BIG Earthquake dream last night - Bay Area
I grew up in the oakland hills, overlooking the bridges and the lights... funny how that place is still a point of reference for me even though my folks sold the house in 2006. and yes, i lived through the Loma prieta quake in 89...and this dream quake was at least 10 times BIGGER
the house is a split level, set into the hillside, where the bedrooms and "upstairs" is really just about five steps up and the main part of the house is sticking out with the amazing view and deck.
so i am downstairs on the couch in the living room and the rolling starts, i go to look out the window and i see buildings just break and crumble like toys... the house is shaking more violently, and as i try to run upstairs the force of it rolls me against the wall, the house is moving like a fun house ride...
all i can think of is getting to my parent's bedroom (hmmm security?) and my mom, cuz i want to make sure we are together to ride this out...not only that, but my parent's room was the safest place in the house because of how it sits on the land and retaining wall....
I think my mom and i did find eachother, and then i think we were looking out the back door into the woods for our cat, that's all i can recall at the end... but the actual quake was freaking HUGE and ironically i was not afraid, or emotional at all... just in that mode of get people you love and get on with it...the observer in me was amazed by the buildings folding in the beginning too...i think i stared at that while time stood still...