☦ Not ineptness. Complete and absolute evil, unleashed upon our nation. ☦

(8,178 posts)It's just too obvious.
(20,705 posts)This sealed it for me. Chilling.
(11,116 posts)and killing people.
(20,705 posts)Feel as if I been hit with a 2x4 to the soul.
(11,116 posts)BigmanPigman
(52,672 posts)GOP = SADISTS
(14,666 posts)Our society is awash with it.....
* 30 to 40% brainwashed with right-wing dogma with little or no hope of rehabilitation.
* The remaining 60 to 70% (me included) has been far too complacent regarding the loss of community and the slow eroding of government viability and humanist values.
This thing clearly demonstrates the gross failures of unfettered capitalism and globalism which I've seen as doomed for eventual failure for a along time. Sometimes, old-fashioned common sense does shine. The pattern of slow, worsening inequality of income and asset ownership has been in plain sight for many years. Our populace has become enamored to it with our worship of wealth, privilege and celebrity rather than humility, humanism and environmentalism.
I'm proud to be a part of an exceptional group of folks here on DU that sees through that fog of denial.....
(11,885 posts)By doing nothing , and not voting now for this to kick in.
(26,795 posts)Saw his signature for the first time. It alone is very telling.
Now, I'm almost completely gutted. We are awash with evil.
We have to try to look for things to be grateful for because if we don't, I fear we'll go insane.
❤ lmsp
(9,426 posts)including Moscow Mitch, are in the age group most at risk. What makes them think they will not get this virus? McConnell will get what he deserves some day. I for one hope that day comes SOON. Evil to the core, with way too much power. When his health starts failing, all the money he has horded by screwing taxpayers, will not help him one bit. tRump can claim how good his health is, but look at him. His bloated face is very telling. He is on some medication that causes swelling of his face. He moves slowly, and cautiously. This is not a well man. I wonder if he keeps that hat pulled down over his face to hide his pupils? People have commented on how his pupils are dilated. Keeping the brim of that ridiculous hat pulled way down his face, hides his eyes. What a failure he is, in every possible way.