Starself Astrology Newsletter for March - Where'd all this fog come from?
This issue is dedicated to Noel711, whomever he or she is:
[center]Why Do I Have to Write About Neptune Again?
Because theres a huge need for me to do so. Even if its short.[/center]
We are in a New Age. Everybody was saying it, was warning about it, predicted it, foresaw it, knew it; and now,
were in it. There has never been an age like this before; ever.
I am not naïve enough to say this is all Neptune, because it isnt. Mainly, we cant get a clear view of Neptune
(which is normal) because it is being accompanied by its sidekick, Chiron right now. And that, is huge.
thats why you need to study astrology. WE have ZERO chance fighting against Neptunes and Chirons charges. They
ARE absolutely insisting that we have this type of care or else we will collectively dissolve. (As if we havent
The body heals itself. It doesnt heal
the liver and ignore the pancreas. Duh.
By definition, we cannot be a United States unless we are United. I am not going to talk much about politics
here (largely because its useless,) but if we cannot be united in health, that leaves us divided and unhealthy
which are in effect the same things. All entities can only stand so much division; even the largely deluded,
police station of the world: The United States of America.
But health is just a very small part of all of this picture, albeit an illustrative one.
I told you, Neptune strips you naked as if you are standing in front of G_d.
Forget health for now. Forget the USA too. What is it like? What is it really like for you to strip yourself naked
in front of G_d? You know. I dont know. But you do.
Theres your answer. Theres no more hiding.
This is why everything seems so crazy now. Since Pluto reared its powerful head starting in early 2008, we have
seen what it has done it made it so no one could stuff anything under the carpet anymore. Now, its Neptunes
You see, the planets are INDICATORS of what time it is. What time it is for us, individually and collectively. And
Neptune has made it clear we will no longer survive unless we become Neptunian. And a simple way of explaining
that is: do unto others as you would have them do unto you. A novel concept.
Why? Because you ARE them and they ARE you. And that, is no metaphor. This is why we are disoriented now. The
period adjustment is taking place.
Stand up, speak out, tell others to save it: we are here for each other now or there will be no more here. Now, do
you think the Mayans were guessing at 2012? They werent. They were brilliant and also, in my opinion, they got
their knowledge from out there. I dont care who objects: there is no way human beings saw 2012 coming thousands
of years ago. But, hey, thats good! Its great to know that our universal brothers and sisters and whatevers have
been looking out for us all along!
Back to Neptune.
I told you, it works through disillusionment. It is trying to make you disillusioned with your EARTHLY LIFE. And
please, Im really not trying to sound like a televangelist; its just the way it works.
Wrong use of Neptune: have an affair, become an alcoholic or drug addict, get divorced
Correct use of Neptune: appreciate what you already have and see the G_dliness in it
When any planet becomes active (and youll have to leave that prognosis up to talented astrologers), it stirs up
the collective mind. And you and I are MUCH MORE of the collective mindset than we might think. The ego doesnt
like hearing that its not so special, does it. Neptune is POWERFUL right now. More importantly, it means that we
are READY for its energy now.
I used to be an astrologer, then a humanistic astrologer, then a psychic astrologer, recently an intuitive
astrologer, now I am bordering on an archetypal and quantum astrologer but one thing I know now is that I am a
READY ASTROLOGER. That means that now I KNOW that we are ready or Neptune wouldnt be in Pisces with Chiron!
The challenges we are facing have been created by us, and for us in order to prove to ourselves that we can do
this. Never before in history have so many new fronts been faced.
New institutions
New businesses
New ways of relating
New laws
New ways of looking our life periods, life styles and possibilities
New challenges to education, religion, spirituality, the media, on and on and on and on
We are ready for 2012.
Shedding our old tired skin is very painful and disconcerting.
Neptune is very simple, as all wonderful archetypes are. It wants peace, love and oneness. Good old hippie words.
No, we cannot have oneness when we stay invested in one-upmanship.
No, we cannot have oneness when one guy pays 2% on his taxes while another lady pays 33%.
Its like throwing a ball up and wanting it to keep going up.
Its like screaming at everyone in your family and expecting them to be kind and calm to you.
Its like screwing everyone you work with and expecting them to make you Man of the Year.
