Has anyone posted on the theory that Cain was the product of Eve and The Serpent?
This theory also proposes that Abel is the product of Adam and Eve. Thanks for any replies and links offered.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Serpent seed, dual seed or two-seedline is a controversial doctrine according to which the serpent in the Garden of Eden mated with Eve, and the offspring of their union was Cain. This belief is still held by some adherents of Christian Identity, who claim that the Jews, as descendants of Cain, are also descended from the serpent.[1][2] The idea has also existed in several other non-racial contexts, and major proponents include Daniel Parker (17811844),[3] William M. Branham (19091965)[4] and Arnold Murray (1929- ). However, Murray teaches that the Kenites (and not the Jews) were the offspring of Cain. Murray teaches that the Jews descended from Adam through Seth and so on.[5]
The doctrine that Eve mated with the serpent, or with Satan, to produce Cain also appears in early Gnostic writings such as the Gospel of Philip (c. 350); however, this teaching was explicitly rejected as heresy by Irenaeus (c. 180) and later mainstream Christian theologians. A similar doctrine appeared in Jewish midrashic texts in the 9th century and in the Kabalah. It is considered a false doctrine by mainstream Protestant denominations.[citation needed] Catholic theologians point to the fact that the Bible states that the original sin is that of Adam and Eve eating a forbidden fruit.[6]
more at link: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Serpent_seed
(55,334 posts)Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Thats my opinion
(2,001 posts)The two very different and unreconcilable accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2 are Hebrew stories that grew up over centuries and were finally reduced to a variety of writings that were collected and edited. They are not history or science. They are efforts to talk about what is under history. They do not record events, but only point to the more profound truths of ancient Hebrew tradition.
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)Response to Tuesday Afternoon (Original post)
Post removed
Tuesday Afternoon
(56,912 posts)xmas74
(29,818 posts)if you don't agree. We are believers here but we accept non-believers, as long as they do not attack our beliefs.