Hurray! I have been invited back for interview #2
I obviously did not get the last job I interviewed for and my situation has steadily gotten worse
since my unemployment ended a couple months ago.
This job would reverse that trend. The pay is quite good, the hours/days are perfect, the benefits
are excellent and the commute is as easy as one could hope for.
Since this is the second interview with them, I have a much better chance than last time.
I really want and need this job and I would appreciate any good vibes or positive thoughts.
Thank you for your support!
(137,657 posts)Break a leg!!!
(6,163 posts)I will gladly accept your vibes.
Thank you!
(5,510 posts)Think only positive thoughts about it & visualize yourself doing the job.
(6,163 posts)I am working on the positive thoughts and visualizations....
I KNOW it helps, but need reminding from time to time.
The positive thoughts have more far reaching benefits so it would really
be wise to work on this.
Thanks again!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)visualizing you in your new job. The timing seems excellent, what with the special new moon. Everything seems JIT to me these days, so back against wall seems like the time to spring forward and upward.
(6,163 posts)I certainly am ready to spring forward also! I am SO done with the past!
Thank you for crossing your fingers and toes...being a visual person I had to giggle at the picture in my head!
(12,263 posts)You'll ace it this time. The job sounds ideal.
(6,163 posts)I appreciate the vote of confidence.
Yes, the job is ideal for me. Not an exciting job exactly, but one I could stay with long term
and at this point in my life I prefer stability!
(12,263 posts)I'd take it! Good luck!
(4,225 posts)Prosperity and employment Vibes you're way Digit!!!!! YAY!!!!! They would be remiss in not hireing you for this position!!!!
(6,163 posts)I will raise my glass of coke to that!
They seem to like the fact that I am older so go figure!
Thank you again!
(5,510 posts)Part of my apprehension in beginning my job search is the age discrimination factor. This gives me hope. Let us know how it goes!
(6,163 posts)I was back for the second interview and met a couple of the other employees that do the same thing I will be doing for the company.
I would say one was in their 40's and the other late 20's.
Best of luck to you as well!
(2,649 posts)Digit
(6,163 posts)I am looking forward to joining the ranks of the employed!
(fingers crossed)
(3,794 posts)Digit
(6,163 posts)It seems that maybe my time has finally come and the clouds are lifting away!
Although I am not quite at the celebration stage, I had the second interview and it went well.
Did I mention how NICE everyone was?