Of Vital Importance about 2012
I know we are all quite busy with the holidays, but please be thinking of all that we can do to spread as many posts as possible about changing the doom and gloom attitude surrounding "end dates", and encouraging what we all know in our hearts to be immensely possible for the planet and humanity.
Much more later about this topic, but I think we ought to make it a major campaign, just like when everyone began to "go green", it is time for everyone to ...whatever the slogan might be for NO DOOM AND GLOOM, maybe "Go LoveLight" or something..most of you know what I mean! Think, think, think!
A major turnaround from the Hollywood catastrophe movie mindset, just might change everything, or.... it's sure pretty to think so. Or am I dreaming again?
Big Smiley Huggy thingy for all of you!
(14,469 posts)The message OGR was sharing... "we're better together- 2012"
Any way we do it is helpful I agree. And for some reason I so feel like this year will be better than last.
(1,979 posts)Love your post and couldn't agree more. We need to speed the healing and assist in spreading the light.
My favorite way is ho'opono'pono, easy to apply it to anything that needs healing and in my experience, it can truly bring healing where needed. it is pronounced "ho-o-pono-pono" and the words are
I love you
I'm sorry
Please forgive me
Thank you
I imagine what needs to be healed, whether it is a relationship, water i drink, my body or another's, whatever - there is no limit, and then just continually repeat the mantra. On my water glass i have a sticker that says "ILYISPFMTY" so that I am literally drinking the words. I bless my essential oils with the prayer and have personally experienced outstanding results.
Try it on one issue for one day or one week (until it feels "done" and release it to the Universe for the Best Possible Outcome - and see what happens.
(14,469 posts)I am going to have to write that down!
(23,545 posts)Thanks, Annette!
Edit to add that the one word "blessings" encompasses all of that to me (I need to simplify everything as I get older...lol). I used to do that when drinking anything -- "blessing" it with the intention of the other prayer Annette mentioned. I still do it while in the shower -- envisioning "blessings" raining upon me and radiating to the rest of the world and Mother Earth -- but have not been blessing my drinking water and food lately.
I am SO going to start doing that again. Thanks for the reminder.
(8,423 posts)the ILYISPFMTY from the book by Joe Vitale. I forget to use it. Thanks for reminding me!
(657 posts)Last night I read a chapter of Manifesting Michaelangelo, than woke up and read what you wrote, it was one in the same. So I decided to try it. I decided on something small. I feel bad my boss is going thru kemo(spelling?) treatments, and I feel bad for him. He is losing his hair and is self conscious. We are going through big transitions at work and things are bad. I thought of him and said your words. About 10 min later the phone rang, it was my boss, he said I know you've been working so hard, take today off. I've never heard those words in my life. I guess deep down we are all dealing with stuff. But showing compassion for someone, can come back to you. He suddenly had compassion for my situation. It worked. I will definetly make this a part of my daily routine. Thank you so much. Empathy and compassion for people is a good thing.
(1,979 posts)are you a lightworker/healer? we are finding that the lightworkers are getting extremely quick results using the chant (like instant delivery!) What you described happened to you, I am hearing from MANY people. Say the ho-opono'pono, release for the best possible outcome and wait and see what happens.
So glad you shared!
Sanity Claws
(22,093 posts)thanks for sharing this manifestation with us.
I'm not familiar with Manifesting Michaelangelo. Can you tell us a little bit about the book and why you recommend it?
(657 posts)That never happened to me before. I don't know if I recommend the book. I read it when it first came out, I think I heard of it from someone here. I was disappointed at first, but with all of my books, I go back and read them months or years later and all of a sudden it resonates with me. It is an amazing story, and I don't know why I picked it up that night, but I was reading the pages that were saying the same as AC_Member, I thought how he talks about things coming to you and being open to it, I had to try it. I think it worked because I had no connection to the outcome, I was just feeling bad for him, I said I was sorry If I ever made him feel uncomfortable in anyway, he is going through a bad time, and sometimes people can say things or do things that make the other feed bad, he has lost all of his hair from the treatments and I was feeling bad for him. What was strange was I normally would've been on the road by then, and why didn't he call me Sunday night and tell me not to come in. He called about 10 min after I did it. It was amazing, I needed that nudge to my faith and trust in things, it gets hard sometimes and something like that can restore it.
I want to wish all of you the very best of Holidays, I get so much from all your postings, it has helped me get through some tough times, the past couple of years. I have read books people have recom, and found websites that I love also.
I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart and may we all find the peace, love and harmony we strive for in the coming year.
(23,545 posts)That's wonderful. Thanks for sharing.
(8,423 posts)is one of the best books I have ever read, seriously wonderful!
Fire Walk With Me
(38,893 posts)In co-creation energy, if you hate yourself, you will harm yourself. If you love others, you will know love. The beautiful St. Francis prayer becomes functional.
Every one gets a choice with increasing pressure/relief from the new energy. As you said, build that happy muscle, no matter what. Many will just not get it and flame out next year. Others may get caught up in local or national karmas. Stay in that happy place, always send love. You are what you do.
In simplest terms, just be happy regardless, like the lesson at the end of The Grinch who stole Christmas. Seriously.
Those of us who are good at energy can send love and light where it most matters.
(8,423 posts)FWWM.. I feel like you've really come alive lately! Your posts are extra poignant! Thank you for wonderful words.
(23,545 posts)I feel like a pest and a nag mentioning Wishadoo all the time, but this is very much one of the things I've hoped to nurture there: a safe space where people can share positivity (both for our individual lives and collectively) and thus create this new world.
I envision daily sharings and uplifting information (earthly information for our human experience) which can become viral, as you say, kimmers.
I envision people blogging and "tweeting" there about how they envision their lives can change for the better -- and thus how our earthly experience can change for the better, for The Common Good. Write a new story.
I envision people using the Wishlist to ask, offer, give, receive, dream and pay it forward.
I envision people creating groups based on interests and geographic location, to connect, discuss, learn, do and create our lives anew. I envision this as a very safe space to do so, as the foundation is one of love, respect, compassion and positivity.
Speaking of foundations, Wishadoo will be brand new by the first of the year, as it is undergoing its own huge upgrade, making things much more clean and crisp.
CafePress Store
(14,469 posts)I am so amazed by the work you have done to make this dream a reality too... it has been a long hard road for you and here you are, still going strong! so yea, BE that change baby!
(8,423 posts)If I had the smilie thangs, there would be a whole boatload of hugs!
Remember Me
(1,532 posts)I know a good many of you are every bit as "into" the Occupy Movement as I am. For some reason I feel prompted to post this link to tell you about a thread I wouldn't want you to miss:
OWS, Foucault, and the Nature of Power OP by Deep13
get the red out
(13,673 posts)I have been very frustrated with the "doom and gloom" crap for a long time. And my gut just doesn't buy into it anyway.
(8,423 posts)to keep it at the top!