Maranatha, Lord!
What if You were to come back and rescue humanity on the Feastday of Your Incarnation?
The first being incarnate as a babe in swaddling clothes.
The second and final in Your garment of glorious splendor!
Christ is Born! 🌠
Give Him Glory! 👑

Mc Mike
(9,201 posts)sprinkleeninow
(20,705 posts)one may be expected to participate in. Each year I did less and less and we survived! Well, I'll be...
The materialism, the commercialism. I had my own personal protest parade going on.
These last two days I blessed some younguns with $$ they did not expect. Kind of a 'tip'. One I had to fight off-they refused at first! 😄
So, with neighbors gifting edible goodies and another bringing some clothes to charity. I gave him and a buddy who were my husband's size lots of items. They took what appealed to them and donated the balance. I am receiving help from above.
Now yesterday and today feels like the 'real meaning'.
May you and yours have a Christmas of Love and Joy and Peace! 💖
Mc Mike
(9,201 posts)I agree with your views on the issues, here. Some 'traditions' get in the way of the actual ideas, feelings, we're celebrating.
I hope you have peace and happiness now, and year round.
(20,705 posts)Enjoy this day!