with all the stuff settling near your nadir (Mom)
You're RIGHT ON TRACK, also, remember a major keyword for Neptune is forgiveness; self and other
(14,721 posts)I really needed to hear that!
(3,794 posts)on your Moon and ascendant, you must become very aware of the Uranian nature TO FIX EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW!
paint the house, fix your past, breathe away all diseases, cure all addictions in one night.
Really, I have a very over active Uranus as you can tell.
You have to slow it frenetic pace down and activate the true nature of your laid back Moon in Libra
let things go.
As I said in the book re: Capricorn is all about "Make sure"
stop making sure, the river will flow by just fine without either one of us sweating over it.
(14,721 posts)"make sure"...Frenetic energy...cure it all in one night... sheesh, you been watching me?
if cappy is "make sure" what's Cancer?
I like the river analogy, usually when i get too worrysome, my meditation is to go find a stream and sit by it and watch the way the water just flows around and over stuff, no moaning or wailing that things are in its way.... it just flows...
(3,794 posts)I wrote a whole chapter on it. Then I threw it away,, and wrote another.
(14,721 posts)that's actually VERY telling..."Cosmic do-over" that's how I feel these days
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)emotionally, I am DONE with these gd mf bastards.
When I interviewed last spring, I said that working 3rd shift would be *very* difficult for me, that I could *only* do it in dire emergencies. The Lab manager said she thought that would be ok, that they have 2nd shift people who are willing to sometimes stay over. This was before I even knew that night shift is 12 hours, which I REALLY CANNOT DO.
Then before I was there even 6 months, they scheduled me for night shift throughout December. I was bullied, threatened (her husband is a lawyer) and essentially forced into it. She lied and said she would never and had never said any such thing. I have since learned that she has a track record of 1. bullying and 2. lying, and I was advised by other techs to never, ever meet alone with her. The staff, it turns out, hates and fears her. They always bring a "witness" to meetings with her, for protection from the bullying and the lying. The company loves her, although due to the number of complaints they did send her on anger management training once.
During that time was when Algiers' symptoms first started to appear, but I was so exhausted, with swollen glands and sleeping throughout the days, that it was not until early January that I was able to recognize that something was wrong with him.
I thought at least the night shift shit was over until next winter, by which time I intended to be gone. Today I discovered they've put me back on nights the week of March 4th.
My job is "per diem," giving up any and all benefits, based on my supposed ability to not necessarily be available for work. They schedule me when they need me. I don't have regular hours, a minimum number of hours, holiday pay, vacation pay, sick pay, healthcare, matching retirement or any benefits at all. I don't even qualify for unemployment, since they don't have to lay me off...just stop scheduling me. In exchange -- and there is supposed to be *something* in exchange -- I supposedly work when *I* am available.
Instead, I was threatened and bullied, and my horse ultimately killed by my failure to see his symptoms in time when I was made physically ill by the job.
That's the bad news. The good news is yesterday in the mail I got my "Income Based Repayment" schedule for my student loans. I am in the program, which knocks $300/month off the payments for the next 12 months. Each year, I must re-apply and my payments are re-determined based on my income. In 25 years, when I'm 83, any unpaid loan is forgiven and I owe income taxes on the forgiven portion.
So effective immediately, I'm looking for another job. Being out from under that oversized payment, that I took on based on a salary range I was lied to about, means I take take a slightly lower paying job (believe it or not, the supermarket and Home Depot pay almost as much as I'm getting now) for the same number of hours, or a much lower paying job for more hours, and still get by.
I'm past any hope of financial recovery, unless I'm able to sell my house for enough to pay off the effing student loans and start over somewhere else.
(29,135 posts)And...to me, it's good that you're quitting because what I'm feeling is the kind of energy I usually feel around someone being "released" from a job. After that, I feel a month of anger/irritation energy, but then it's blue and serene by the summer.
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I hope you are right again
(8,423 posts)spiritual crisis. I'm almost certain I'm having a big one. What would be an example of "a Way Out?"
(16,020 posts)kimmerspixelated
(8,423 posts)just Saturn or Pluto, but in the last few days, I didn't quite think it was so real, but late into the afternoon and evening, a not so flattering spotlight reared an ugly head.
I will see how the day goes to see if it lessons, or if I have another epiphany for the way out and check back with the group.
(3,794 posts)trusting and letting go is what the chart tellls me
I know that sounds trite, but that's what it says
We need to liberate that Gemini "childlike" nature inside and not take things as seriously
too hard to explain here
good luck
(16,020 posts)I am blessed in my husband who makes me laugh as I am altogether too serious a person.
Though I knew it was not a good night for it we went shrimping on the Indian River and being out on the
water with all the stars out and the conjunction of Jupiter Venus and the Moon so beautiful really helped
cheer me up. We only got about two dozen shrimp but that was bonus The robins showed up in my yard today
which also cheered me up. Still in a lot of pain but I can step through it now.
Thanks for the reply.
