Pope sends Deepavali greetings to Hindus
"In a message addressed to Hindus for the feast of Deepavali, the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue extends its most cordial greetings and expresses its wish that this feast may light up their lives, even in the midst of the anxiety and uncertainty arising from the pandemic.
The feast, which falls on 4 November this year, is a celebration that marks the triumph of good over evil.
On this day, also called Diwali, or the Festival of Lights, Hindu families across the world transform their homes into beacons of light, exchange gifts, share feasts and perform pooja (prayers) to deities.
Along with "the scars that are fresh in our minds from the pandemic", reads the message, there is a sense of resignation, despair and despondency whenever devastating things happen across the globe. In this regard, the message goes on to share some thoughts on how we, both Christians and Hindus, can bring the light of hope in peoples lives in such challenging times....(more)