(Jewish Group) Before WWII, Jewish mobsters kept Nazis at bay in the US -- with their fists
The way author Michael Benson tells it, one day in 1938, New York judge and Jewish communal leader Nathan Perlman sat at a bar and thought, How come these Nazis get to march down 86th Street, goose-stepping and sieg heiling like its the Macys Parade? Why are they so brazen?
It was because they were not worried about the consequences. Too few people in then-isolationist America really cared about what was being said about the Jews or what was happening to them in Europe, Benson said. What was needed, then, were Jews who werent afraid to break some laws and some bones as they challenged the homegrown Nazi threat.
And thats when, in Bensons words, Judge Perlman thought outside the box.
What happened next is the subject of Bensons book, Gangsters Vs. Nazis: How Jewish Mobsters Battled Nazis in Wartime America (Kensington), published in late April. As the title suggests, Perlman had a few connections in the underworld. That included Meyer Lansky, an accountant, bootlegger and fixer whose work straddled both the Italian American and the Jewish mob. Lansky, in turn, had at his disposal Jewish members of a mob enforcement organization known as Murder Inc.

Members of the German-American Bund parading through the streets of New York City in 1938. (Three Lions/Getty Images)