(3,794 posts)the wound, represented by Chiron, holds the solution within itself.
(16,020 posts)I had been feeling the spring tide coming in and was floaty and happy and then wham.
I have been a depressed which is totally unlike me, weepy, and have a roaring arthritis inflammation in my hands so no
drumming for me which bummed me out further. It has been an awful week.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)This week has been physically hard on me. I seem to have developed another cold/virus immediately after getting over one I had for the two prior weeks. This week the bug manifested in joint and muscle soreness. After lying around most of yesterday because of sore, achy muscles, a friend sent me Reiki last night. I feel better today and hope to tackle all those 3D things I should have done earlier in the week.
Maybe my big spiritual events will come next week.
(3,794 posts)In your terms, what are you waiting to experience? Neptune is very very subtle.
Sanity Claws
(22,133 posts)I have not experienced any insight, change in attitude, change of any kind.
For the past couple of weeks, I have been fighting a cold and last week, I felt particularly achy. Now that I'm over the cold, maybe my mind will be clear enough to get a new insight or experience a change in attitude.
(3,794 posts)the problem with Neptune is trying to know what it will "look like." You can't.
It's going to spend the next two YEARS on your Mercury (the mind). Relax, and let it happen. With your natal Saturn Rx opposite your Sun, you'll have a tendency to doubt that it's happening... it is real,,, it'll take time to unfold.
It will happen.
(3,747 posts)I feel disassociated from my body. I want to be feeling the deep spiritual connection I had feeling I am on my path, but here I am.
Monday, I got stopped in the dragnet on I-40 outside Amarillo, TX and was taken from my car and surrounded by 20 men in black. I got busted for a little piece of glass (misdemeanor-$289) So, while I have always considered this a medicine (broken back, anxiety) now I am shaken to my core that my life has been wrong (or that I might have to make changes that I don't think/want to consider.) Also, I haven't told my beloved--I don't want lectures?
Meanwhile, the sun is shining and I am going to work in my garden starting seeds. Yesterday it was brocolli and cabbage, today the rest.
(6,507 posts)how are you now BlueToTheBone?
(3,747 posts)The whole event left me feeling violated and shaky. But, I've been home for a week now and I'm feeling stronger.
America the police state is a reality.
(6,507 posts)the last few years whenever I been pulled over for any reason (first time it was for turning left at an intersection that had no left turns from 7-10 am and my clock said 10:06 and there was no traffic..., second time at a 4 way stop on rural road I did a partial stop- there were no other cars within a mile of the intersection- my goodness) anyway, the officers were positively hostile and rude to me.
Now I am in my mid 50's but look at least 70. Is this how they treat older ladies? I was/am quite upset about it still and so hearing about what you went through gives me the chills.
Sending calming vibes.
(2,211 posts)The first thing of note is that I was EXTREMELY tired this week. By Wednesday I felt barely functional but went to my Tai Chi (sp?) class that is then followed by a meditation. Then a couple of us go out to dinner and come back for our weekly class. My teacher thought I was probably releasing something.
Then the next day I went to a dr's appointment and the dr really triggered something in me. This is something I've known for quite a while is an emotional trigger but I never could figure out the reason why. Well, early Friday morning and early Saturday morning the pieces fell together and now I understand why it's a trigger. Now I just need to work on releasing it.
(3,794 posts)uranus is my home
(12 posts)Whoa...Thought I'd astral travel or something. Very Piscean and trippy! So many other emotional experiences recently!
(15,812 posts)"poor me I had a broken ankle last year" feeling...........not sure if this was astrological because passing time makes a difference, but there seemed to be a sudden, though subtle shift.
(3,794 posts)the ankle was definitely a problem with Uranus last year. The subtle (Neptune) shift is right on.
Great for you!
(22,298 posts)Kept an eye out for it, but never saw a note or any package indicating that it had arrived. I checked Amazon this morning & saw that the package was delivered on Thursday & left on my porch.
It's been raining off & on since Thursday morning, along with very high winds yesterday morning.
Guess where the package was?
It had been blown off the porch & into the wet grass. However, Amazon's packaging kept the book itself nice & dry.
So there's my "Welcome to Neptune in Pisces" story.
(3,794 posts)talk about Neptune!
That means that via the book, you're about to have some tremendous realizations.
As you are also having a Chiron return this year, the Neptune will hit you big and it will introduce to you, another Aquarian, the
value of going with the flow instead of thinking and controlling.
I look forward to your experiences! Good luck.
(3,602 posts)everything I want (peace, healing, forgiveness, abundance) is already "here." I'm digesting it. It makes me cheerful.
(8,423 posts)Yes, reading this makes ME feel cheerful!
(2,649 posts)Yesterday, I attended a "Trust" workshop. Most of you do not know my issues, but they very much involve trust -- especially trusting men, but that is another discussion for another time -- so I signed up for this workshop about a month ago. The Meet-Up messages we received about the class made it look like the class would be full (about 15 people), so when I got there yesterday afternoon, I was surprised to see only 3 people actually show up. Okay, a little more intimate than I would have liked, but I'd committed to addressing these issues finally, and this time I would not lose focus.
