A group of Muslim women I saw at the supermarket last week.
This store is in a university dominated community. There are lots of foreign students and staff from all over the world.I have seen women wearing Hijab and traditional Pakistani dress. This day I saw what might be the influence of American ways upon those from elsewhere in action. One woman I cannot tell her age because she was wearing (if I have the names correct) Abaya and Niqab, all in black. I admit that she got more of my attention than did her companion pushing a cart with a baby boy. This young mother was wearing a hijab. I can't remember what else she was wearing. Now here comes little Miss America, a young teen in skinny jeans and long, loose flowing hair. It was the contrast of the 3 that really made it stick in my mind.
If the woman in more conservative and traditional dress is the grandmother of this girl I wonder the conversations about dress in the home. Our granddaughter was prone to wearing cut off jeans so short that the pockets were hanging out. We would be going to town and her grandmother would say, "Put on some clothes. You're not going out in THAT!"