There is natural law. G_ds law.
We have gotten by with clubbing the nearest babe in the next-door cave and dragging her over to your cave. We have
fortunately battled Hitler and defeated him. We brought down Saddam.
But now, the old ways are gone. Goodbye, adios. Certainly we will continue to have wars, but they must become
obsolete. Now, we cannot afford to lose the inner war. It always was an inner war anyway, except we were not ready
to hear that till now. Hello Neptune and Chiron. Neptune us about spirit and Chiron about healing and being cured.
We must now speak out against all the idiot Walkers of Wisconsin and any other deluded power-broker that is trying
to exclude others of our human family. We cannot stand for it AMERICA-THE-CANCER!
Burying out heads in the sand seemed to work for a long time but it really didnt. Now, we just have a whole lot
more sand to get out of the way until we can breathe again. You always end up paying.
The secret is us and the coming Age of Aquarius as well as when Pluto enters Aquarius in 2024. In Aquarius, we
will finally be ready to work as one unit for the good of all mankind.
So, what to do in the meantime while were all so lost? So disoriented? Simple, we get with it. We get involved.
We speak out against those bottom-line-kinda-beings that keep insisting on status quo (death.) Go to church if you
want; find G_d on the mountaintop or in the deep blue sea. It doesnt matter. But now, we must find our G_d-center
no matter what it takes.
Like Ram Dass says, before you are enlightened, you chop wood and you carry water. After you are enlightened, you
chop wood and you carry water.
We must see each other as precious gifts that appear in our local theaters as special, one-run, features. Because,
thats what we really are to each other. Special features. If you think that you just run into someone by
happenstance you are blind and deluded. Everything is a message and there are no coincidences.
I will write much more about Chiron later as the time decides. Suffice it to say that Chiron is making ALL OF US
VERY IRRITABLE UNTIL WE FIND OUR PATH. And, if there is anything Ive learned about Chiron, Chiron symbolizes what
is predestined for each of us. Our paths are not jive or meaningless. Likewise, our paths cannot bypass or ignore
and exclude any other.
May your path become shiningly clear for you.
May the current fog teach you how far you have drifted off course.
May it encourage you now that this is the time to self-correct.
G_d Bless
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Thanks for posting all of it.
(18,775 posts)but this one I am finding extra excellent. Thanks Rick, for posting this here, for sending it out, and for writing with such deep insight.
(3,794 posts)Let's just kick some ass, shall we.
In a nice way of course.
(8,423 posts)expressive!
Thank you for the gift of your "Special Feature". This is particularly rich and powerful. Will discuss more, when not so "Foggy from sleepiness!"
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)Did you notice how dry Texas was this past year?
Recently, it has been foggy very often. As above, so below. Lately, one can't look anywhere in or out without seeing fog.
Mostly, what I have been seeing is beauty. Gorgeous sunrises and sunsets. flowers. blessings. Gorgeous Spring.
(8,423 posts)Last edited Wed Feb 29, 2012, 06:09 PM - Edit history (1)
It's happening to you too! Yay Melissa!
(5,510 posts)Who ever heard of freezing fog before?
It was a new one on me.
Melissa G
(10,170 posts)how do you think the weather is creating the effect?
(14,447 posts)you are so right, i feel it in my soul...
I am soooo passing this on! thanks rick!
(3,794 posts)pass it on
(13,430 posts)As I've said here before, it seems like lately I've been focused on "sharing the love" (to borrow an old hippie phrase!) Every day I am finding it easier to tell people how much they mean to me, and it gets easier to live in love rather than anger and angst. I still feel annoyed sometimes with stuff--but I've made a lot of steps toward learning to walk away from the anger or the fear that the curveballs used to provoke.
This month's Starself rang so true for me that I had to come and tell you. I seriously hope you DO realize how much we value you and your work. Thank you for sharing it with us.
(3,794 posts)I'm so glad for you.
We have no choice.
(5,510 posts)Neptune..........& Chiron.........
The Blue Flower
(5,673 posts)I've been through enough chaotic times in my life to have learned that the way through chaos is to stay true to the things I know are true, which are what Rick said. Stay loving, stay selfless, know that we live in a universe in which love is the energy and unifying force, and trust that a
G-d of infinite wisdom, love, and creativity is in charge. There is reason behind the chaos.
