(Jewish Group) A Jewish comedian didn't mention Israel in his act. Heckled with 'Free Palestine"
A Jewish comedian didnt mention Israel in his act. He was still heckled with Free Palestine
In a comedy club in Omaha, Nebraska, the American Jewish comedian Sam Morril made a joke about Jeffrey Epstein and Jewish heritage month.
In response, a heckler began to shout free Palestine at a Jew who was not saying a thing about Israel or Palestine.
Morril asked the heckler to explain why, in response to a Jewish joke, they began to yell about apartheid. The heckler, like others who blur the line between criticizing Israel and being antisemitic, was not interested in engaging, and continued to yell.
If youre involved in Israel debates long enough, you know how incidents like what Sam Morril experienced play out. The talking points used to minimize the connection between overheated rhetoric and the harassment of Jews goes something like this: This heckler was bad. But speaking out against Israel is not antisemitic, and any critique of those who do so is designed to silence criticism of Israel.

the way he handled that bigot!