The facilitator started out by asking us all to voice our trust issues. We each did our little talk about what we thought they were, and when the woman after me started talking, I could not stop myself from walking over behind her chair and putting my arms around her. She began to cry great sobbing gasps that shook us both, but I stood there and held her until she was calmer, and then went back to my seat. No one took notice.
After telling us some things about trust that I can't really remember, the facilitator, who is a hypno-therapist, had us all lie down on our yoga mats for a meditation. (It was actually more of a meditation/hypnosis, as I could feel that she was working on our sub-conscious minds to help us release issues.) Anyway, during the meditation, I felt many of the Ascended Masters surrounding us, but what is strange is I felt these angels who were new yet familiar to me. They told me they were Blue Healers, and that they were my soul group. They told me not to fear my ability to heal. It is the reason I am here on this planet right now, and people need it. The reason it will be effective is that I won't have to touch them, only be in the same room/space to help heal them. I guess to prove it, they told me to direct my attention to the ladies on either side of me. They were both crying and coughing and in a place of great pain (or so it felt to me). I heard my dad say "Hold their light for them. They need you more than you need this meditation right now."
So as I was holding their light and directing light from source through them, I felt Christ kiss my forehead and thank me. My little trust issues seem trivial to me now.
That's about the most of it. I cannot tell you how intensely this has changed me. I have a closer connection to everyone, and feel so protected and loved and now I know why I'm here (something that has escaped me for quite some time).
(4,225 posts)How WONDERFUL Kookaburra!!!! You great big bright ball of potent Healing love YOU!!!!!
Just reading you're experience made me happy and feel good!
(3,794 posts)What a great story!
Good for you!
(8,423 posts)This is truly wonderful!
I can't wait to read it again, to feel the bright vibes!
"issues seem trivial now." I can relate to that. Smaller experiences this week, most definitely made me think and feel the same thing.
(6,507 posts)it with us. Thank you so much as reading it sent such a wonderful feeling through me.
(14,721 posts)been doing a lot of meditation and visuallization stuff as I go to bed and wake up, trying to use that 'in between' space to do some cosmic house cleaning...
but my actual DREAMS are really hardcore too!
been dreaming about the same 2 guys for the past 2 weeks, both from my past and both still in my present. and both i still have crushes on.
last night, my long lost BF from junior high drove me home on his motorcycle (no, he never had one in the old days, he's an avid bike enthusiast now, takes his little trips once a year and his wife lets him) ...and i had him help me dispatch this weird alien bug/animal thing that was in my garage, and was very grateful for his manlyness a little hot... hehe
and the dreams in between these interesting guy dreams -have to do with my family and basically telling my sister and parents i don't care if they approve, i am living my life, and making my path...
is it the moon and neptune, or is it hormones? rofl
(8,423 posts)Then there's my heart!
Which Feels
Big as The Moon.
I just had a flash of insight..Since one of the biggest things in my heart IS my love of poetry,writing,...then wouldn't it make sense that one of the gifts of Neptune is a huge mirror that
reveals the contents of one's very own heart? Look here, you- REMEMBER WHAT YOU LOVE!
It really has felt like expansion happened, like the moon or maybe the sun decided to move into my chest. I've always thought the Sun was God, anyway.
Oh, there's lots of stuff to discuss. This was certainly a tour of the nicer spots. Oh, Chiron, that's another story..MORE later.
I'm waiting for a few more unfoldings.. but I've written other poetry just this am, because it seems the only way to describe this magnificent juncture! I'll share it when it's done.
(8,423 posts)A very Loud internal voice just said:
"Another piece to your personal puzzle" in response to some thoughts about upcoming events in a career choice.
(8,423 posts)I had a wonderful feeling of love just coming in to shine... if only just for a few minutes. It took my breath away!
(8,423 posts)Late nite Flat tires, due to tiredness.. ran red light, bank problems, debit cards(their fault), lost keys(typical for husband),
Dead Monkee, Rush LimpBalls, know there's more, but am tired. Weeeeeird-o stuff.Even weirder, had McDonalds for dinner. ..
(6,507 posts)luckily I was not stranded....but now I know why my cat used to hang out under my car all the time.......
I need to look at my truck's engine compartment and get some sort of a repellent in place.
I took it in stride, did not flip out or take it personally or as some sort of a bad sign. It is making me consider accepting another barn cat (people are always trying to give cats to me, but my old cat always chased them all away).
I am feeling stronger and less fearful every day and it is marvelous.
I also spend a good deal of time looking at clouds and the sky and the landscape and feeling REALLY lucky to be able to see it all ( I have a of high risk of blindness thing going on). I feel as though I am drinking it in, this beauty.
(8,423 posts)That's one thing I've noticed too.