I picture life at such times like a blanket at a picnic, with everything still laid out on it. It's as though the cosmos picks up the corners of the blanket and shakes it so that everything flies up in the air. Everything eventually comes back down, but who knows how things will settle out? With everything up in the air, the opportunities for change, for new configurations, are infinite. By staying true to the pole star of love and trust, though, by making the choice to reject fear and despair, even though we aren't in control, our own attitude toward what's happening makes all the difference in creating a good outcome.
Be the light, be the love. Trust and be calm.
(23,511 posts)Thank you for sharing these thoughts, and thanks to Mr. Exquisite Zodiac for another amazing newsletter!!!
Our Collective Good is where we Manifest Wisdom. Wishadoo! is where we put it into Action.
(3,794 posts)Well said!
(8,423 posts)LOVELY!
(4,225 posts)Thats it in a nutshell! Thanks Rick!!!
magical thyme
(14,881 posts)I would add that socialized health care is just one aspect that needs fixing.
The health delivery system itself is terribly broken. It seems to me that for every 1 person who we help, there are at least a dozen we harm by our current mix of factory approach, alive at all costs (to where we inflict massive suffering on the dying), and enabling of drama-queens and attention-seekers.
Had this discussion on the qt with a lab assistant just the other day. Forcing dying people awake at 5am, to have black, shriveled,, veinless arms and hands drawn by an exhausted, half-blind tech forced to work 12 hours straight, for "routine morning labs" because god-forbid they should be allowed to sleep peacefully through the night, wake at a normal hour, and be drawn by a phlebotomist who draws hundreds/day every day so really knows what they're doing. Or, god-forbid, should not be drawn at all because then we wouldn't be able to keep track of every metabolic process in their body as it attempts to shut down.
You could not pay me to enter a nursing home or hospital in old age. We are just milking them for all the money we can.
And yes, for every actual emergency we get a half dozen or more drama queens in the ER because they threw up or have a head cold. We spend thousands and thousands of dollars running tests on them. Everything comes back negative/normal except their glucose is always high because they live on junk food. We call them frequent flyers because their histories are filled with repeat visits for ordinary aches and pains, 24-hour stomach bugs, etc. When they really need spiritual help and to stop trying to fill their emptiness with junk food, smoking and drinking.
(3,794 posts)that was so right on. so well said.
we have to keep screaming and working.
thank you so much for your post.
(6,473 posts)so many of the problems here with us.
You are so correct.....
(2,185 posts)not only to this most enlightening newsletter,
but to your craft.
Although I know what you say is true,
sometimes we all need to be reminded.
And realize that the fog is there for a purpose:
to blind us to the brilliance of reality,
because we need to learn to crawl before we can walk.
And besides: no one can look directly at the divine and live.
Whenever I read your postings, I want more.
I just think of Chiron, that old disabled centaur,
and think: Wounded Healer (Henri Nouwen)-
Just where is Chiron in your chart, Rick,
and tell him I thank him for you.
(3,794 posts)Pluto just sat on it.
We alll have newsletters in us; we just have to speak. All of you speak so eloquently, so heart-felt.
I'm fed up. An emailer wrote to me because I sounded so "intense".
The next emailer was offended by my use of "G_d"
I do not care.
I am not responsible for the words THEY HEAR.
We're all in this together; I'm battling no one (Except Walker in Wisconsin) hee hee
Thank you Noel
(8,423 posts)maybe.. I saw it as passion, excitement, and just natural responses due to the circumstances.
Maybe your reader thought everything was supposed to be the same.
Like you's different now(dimension,time)..
(3,794 posts)I'm no longer in the mood, thank you.
Things are bad.
Things are very bad.
We all know this.
I'm sitting idly by.
I'm also not interested in offenending anyone
I really believe that the offended is the offender.
Thank you for your support.
(6,473 posts)where can I find Chiron on my chart....none that I have list it....
(3,794 posts)in the first house NEXT to Venus; that's why he art...
(6,473 posts)I love reading what you write.
(21,363 posts)Your description of Pisces, re: my 11yo grandson, is so accurate. 'it doesn't matter', lol, I hear that from him often.
Thank you, kind sir!
