Sharing & Hugs
Please forgive my "hit and run" nature of posting these days. I'm working very hard to get both Wishadoo! and OCG (see post below) up and running.
I wanted to share what I just posted in Good Reads here ( ) and also send out infinite hugs to everyone....

(18,186 posts)I'm in freakout mode here, stalled as I wait for money that seems like the proverbial carrot on the stick.
Patience, I keep saying, but I have people counting on me and I can't come through and it is really frustrating as hell.
Thanks for all you do, in case you need to hear that!

Will check out your link....
I know that freakout mode all too well. It is extra nerve-wracking when others are counting on us.
Sending hugs of support, and gratitude for your kind words.
(4,225 posts)Have hugs and love for you OGR!!!
(4,225 posts)Prosperity! massive abundance, and security!!!!
(18,186 posts)An infusion arrived!
And I am catching up.
I even got new tires!
They call bad tires "Maypops" around here.
Mine had advanced to "Willpops." The whole way going off the mountain to the tire store, hearing the "fwap fwap fwap fwap" of the front end and feeling the steering wheel rattle in my hands, I just prepared myself for that sound of poppage. But I made it!!!
So now I can relax a bit, and maybe get some things mailed off, too.
Thanks for you and OGR's love
That sounds very Harrowing Tsiyu!!! I'm glad you made it to the tire store before DidPops! LOL!
Still sending for prosperity and SAFETY!!!!!
(18,186 posts)down roads that aren't really roads. My dad asks why I go through tires so fast. Ha!
I am exhausted, but glad to have called on my beautiful friends on the other side of the rock.
Came home with a cold, but also 4 freshly made-from-scratch crumpets wrapped in wax paper. Hello.
Thank you for your good vibes, Howler. Things are definitely looking up, and I hope all of your plans are working out - or getting adequately modified

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(18,186 posts)

(3,794 posts)bigmonkey
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