(3,794 posts)It's worth it, I think, just for the light it casts upon Pisces.
Thank you
(21,363 posts)I'm going to try to set up a visit in person toward mid- late March. Is there any time that would be inconvenient this month?
(10,420 posts)brain is not so foggy.
Can you speak about America--THE CANCER (and, here, I'm having a bit of trouble forming my thoughts). Many times you speak in metaphorical terms regarding the planets. It's those times when I feel you are almost free-associating, letting yourself channel those universal truths that touch all of us very deeply. Those of us who work in the health field see the disease of cancer as something that must be cut out, burned out, etc. Is there any sort of correlation between this country--USA--Cancer, and cancer--the disease that must be cut out?
(3,794 posts)I don't intend to mix cancer the disease with the sign.
Cancer is America's sign which is what makes us so great and pathetic at the same time.
It is why we sweat the return of every single soldier.
It is why we care about family (as if the rest of the world is different)
Cancer is a very difficult sign to be.
It has a great tendency to hide its head in the sand. It's no wonder that the Rep Party is a Cancer Sun with Moon in SCORPIO.
"If we're going down, you're going down with us." The party of the "family" blech.
Cancer has a terrible, altho understandable, nature "as long as my family is ok, screw the rest of you."
Sounds awful Republican, does it not?
Cancer is born dependent and is prone to false promises of security, bypassing and in no need of any rational explanation.
They'd rather be lied to and FEEL WARM AND fuzzy, than to face the truth. This is why Carter "failed."
Even so, Cancer is a wonderful, nurturing sign too. The big problem is that we feel ENTITLED
that's it
we are special
we are America
we are entitled
we are the best
And Pluto is all over it now. This is why we're suffering, not because of Cancer; not because of Pluto, but
because we refuse to let go (Cancer phrase) of the false sense of security. It's killing us.
(10,420 posts)"They'd rather be lied to and FEEL WARM AND fuzzy, than to face the truth. This is why Carter "failed."
And this is why the GOP cannot come up with a viable candidate. Pres. Obama will have to crash land the plane and I think he knows it.
(5,198 posts)is a planet I feel so at home with. It is nearly on my ascendant and I felt --relieved--when it landed in Pisces, ahhhhh, whew! I love what is happening in the collective, that groups of people seem to be feeling their interconnedness.
Rick, you said the Republican party is Cancer with Scorpio moon, which makes me wonder what the Democratic party chart looks like? Maybe you wrote about this before but I missed it. Thank you Rick for all your great posts--an ASAH lurker Felix
(3,794 posts)when the Dem party began.
It's a shame.
note: many people with Cancer Sun and Moon in Scorpio do just fine though
Yes, their interconnectedness: Neptune
(5,198 posts)Ricochet21
(3,794 posts)icymist
(15,888 posts)Last edited Mon Mar 5, 2012, 08:28 PM - Edit history (1)
In which Jeffersonians hotly contested (this treaty) which they saw as giving Britian too much. In reponse they formed the Jeffersonian Republican party, also know as the party of Jefferson, which favored France. This was later renamed the Democratic -Republican party by historians in order to distinguish it from the modern Republican party, also know as the party of Lincoln. The Democratic -Republican party split during the 1824 election as that outcome was thrown to the US Congress where Speaker Clay backed John Quincy Adams over Andrew Jackson to win the presidency. It was at Jackson's convention in 1832 that the party that referred to itself as the Republican party would later, in the mid 1830's change its' name to the Democratic party. In 1844 the name became offical.
I would use the date of June 24, 1795 as the birth of the Jeffersonian party that would later be known as the Democratic party. Does this make any sense?
(3,794 posts)and as with many entities, many have multiple birth dates and times. What I find is that you have to let each one "exist" as you test it. Over time, one will prove out to be the heart of the party.
I haven't taken the time to do all the test that would be necessary. But, the Republican's chart, besides their Sun in Cancer w Moon in Scorpio makes total sense. And their coming NEPTUNE RETURN in 6 years = their decay and cause for celebration.
We are the wonderful thing. The voice of the sane and caring - of that I'm so grateful.
(4 posts)Did I miss it or something?
(3,794 posts)and sometimes it doesn't
I know people like it, but it takes time...